Medienwissenschaft - quo vadis?
In Tübingen last week a new Institute for Media Studies was opened. Actually a great message! But the launch party, has left me with mixed feelings about the practical value of this Institute.
Of the three professors and one professor were considered (foreign) endless discussion of which this article gives an impression: It was about film theory, to our role behavior on the Internet to the role of science in advertising. Everything interesting media-research topics, but none of them hatte irgend etwas mit Journalismus zu tun. Nur Jürg Häusermann erinnerte daran, dass sich die Vorläufer der heutigen Tübinger Medienwissenschaftler in den 1970-er Jahren mit der Frage beschäftigt haben, wie man Nachrichten verständlicher formulieren kann. Doch das ist lange her.
Bedenklicher noch finde ich, dass nicht einmal das Wort Journalistenausbildung fiel. Dabei wollen doch die meisten Studierenden, die in Medien-Studiengänge strömen, etwas mit Medien machen. Und nicht nur über Medien forschen. Vermutlich gibt es auch ein paar - schlecht bezahlte - Lehrbeauftragte an dem neuen Institut, die die Aufgabe übernehmen, ihnen das journalistische Handwerk zu vermitteln. Aber which has also unfortunately no thanks.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Monday, January 24, 2011
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1Live weiß Bescheid: Frauen wollen Friseure
The moderator of the WDR local time Ruhr acts in the announcement of the contribution a bit strange:
woman could now take with humor, especially as Professor Kramer in the article a bit like Horst Schlämmer acts. And even funnier it gets, when the woman is white, so the man has made the author a name: the "Encyclopedia of the popular errors" and the work ". So you lie with statistics " He is the Scientific Council of the Society for the Scientific Investigation of para-science, the among other things, against "pseudo-scientific claims" blocked.
annoying only go on it that for so what our license fees. And so the journalists' federation an open letter to the WDR wrote:
Open Letter
Bonn, 24 January 2011
love Monika Piel,
"We simply use all the cliches that there are only so, "said Prof. Walter Krämer the article" Woman City - Food No. 3 "in the local time on Tuesday, 18 January. And well told, what criteria he has calculated as a statistician woman-friendly city of NRW: According to the number of shoe and jewelry shops, nail salons, flower shops, discos, and by the surplus of men that is. "Women who paint their nails or do not like buying shoes, which are then incorrectly in Essen and Dusseldorf," said Kramer.
extent that would just be annoying and stupid - if not as co-author of the study at the TU Dortmund der WDR genannt wird, konkret: WDR 1Live. Das hat uns nun doch überrascht: So etwas initiiert der WDR, die erste Landesrundfunkanstalt, die Frauenförderplan und Gleichstellung realisiert hat? Die Anstalt, die sich für eine geschlechtergerechte Sprache einsetzt und natürlich für Qualitätsjournalismus? Die Anstalt, für die auch viele unserer Mitglieder arbeiten, gibt Gebührengelder aus für solchen Unsinn?
Vielleicht war die Kooperation mit der TU Dortmund sogar kostenfrei (was wir sehr hoffen) – aber die Redaktion, Moderation und Berichterstattung quer durch die WDR-Programme („Crosspromotion“ in WDR2, diverse Lokalzeiten etc.) war es sicher nicht. Dazu kommt, dass a well-laden stereotypes comparable study on the "male-friendly city in North Rhine-Westphalia was created in November: Great! Since you have served both sexes cliche. (May we suggest how the criteria looked for the men: the number of football clubs and Mucki stalls per city)
Hardly worth mentioning that in the 2'21-report in the local time to it all, even a group of women was interviewed, the just practice, "a play about the menopause" - and therefore, "experts in women's issues" were. The can look forward then to the camera, that there are taxi drivers, which the ladies to the front door . Accompany
Please ensure that is spent in your house no more cents for such a silly, unreflective use of stereotypes. Such reports damage the image of public service broadcasting. We know
, the WDR does it better!
The paint is from? - Then please do not to Dusseldorf
photo. Go A. Knop
"If women do not like to paint their fingernails, to the disco or to the hairdresser, then they are in Essen and Dusseldorf wrong. "The statistics professor Walter Kramer says of the TU Dortmund. The federal government but says journalists who is wrong here, this is Mr. Kramer - and with it a public service broadcaster, has given this strange statistical study on women-friendly cities in order.
