Thursday, June 22, 2006

Coach Outlet Mall In Buffalo

thoughts to my instructional design (06)

So this time I want to put a question to the readers of my blog and as always, of course, my hour. I have me thinking that I am going with my student in the zoo. A few groups will be photographing the animals and their environment (Digital Camera) and a group flyers, tickets, descriptions, maps, guidebook, all that lying around just so bring what you would collect and then transfer it via a scanner on the computer. Then I would turn this into a book or some kind of student newspaper ("Zooausflugszeitung"). Now to my question: What program would be most useful for most use in this context. I think Word is not as this well suited because it is difficult with the pictures and text, even with the page layout it is not equipped to provide comfortable. An excellent program to create outstanding school newspapers would Quark XPress 6.0, but that's not even a very comprehensive program and there is also much too expensive for the school. So I've considered to use Microsoft Publisher. This is part of the Microsoft Family belongs to the most complete computer packages and is very easy to handle. You do not need to each image that you paste it first on it, right click and format, and "back" or "on-the-text" set (as is done in Word required), but it only takes the picture / the Clipart in Publisher to pull and you can move it freely (!) Without any text bondage!
So what do you think?


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