Today I received the following messages that I give love to you ...
Preparations for Girls Day 2011 in companies, schools and institutions already in full swing. We welcome your participation. The Girls'Day this year has been exceptionally laid before the Easter holidays. The relatively early date - 14/04/2011 - means that your entry should be on the campaign map with your Girls'Day offer up earlier than usual. We recommend doing this in March, if you have not published your offer. Students can sign up to 04.13.2011 (online). For questions about the Girls'Day we are - as always - happy to assist you and wish you a successful 11th Girls'Day 2011th
Best regards
Almut Borggrefe und Kornelia Ruppmann
Landeskoordination für den Girls'Day Berlin
LIFE e.V. ( , )
Girls'Day 2011 in Berlin - Die Vorbereitungen
Anmeldung der Girls'Day-Veranstaltungen - am besten noch im März
Die Anmeldungen der Betriebe und Einrichtungen ist gut angelaufen. Wir empfehlen Neueinträge bis zum 01.04.2011, also zwei Wochen vor dem Girls'Day . Girls'Day events are characterized by a high practical relevance. The girls will learn on the spot, what career paths are possible for them, how they feel and how they can reach the students. At the end of the registration form, you can assign your own password. It entitles you to make changes to your listing and registration in subsequent years simply to repeat a button.
company with an immigrant background are welcome
The Girls' Day in Berlin is characterized by a large commitment of companies and organizations from different immigrant groups. The Turkish-German Business Association Berlin-Brandenburg, for example, already takes part in the fifth. We look forward to every other company that is just for the students with an immigrant background as a model.
photo sharing and certificate of participation - rights and obligations
for the release of Girls' Day photos, you need a Statement of Consent of the parents. It is advisable to send this form before the Girls' Day at the participants and to obtain the signature of the parents. You will find a sample of a photo release statement under .
The girls were at the end of the event received a participation certificate. We recommend that teachers take this certificate as part of the follow-up note. Participation certificates are also part of the vocational choice passport. A form is also available at .
preparation in schools
The Girls' Day is a school event, a practice day, the front of the classroom should be followed up and. Materials see . The students should know the job descriptions that are presented to them, and can name after the Girls'Day their experiences and understand how they can achieve their career paths, including obstacles and reservations should be addressed.
The group registration
The students usually sign up on site and online. Group bookings takes power coordination center by telephone: 030-308 798-12 and -16, LIFE eV Almut Borggrefe and Kornelia Ruppmann.
support for girls with disabilities
girls with disabilities have a growing interest in the offerings at the Girls' Day. About a quarter of the events is wheelchair accessible. The Girls' Day is a school event. Girls with disabilities may therefore be given by their school, the support they need to attend a Girls' Day event (eg, car service, monitoring).
girls from Grade 5 in the vocational orientation
younger girls from Year 5 of the Girls' Day start with it. Before puberty, they are the issues of career guidance particularly open and make sustainable experience for their future career. Companies, based on recent Students are admitted, were impressed by the motivation and curiosity of the school girls. We are happy if you include younger girls in their Girls' Day activities. The demand is greater than supply.
Girls'Day Working Groups: Your contact persons in the districts
In almost all districts to support voluntary Girls'Day working groups in all aspects of the Girls' Day 2011th You acquire companies and speak to students in a special way. The relevant contact details can be found at:
Erste Aktionslandkarte für Jungen
Jungen konnten schon immer am Girls'Day Berufe kennenlernen, die sie sonst wenig in Erwägung ziehen: pflegerische, Sozial- und Erziehungsberufe. Schulen können z.B. in Kooperation mit Jugendhilfeträgern einen Thementag zur Rollenreflexion und Lebensplanung für Jungen anbieten. In diesem Jahr gibt es dazu erstmals eine Aktionslandkarte: , auf der diese Veranstaltungen eingetragen werden sollten. Jungen können sich dann online anmelden.
Berliner Handlungsempfehlungen für Angebote für Jungen
Welche Angebote brauchen Boys around the Girls' Day? To answer this question LIFE eV a panel of experts has created. It has developed recommendations for action by the download are available ( ). The most important finding: Boys need for a gender-appropriate career orientation something other than girls, as offers for life planning and reflection on their own role.
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goes after the Girls' Day a friend - offers and other news
Easter Workshop, eCasting and open workshop at LIFE eV
Girls'Day Girls can seamlessly from their experiences at 04/14/2011 LIFE eV . Continue At "Taste for Girls", a potential assessment can meet girls for their trade and technology strengths in the Easter holidays in five days. The information day for electrical trades before and after the Girls' Day, they can apply for a eCasting and for a training position. The open workshop with LIFE eV starts with the film project "Girls portray women in the trades." In addition, Experimenting to build and develop them in the LIFE workshop.
Taste for Girls for students of the 9th and 10 Classes: 18 to 21.04 and 26.04.2011, 10 to 15 clock, contact: Jasmin Nitschke, 030-308798-10,
Infotage electrical occupations: 24.03.2010 and 26.05.2010, 14.30 17.30 clock, contact: Regina Gill, 030-308 798-24,
Open workshop for girls from grade 7 to 13, May 2011, Contact: Silvia Tastekin, 030 - 308798-21,
All offers take place bei LIFE e.V., Dircksenstr. 47, 10178 Berlin-Mitte (S-Hackescher Markt).
Try it! Junge Frauen erobern die Technik
Zwanzig naturwissenschaftlich-technisch interessierte Mädchen aus den Klassenstufen 9 bis 11 können im Juni vier Tage lang an der Technischen Universität Berlin in den neuen Laboren experimentieren, operieren, programmieren. In Gesprächen mit Fachfrauen und Studentinnen bereiten sie sich auf ein technisch-naturwissenschaftliches Studium vor.
Termin: 01. bis 04.06.2011, online-Bewerbung unter:
Bewerbungsschluss: 15.04.2011
Internet portal "convey fascination for technology online
fascination for technology taught" - the new Internet portal of the metal and electrical industry informed about job and training opportunities in the M + E industry and provides teaching materials. Effective immediately, the teacher is inside portal available online, follow the pupils portal and the apprenticeship market.
Helga Möricke price advertised
The Helga-Möricke Award recognizes the exemplary implementation of social learning in school life and is aimed at educators inside and colleges, that work in the long term, create reliable and sustainable. Application deadline is 06/05/2011. The application forms can be found at www.frauen-and