The moderator of the WDR local time Ruhr acts in the announcement of the contribution a bit strange:
"It's very interesting what was being investigated, what is obviously important to score with women. "Then followsWDR best cross-promotion. The radio colleagues in 1Live Sector Report can evaluate the statistics, what do women supposedly: hairdressers, boutiques, nail salons, health food stores - and men.
woman could now take with humor, especially as Professor Kramer in the article a bit like Horst Schlämmer acts. And even funnier it gets, when the woman is white, so the man has made the author a name: the "Encyclopedia of the popular errors" and the work ". So you lie with statistics " He is the Scientific Council of the Society for the Scientific Investigation of para-science, the among other things, against "pseudo-scientific claims" blocked.
Open Letter
Bonn, 24 January 2011
love Monika Piel,
"We simply use all the cliches that there are only so, "said Prof. Walter Krämer the article" Woman City - Food No. 3 "in the local time on Tuesday, 18 January. And well told, what criteria he has calculated as a statistician woman-friendly city of NRW: According to the number of shoe and jewelry shops, nail salons, flower shops, discos, and by the surplus of men that is. "Women who paint their nails or do not like buying shoes, which are then incorrectly in Essen and Dusseldorf," said Kramer.
extent that would just be annoying and stupid - if not as co-author of the study at the TU Dortmund der WDR genannt wird, konkret: WDR 1Live. Das hat uns nun doch überrascht: So etwas initiiert der WDR, die erste Landesrundfunkanstalt, die Frauenförderplan und Gleichstellung realisiert hat? Die Anstalt, die sich für eine geschlechtergerechte Sprache einsetzt und natürlich für Qualitätsjournalismus? Die Anstalt, für die auch viele unserer Mitglieder arbeiten, gibt Gebührengelder aus für solchen Unsinn?
Vielleicht war die Kooperation mit der TU Dortmund sogar kostenfrei (was wir sehr hoffen) – aber die Redaktion, Moderation und Berichterstattung quer durch die WDR-Programme („Crosspromotion“ in WDR2, diverse Lokalzeiten etc.) war es sicher nicht. Dazu kommt, dass a well-laden stereotypes comparable study on the "male-friendly city in North Rhine-Westphalia was created in November: Great! Since you have served both sexes cliche. (May we suggest how the criteria looked for the men: the number of football clubs and Mucki stalls per city)
Hardly worth mentioning that in the 2'21-report in the local time to it all, even a group of women was interviewed, the just practice, "a play about the menopause" - and therefore, "experts in women's issues" were. The can look forward then to the camera, that there are taxi drivers, which the ladies to the front door . Accompany
Please ensure that is spent in your house no more cents for such a silly, unreflective use of stereotypes. Such reports damage the image of public service broadcasting. We know
, the WDR does it better!
If you want to hang up once a clinical trial: What about criteria such as equal pay for equal work, "the scope and availability of child care," "number of women in leadership positions" for the woman-friendly city in North Rhine-Westphalia? And see if Prof. Walter Krämer not create such a study may then be determined in NRW many who like to take: eg Prof. Ilse Lenz, see more www.netzwerk. By the way: This is also true for the new edition of the men study.
looking forward to both the - with best wishes - represented
your journalists fret
looking forward to both the - with best wishes - represented
your journalists fret
by the board members:
Eva Kohl Rusch, president of the Journalist Federation of Women
Rosemarie bodice, vice chairman of the journalists Federal
Hilde Weeg
Cornelia Benninghoven
Wibke Gerking
Petra Alexandra Buhl
Eva Kohl Rusch, president of the Journalist Federation of Women
Rosemarie bodice, vice chairman of the journalists Federal
Hilde Weeg
Cornelia Benninghoven
Wibke Gerking
Petra Alexandra Buhl
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Mini Pimples Above Upper Lip
Jetzt mal Werbung!
are pockets like this at 's Girls can blog . A tip from my nice Facebook group "Girls on Web Society. is perhaps a gadget bloggers for our next meeting?
And here you can vote for the blogger of the year! Suspected
are pockets like this at 's Girls can blog . A tip from my nice Facebook group "Girls on Web Society. is perhaps a gadget bloggers for our next meeting?
And here you can vote for the blogger of the year! Suspected
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Growing Peas In Acid Rain
ALG II: Additional aid for self
Who "needy" as defined in Book II, can grants and apply for loans for the purchase of necessary property, middle l. The upper limit of the grants, is 5,000 €. Funding can also be granted access to the money.
