Thursday, February 17, 2011

Wordpress Erection Beach

Guttenberg, women's plagiarist

that Defence Minister Karl-Theodor von Guttenberg has come under pressure because his thesis contains plagiarism, is instructive, not only for pupils and students to learn from the fact that a famous politician not simply be trending from others.

No, the case also has a gender dimension. For of the five nominated by the Süddeutsche Zeitung occupied plagiarism victims are three women: Barbara Zehnder, Klara Obermüller and Gret Haller. So a far higher percentage than that corresponding to, for example, the proportion of women scientists at German universities.

The professor said Barbara Zehner that - again according to Süddeutsche Zeitung - as follows:
"Clearly this is a plagiarism," she said in an interview with Bayerischer Rundfunk. For students, it was something already happened, in a minister but not yet. Next she said. "I do not feel at all flattered, I would prefer to work right through my publications and not on such a detour."
is remarkable because only that women should feel flattered even if men steal their ideas and texts.


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