Tuesday, February 22, 2011

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interview with Nawal al-Saadawi

Die ägyptische Menschenrechtlerin Nawal al-Saadawi äußert sich heute in einem Interview mit der WELT kritisch zum vom "Hohen Rat" eingesetzten Verfassungskomitee in Egypt.

"On the one sitting in this committee only old men, all lawyers (...) Second, all people who were involved in the revolution, women and youth, are equally represented in such a committee (. ...) The Constitutional Council will give us tailor a constitution, which mainly Muslim will be targeted. They are maintained, for example, Article 2 of the Constitution, which stipulates that Islam is the state religion. " Nawal al-Saadawi

calls for a Constitution that "100 percent secular" is. For what it is being mean to women when located in the new constitutional article, referring to the sharia or be based on them? The enthusiasm of the West on the fall of Mubarak must not lead to look at current events in Egypt too critical.

The interview with al-Saadawi you can find at http://www.welt.de/print/die_welt/politik/article12603861/Das-sind-alles-Mubarak-Maenner.html


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