- The" red island "is an anachronism, one of the last bastions of the world's defunct Communism;
- Castro of leader of a long-doomed system and a forever yesterday revolutionary, dogmatic ideas arrested, motionless and stubborn, and the complete even after the disappearance of the socialist brother help from the voluntary abdication of the "real socialism" convinced of the virtues of free enterprise can;
- the first contrary to his promises in front of nearly a half century, his country deprives Parliament and democratic elections;
ultimately any attempt to open its economy to finally the free movement of capital, shall, in a dictatorial manner of a cancellation;
- who oppose the fundamental right to private property with open hostility;
- of up to the present day all the reforms towards democracy and market economy, and any insistence for change met with stubborn refusal.
The everything speaks first not against Fidel Castro. There is rather a matter of question, why ask the critics from the realm of freedom so strongly the rejection of the small island state of socialism and its devotion to freedom and democracy.
A sober look at the capitalist countries of Latin America not only perfectly adequate, not to make such a demand gap. If so humane imputed question of wealth, education and health of the working masses in earnest, then the warning should be unbiased correspondents in Rio, Berlin and Beijing: "Caution - Capitalism fits you and your environment substantial damage "that large sections of the people of the strict, market economy countries in poverty and misery of life, these humanists does not prevent the Cuban people to recommend their way to the very freedom of wage labor and capital.
Why talk hunger and illiteracy, homelessness and crime-after all phenomena to which Castro has withdrawn his country in the ground, but in normal everyday life are all capitalist nations - not against democracy and market economy? Why vice versa is a rusting tractor a Cuban sugar plantation proof that communism does not work? Why is the misery of millions in Latin American democracies is no argument against private property and its political domination? Why, however, is a crumbling building facade in Havana, a symbol of the inefficiency of socialism? Why cause the favelas of Sao Paulo to Madrid no outcry against the democratic capitalism? As possible to the trained eye of the Democrats who always unerringly sort of a hand in the interpretation "a bug in the system" and also "The system is the error?
of capitalist growth rates of the Chinese economy is the news magazine "Der Spiegel" so impressed that it provocatively on the front page asks: "Communism Does it?" Not would be that the "downside" of the boom concealed the contrary, the envious respect for the rise of Red China is accompanied by loud reports of the incidental victims of the "economic miracle". People to whom this country on Hartz'schen program of the People depletion disrupts only that it was not enough "reforms" has been launched to discover in the Middle Kingdom at a time of exploitation and environmental degradation. Why do they do this but do not know as an argument against the system "capitalism" meant? And what makes them so sure that this also does no one, even though in their own country treated exactly the same claim of profits-making, the people and their health is to expensive cost factor?
The bias in thinking is evident. And their own logic shows that the partisanship of the liberal-democratic system seems not to have without vulgarity. But why these thinkers is no rush to cheap, no malice mean to? Why are apologists for the freedom of their hypocrisy not mistaken? So unshakeable as their prejudice seems to be the foundation, capitalism is successful! Without doubt. His standards are. There is no alternative to the global principles of his rule. Let alone a significant resistance. The Democrats hold all seriousness for an argument. It's their whole argument. And after the ignominious end of real socialism, see also the critical spirit of the nation voluntarily: the system of the West is still unbeatable - consider economic, freedom-standard at all unique, by and large peaceful, Critique of portable than the fact that it was not enough for the global enforcement conditions does such a good example.
Eine kleine Voraussetzung schließt dieses Kompliment an den real existierenden Weltkapitalismus freilich schon ein; sie betrifft den Standpunkt der Begutachtung. Ihre Vorzüge zeigt die mustergültige westliche Gesellschaftsordnung nämlich nur dann so richtig, wenn man gar keine anderen Interessen kennt als diejenigen, die darin die bestimmenden sind; wenn man sich gar keine anderen Probleme macht als diejenigen, die dort entstehen und vom Staat, der keineswegs zufällig ein Gewaltwaltapparat ist, betreut werden; wenn man gar keine anderen Erfolgsgesichtspunkte gelten lässt als diejenigen, die in der Welt des Geschäfts und der staatlichen Gewalt same rule, so if you, vice versa, for the masses on the globe no other profession is considering as those useful maneuver in the world economy and the forces responsible for its operation - to be or else too much. produce a wealth of which a small radical minority enormous amount has, the vast majority of people put at life conditions in which they service to the property of others as their only chance of survival be taken and and fight still struggling to be used: The democratic capitalism, the really first class. And he can do even more: fed intellectuals who are working for relatively optimal "solution" zahlreicher – ökonomischer, ordnungspolitischer, sittlicher und anderer – „Menschheitsprobleme“ verklären. Diese methodische Parteilichkeit beiseite gelassen, fällt einiger Glanz ab vom siegreichen System der Freiheit. Dann erweist sich die Freiheit selbst als fadenscheinige Errungenschaft, weil sie tatsächlich eine Technik der Herrschaft und auf der anderen Seite das billige Selbstbewusstsein der Beherrschten ist. Die demokratische Regierungsart zieht nicht schon deshalb Komplimente auf sich, weil manche Diktatoren brutaler verfahren – etwa so, wie Demokratien es sich für Notstandszeiten vorbehalten. Vom Marktgeschehen gibt es nicht so sehr glanzvolle Versorgungsleistungen zu melden, eher den Zweck der ganzen Sache: das Geld und seine Vermehrung, sowie einige Härten, das Geldverdienen durch Arbeit betreffend. Sogar der Frieden, den die verantwortlichen Weltmächte hüten, sieht weniger idyllisch aus, mehr nach zwischenstaatlichen Gewalt- und Erpressungsverhältnissen, die – ausnehmend demokratisch! – die Völker für ihren Staat auszubaden haben. Und vom weiten Feld origineller Weltanschauungen bleibt nicht viel mehr als eine Masse ebenso wohlmeinender wie verfälschender Umdeutungen des Weltgeschehens übrig, deren Dummheit nicht selten die Schmerzgrenze erreicht.