Through the "Law for the realignment of the labor market instruments" means the provisions in Book II of the Einstiegsgeld in den § 16 ("Leistungen zur Eingliederung") integriert worden. Inhaltliche Änderungen zur bisherigen Rechtslage beim Einstiegsgeld ergeben sich aus dem neuen § 16b SGB II nicht.
Umso interessanter für gründungswillige Langzeitarbeitslose ist dagegen §16c SGB II: Der ermöglicht den Arbeitsagenturen die Bewilligung von Zuschüssen (maximal 5.000 Euro) sowie Darlehen (ohne feste Obergrenze). Dafür müssen aber einige Voraussetzungen erfüllt sein:
- Die Anschaffungen sind notwendig und angemessen.
- Die selbständige Tätigkeit ist tragfähig.
- Die Tragfähigkeit kann durch das Gutachten einer fachkundigen Stelle plausibel gemacht werden.
- Die Hilfebedürftigkeit des Antragstellers kann durch die Beihilfe "innerhalb eines angemessenen Zeitraums dauerhaft" überwunden werden.
Die Zuschüsse und Darlehen können zusätzlich zum Einstiegsgeld gewährt werden. Genauso wie die Einstiegsgeld-Regelung handelt es sich beim neuen §16c jedoch um eine Kann-Bestimmung: Einen Rechtsanspruch auf die Förderung gibt es nicht.
Wichtig: Die Zuschüsse und Darlehen sind nicht nur Gründern vorbehalten! Leistungen zur Eingliederung können ausdrücklich auch solche Hilfebedürftige bekommen, die bereits eine selbständige Tätigkeit ausüben!
Quelle: Grü
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
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Sarrazin: Mit den eigenen Waffen geschlagen
we had always have been demonstrated in some cases also. Even "Tough but fair" brought at the height of the debate a wonderful contribution, who showed that statistics can not be extrapolated for decades. In his book about calculates Sarrazin, are that the Germans have in 120 years to 75 percent of immigrant background, just like that when development continues as the data now. Plasberg colleagues applied the same method - only with numbers from 1890. The result:
then Germany would now have 250 million inhabitants.
Less funny and very serious scientific knowledge now, according to the quotation from the Süddeutsche Zeitung :
we had always have been demonstrated in some cases also. Even "Tough but fair" brought at the height of the debate a wonderful contribution, who showed that statistics can not be extrapolated for decades. In his book about calculates Sarrazin, are that the Germans have in 120 years to 75 percent of immigrant background, just like that when development continues as the data now. Plasberg colleagues applied the same method - only with numbers from 1890. The result:
then Germany would now have 250 million inhabitants.
Less funny and very serious scientific knowledge now, according to the quotation from the Süddeutsche Zeitung :
A study of the Humboldt University shows that many of distorting the statistics used to Thilo Sarrazin migrants reality. They were made so long and stretched until they fit. Some booksone must not just read, let alone the same. You can just wait for the other study. Unless you're male, older age group, not uneducated and incapable - but above all a huge fear of change and the loss of one's own position. For that, it had the market research company recently also been found for the Süddeutsche , Sarrazin is the typical reader.
Does Neo-synephrine Safe For Cats To Spray
NEG Website Award 2011 for SME
Das Netzwerk Elektronischer Geschäftsverkehr (NEG) startet am 17. Januar 2011 zum fünften Mal den NEG Website Award.
Kleine und mittlere Unternehmen aus Industrie, Handel, Dienstleistung und Handwerk sind aufgerufen, sich mit ihren Internetauftritten zu bewerben. Die Preisverleihung findet im Juni 2011 im Weltkulturerbe Völklinger Hütte statt. Die Gewinner erhalten ein Preisgeld von insgesamt 9.000 Euro.
Mehr under:
Das Netzwerk Elektronischer Geschäftsverkehr (NEG) startet am 17. Januar 2011 zum fünften Mal den NEG Website Award.
Kleine und mittlere Unternehmen aus Industrie, Handel, Dienstleistung und Handwerk sind aufgerufen, sich mit ihren Internetauftritten zu bewerben. Die Preisverleihung findet im Juni 2011 im Weltkulturerbe Völklinger Hütte statt. Die Gewinner erhalten ein Preisgeld von insgesamt 9.000 Euro.
Mehr under:
Thursday, January 6, 2011
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APPLICATION START IT Innovation Award 2011
The Initiative Mittelstand awards the prestigious IT Innovation Award for eight consecutive years, the most innovative products and solutions from the technology, information and telecommunications industry, and specifically supports the marketing of these solutions.
