Wednesday, June 7, 2006

Codigo Activacion Windows Blinds

thoughts to my instructional design (04 )

Now once again Some thoughts about my instructional design but now I'm not sure if I have need for next Monday, or only for a week on it, but when I write it now, I have to take care of me no longer drum. So first, thank you for the class comment by Nicci, I've got this many new ideas for the students to moitivieren more. The idea to specify a subject and to give the pupils some formatting suggestions is to say definitely more motivating than just, there must occur 3 times and 2 times italic bold. This could be with the Zoo a great idea because you really make a trip to the zoo and divide the students into groups (maybe 4). Each group get a digital camera (which can represent the school, or dividing the groups so that each is a SS who always has a digicam). The groups have now assignable topics eg Group 1: wild animals, Group 2: Water depth Group 3: poisonous amphibians, etc. Now, the groups take pictures and write reports to their respective topics. Back in the schools, the SS must now save the images using a USB cable (or a card reader) on the PC and then upload them to the written-text into a Word document. This must then make sense to integrate with the formatting examples and the pictures so that the overall picture looks good. The plants could then be before the end of the double lesson presented by the student groups have. That would be a great hour, the total would cover many Komptenzen:
social competence:
(team spirit)
- Create a Word-Dokumentes/einer Pres
- Presenting the group's
- team skills course in the previous visit to the zoo
expertise :
- dealing with technology of Digital Camera
- About Play and store the images on the PC
- retrieval of images on the PC
- Using the pictures in the Word document
- Formatting the Word document (graphic characters in simply reduced form)
Peronal competence:
- Presentation of the product in front of the class
Vielen Dank, jetzt habe ich eine super Idee für meinen Unterrichtsentwurf bekommen.


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