Bleibt noch die Frage, warum die USA bis heute derart unnachgiebig die Existenz des kubanischen Eilands . Combat Invasion, assassination, economic blackmail by the embargo, even as World War II mobilization determined to end the "Cuban missile crisis" - to pay the U.S. government leaves no doubt as to their uncompromising hostility to the Cuban Revolution.
Since time immemorial, the U.S. Latin America treated as its "backyard", as their sphere of interest and area of \u200b\u200btheir exclusive influence, which is completely subordinate to the economic, political and strategic interests of the main imperialist power . That the sovereignty of States over there the overwhelming demands of capitalist domination and the power of their instruments of power counts for nothing, that the complete dependence of these countries from the U.S. interest in its use, even without colonial regime, the natural law is the superior American imperialism, demonstrates Washington's Latin American policy impressive. If necessary, it underscores this claim with a number of political-constitutional law doctrines that place the well-known in the West "injustice" of the Brezhnev Doctrine, by far, in the shade.
in 1823 under the slogan of anti-colonial "America the Americans," proclaimed Monroe Doctrine, followed by nine others that deal with the growing dollar dominance in Latin America, the sovereignty of the nations there as a purely formal matter, and sometimes highly officially declare null and void. The list of interventions for the protection of American interests is long. To restore the puppet regime, the U.S. government is in their choice of means the freedom to insubordination in their backyard, depending on the situation with the big stick or respond to one or other secret maneuver. Economic conditions in the dollar hemisphere are decided from the beginning: The basis of all economic activity, profit-making und Spekulierens ist die US-Währung. Zunehmende Verschuldung der Latino-Haushalte und vermehrter Reichtum des US-Kapitals gehen Hand in Hand. Ein ganzer Subkontinent funktioniert, deren Völker subsistieren überhaupt nur in dem Maße, wie dadurch unmittelbar Dollar-Kapitalisten reicher werden. Die auf die Rolle der sprichwörtlichen „Bananenstaaten“ zugerichteten Nationen Mittel- und Südamerikas gewahren daran ihre Rolle im Hinterhof der USA: nämlich als Objekt der US-amerikanischen Staatsraison, die jede wirkliche wie vorgeschobene Störung der einseitig-nützlichen Wirtschaftsbeziehungen zum südlichen Nachbarn als eine Verletzung ihrer Souveränität betrachtet.
this exorbitant claim gets the while harmless, but just renegade Inselvölkchen felt in the Caribbean. For over 40 years the U.S. has an armed attack, and with continual subversion by boycotts and terrorism done everything to ensure that Cuba's failed alternative development testing and is abandoned to Guns-th of dollarization and subordination to the capitalist world market. But they want more: they make it clear that they are to do with their superior power, any semblance of a Cuban alternative to submission to their world order regime to a historic mistake willing, that are only satisfied if Cuba is again fully under the control of the U.S.. The claim of the leading Western power to be responsible for nothing less than the world order fulfilled, while the necessary facts of totalitarianism. During the Cold War, wrote the No. 1 world power, yet the title "Freedom not Socialism" on the flags, after Nine Eleven, they defined their claim to world power with a global war on terror.
Following the voluntary abdication of the Soviet Union and before 11 September was the crime of Havana "merely" in his stubborn self-assertion. In the era of U.S. Rogue State Logic is the verdict: a state that has the ability to anti-American act, she can be awarded because of his evil will also come true. He is so classified in the "axis of evil". In contrast, only helps prevention. Evidence of the alleged risk can be found:
"For four decades, Cuba has developed a sophisticated biomedical industry, supported until 1990 by the Soviet Union. This industry is one of the most advanced in Latin America, it is a leader in the production of pharmaceuticals and vaccines that are sold around the world ... But analysts and Cuban refugees have long been drawn suspicion and put the activities in the biomedical companies in question ... Cuba has at least a program to develop offensive biological weapons "
to decide when and how the United States whether executing the so-defined risk their action, Havana has not the slightest influence. As long as the Cuban Communist Party does not voluntarily surrendered, it makes all wrong anyway.