Tuesday, January 11, 2011

How Do I Remove Cross Country Bindings

Sarrazin: Mit den eigenen Waffen geschlagen

we had always have been demonstrated in some cases also. Even "Tough but fair" brought at the height of the debate a wonderful contribution, who showed that statistics can not be extrapolated for decades. In his book about calculates Sarrazin, are that the Germans have in 120 years to 75 percent of immigrant background, just like that when development continues as the data now. Plasberg colleagues applied the same method - only with numbers from 1890. The result:
then Germany would now have 250 million inhabitants.

Less funny and very serious scientific knowledge now, according to the quotation from the Süddeutsche Zeitung :
A study of the Humboldt University shows that many of distorting the statistics used to Thilo Sarrazin migrants reality. They were made so long and stretched until they fit. Some books
one must not just read, let alone the same. You can just wait for the other study. Unless you're male, older age group, not uneducated and incapable - but above all a huge fear of change and the loss of one's own position. For that, it had the market research company recently also been found for the Süddeutsche , Sarrazin is the typical reader.


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