Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Scorpion Men Flirting
I will use in my teaching Microsoft Publisher. There, there remains only the question of whether or Publisher 97 Publisher 2000. Then I still worry about whether I still use your own image editing program (PSP, Paint, Photoshop) or all the image changes here you can
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Hello world, here
an online mind mapping tool for anyone interested. / IHMC CmapTools (Online Concept Map Tool) also work together on a map.
Have fun trying
Greetings Basti
PS. I found this link: Tip of the way, Ms. May from the PH!
Thursday, June 22, 2006
How To Write For Community Services
Hello Mr. Spannagel here is my comment of the week to the UE:
Grüßle Basti
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So this time I want to put a question to the readers of my blog and as always, of course, my hour. I have me thinking that I am going with my student in the zoo. A few groups will be photographing the animals and their environment (Digital Camera) and a group flyers, tickets, descriptions, maps, guidebook, all that lying around just so bring what you would collect and then transfer it via a scanner on the computer. Then I would turn this into a book or some kind of student newspaper ("Zooausflugszeitung"). Now to my question: What program would be most useful for most use in this context. I think Word is not as this well suited because it is difficult with the pictures and text, even with the page layout it is not equipped to provide comfortable. An excellent program to create outstanding school newspapers would Quark XPress 6.0, but that's not even a very comprehensive program and there is also much too expensive for the school. So I've considered to use Microsoft Publisher. This is part of the Microsoft Family belongs to the most complete computer packages and is very easy to handle. You do not need to each image that you paste it first on it, right click and format, and "back" or "on-the-text" set (as is done in Word required), but it only takes the picture / the Clipart in Publisher to pull and you can move it freely (!) Without any text bondage!
So what do you think?
Friday, June 16, 2006
Can You Use Clipper Oil On Guns
weblog article on "Computer as a thinking tool" ( Computers as Mind Tools for Engaging Learners in Critical Thinking "by Jonassen, Carr & Yueh (1998).)
As the picture here already shows I have placed the emphasis on mind maps I find mind maps a great idea to
-..? prepare topics to enable (in connection with a brainstorming session of the class), so in the knowledge What do you all know about Australia What do you all know about the Aborigines ?
- to the topic zu festigen
- um zu sehen wie weit der Lernfortschritt der Schüler ist
- um ein Theme am Ende einer Unterrichtseinheit und/oder vor einer Klausur zu wiederholen
- um ein Thema in Stichworten zusammenzufassen
- um die Vorbereitung dazu zu treffen, das man ein Thema das schon eine Weile zurückliegt schnell wieder in den Kopf bekommt (z.b. wenn man weiß, dass man am Ende der Schuljahres viele Klausuren hat und daher nicht viel Zeit hat, sich alles nochmals durchzulesen, kann man wenn mehr Zeit zur verfügung steht eine Mindmap machen und später vor der Klausur muss man dann nur noch die Minmap anschauen und kann so das Wissen wieder aktivieren.
So das sind nun mal allgemein (Mindmap auf Papier und am Computer) die Vorteile einer Minmap im Unterricht. Jetzt speziell zu der computerbasierten Mindmap:
Eine Mindmap, die der Schüler (im Computerraum) am PC selbst erstellen kann motiviert ihn natürlich viel mehr als nur eine Mindmap auf dem Blatt. Die ist nämlich schön geschrieben, man kann leicht Veränderungen vornehmen. Man kann leicht Zweige verändern, Wörter kopieren, ausschneiden und einfügen. Ein Mindmap Programm mit Rechtschreibüberprüfung wäer noch ein weiterer positiver Punkt. Es gibt ja auch genügend kostenlose Mindmap Programme z.B. FreeMind , MindManager und sogar online Mindmap Programme, die genutzt werden können. Also alles was man in der Schule macht, kann auch be reproduced at home. And how to motivate students is not easy when he gives up as homework to create a mind map on the computer.
How Can You Trade Pokemon Using Lan With A Mac
Hello Mr. Spannagel here is my comment of the week to the UE:
Grüßle Basti
Игра Nico Robin
Nicci is absolutely right, actually I need only formulate my time / work out. Therefore I would like only to small additions or any changes and then I have everything ready. I was thinking that I need to competence of dealing with the Digital Camera (Transferring pictures via card reader internal or external or USB cable directly from the camera), students also can be equal to use the scanner. I could leave as a group that could make the introduction to the book mentioned by Nicci. This group then gathers in the zoo flyers, tickets, descriptions, maps, anything lying around just so bring what you may, may be of the group (eg, ask specific guides) also at the checkout for extra material. These materials could then this group transferred to the computer with a scanner. These images would then of course also be stored again in such a way that there is a meaningful folder structure (folder with subfolders) are. Then the group could do with this material, a sort of introduction (eg including the cover and end sheet) of the booklet. I would have not only the medium digital camera, but also the medium scanner housed useful in my hour.
Wednesday, June 7, 2006
Pranks For Sleepovers
link to the all-new page in the wiki to:
To Wiki additions
1) opinions and Discussions:
2) text amendments: # Medien_im_Unterricht
3) Text extensions (numbers): 28Mathematik%% 29
4) new page + Design: C3% BCrliche_Zahlen
5) new page + Design:
http://www. / wiki / index.php / Nat% C3% BCrlich_Zahlen_mit_Null
6) feed + Design:
7) feed + Design:
8) feed + Design: 9) feed + Design: .php / Komplexe_Zahlen
10) reviews and discussions:
11) feed + Design:
http://www.zum .com / wiki / index.php / Irrationale_Zahlen
12), text enhancements (Zahlenschachtelung): 28Mathematik%% 29 # Rechenverfahren_und_Zahlendarstellungen
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Now once again Some thoughts about my instructional design but now I'm not sure if I have need for next Monday, or only for a week on it, but when I write it now, I have to take care of me no longer drum. So first, thank you for the class comment by Nicci, I've got this many new ideas for the students to moitivieren more. The idea to specify a subject and to give the pupils some formatting suggestions is to say definitely more motivating than just, there must occur 3 times and 2 times italic bold. This could be with the Zoo a great idea because you really make a trip to the zoo and divide the students into groups (maybe 4). Each group get a digital camera (which can represent the school, or dividing the groups so that each is a SS who always has a digicam). The groups have now assignable topics eg Group 1: wild animals, Group 2: Water depth Group 3: poisonous amphibians, etc. Now, the groups take pictures and write reports to their respective topics. Back in the schools, the SS must now save the images using a USB cable (or a card reader) on the PC and then upload them to the written-text into a Word document. This must then make sense to integrate with the formatting examples and the pictures so that the overall picture looks good. The plants could then be before the end of the double lesson presented by the student groups have. That would be a great hour, the total would cover many Komptenzen:
social competence:
(team spirit)
- Create a Word-Dokumentes/einer Pres
- Presenting the group's
- team skills course in the previous visit to the zoo
expertise :
- dealing with technology of Digital Camera
- About Play and store the images on the PC
- retrieval of images on the PC
- Using the pictures in the Word document
- Formatting the Word document (graphic characters in simply reduced form)
Peronal competence:
- Presentation of the product in front of the class
Vielen Dank, jetzt habe ich eine super Idee für meinen Unterrichtsentwurf bekommen.