80köpfige A professional jury of professors, scientists, industry-weighted and IT experts, and journalists all entered products according to the criteria of innovation, practical relevance and suitability for SMEs. The panel of judges decide on the specific Top 3 nominees and winners in each category.
waving as prizes to the winners of the comprehensive funding packages Huber Publishing for New Media and the Initiative Mittelstand "in the form of extensive PR and marketing services in the total value of 400,000 €! Thus the target as a winner in your category winning helps companies to market their solutions and products professionally and make a wide range of customers known. Especially companies with a small marketing budget by offering a stake in the IT Innovation Award a unique opportunity to position their product to market success. Participation is free for all businesses.
Apply now!
The Initiative Mittelstand awards the prestigious IT Innovation Award for eight consecutive years, the most innovative products and solutions from the technology, information and telecommunications industry, and specifically supports the marketing of these solutions.
80köpfige A professional jury of professors, scientists, industry-weighted and IT experts, and journalists all entered products according to the criteria of innovation, practical relevance and suitability for SMEs. The panel of judges decide on the specific Top 3 nominees and winners in each category.
waving as prizes to the winners of the comprehensive funding packages Huber Publishing for New Media and the Initiative Mittelstand "in the form of extensive PR and marketing services in the total value of 400,000 €! Thus the target as a winner in your category winning helps companies to market their solutions and products professionally and make a wide range of customers known. Especially companies with a small marketing budget by offering a stake in the IT Innovation Award a unique opportunity to position their product to market success. Participation is free for all businesses.
Apply now!
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Gland Swelling With Period
Happy New Year:)
Hello lovelies.
not worry, I'm still alive, I'm still here, love is causing my head a little confused, I still have residual alcohol from New Year's Eve, but in itself is my little world right.
I'm sorry I did not report, I was just so blog lazy.
"lazy" does it really well at the moment. I'll hardly sport, but at least I'm no longer FAs.
December was now eating moderately is not really ideal, my pants are once again a little closer. I will not weigh, the number just makes me crazy. Therefore it gets the "Weight over" no neuen Zahlen geben, wenn ich die Seite nicht sogar komplett lösche.
Da versuche ich lieber, einfach die Potionengröße ein wenig zu reduzieren, den Sport wieder anzufangen und dann darauf warten, dass die Hosen wieder etwas mehr schlackern.
Ich hab das schon mal geschafft, warum nicht jetzt?
Am liebsten würde ich einfach komplett mit Essen aufhören. So ganz. Da ich aber weiß, dass das dann nur wieder in FA - schlechtes Gewissen - exzessiver Sport - wieder zu weng essen - neue FA usw. resultiert, lass ich das bei meinem schwachen Willen lieber.
Ich will wieder öfter bloggen, also macht euch bitte keine Sorgen.
And yes, I let the study be and do as of August ne training as a baker. make love something and at the end to see that you have managed to learn something than to learn, learn, be frustrated and ask, 'What for? "when one has become clear that the profession to which also aims to study, do not run anyway can and will.
you soon:)
I dance now a round.
Hello lovelies.
not worry, I'm still alive, I'm still here, love is causing my head a little confused, I still have residual alcohol from New Year's Eve, but in itself is my little world right.
I'm sorry I did not report, I was just so blog lazy.
"lazy" does it really well at the moment. I'll hardly sport, but at least I'm no longer FAs.
December was now eating moderately is not really ideal, my pants are once again a little closer. I will not weigh, the number just makes me crazy. Therefore it gets the "Weight over" no neuen Zahlen geben, wenn ich die Seite nicht sogar komplett lösche.
Da versuche ich lieber, einfach die Potionengröße ein wenig zu reduzieren, den Sport wieder anzufangen und dann darauf warten, dass die Hosen wieder etwas mehr schlackern.
Ich hab das schon mal geschafft, warum nicht jetzt?
Am liebsten würde ich einfach komplett mit Essen aufhören. So ganz. Da ich aber weiß, dass das dann nur wieder in FA - schlechtes Gewissen - exzessiver Sport - wieder zu weng essen - neue FA usw. resultiert, lass ich das bei meinem schwachen Willen lieber.
Ich will wieder öfter bloggen, also macht euch bitte keine Sorgen.
And yes, I let the study be and do as of August ne training as a baker. make love something and at the end to see that you have managed to learn something than to learn, learn, be frustrated and ask, 'What for? "when one has become clear that the profession to which also aims to study, do not run anyway can and will.
you soon:)
I dance now a round.
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