Monday, February 28, 2011

Puerto Rico Old School Bmx

And another hero - Oliver Lepsius

So eindeutig und unerschrocken hat sich bisher keiner zu Guttenberg geäußert. Sie sind ja richtig mutig, Herr Professor Dr. Oliver Lepsius (Nachfolger von Karl-Theodor zu Guttenbergs Doktorvater Peter Häberle an der Uni Bayreuth). Während es von dem 76jährigen Häberle heißt, er sei am Boden zerstört und spreche nur noch mit seinen engsten Freunden, bescheinigt Lepsius im Interview mit dem Bayerischen Fernsehen dem Verteidigungsminister "ein Ausmaß an Dreistigkeit, we have not yet experienced. "
" We are eating a con artist, "he says, and I watch it quite normal." For me there is no question that Guttenberg is a fraud. "The work is a collage of plagiarism, which is from the beginning planned as a collage ... a conscious intent of Plagiierens ... . As a scientist, the man would have done "If a student with such a work to him came, he would laugh, says Lepsius And in any case." I would be considered of interest to a psychologist what he says to such a case of reality misunderstanding. "

What is known yet about the famous Professor Lepsius? On the assessment side he cuts quite far from average, receives from its students a total 3.66 of a possible five points, the highest rating is 4 points on the subject of fairness. But
2008, as he has ever hung out the window when he critical to the issue of the Humanist Union "online search" illuminated.


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