My blog-article on "Concept Maps"
I am referring notably to the following products:
- Concept Maps and E-Learning by Sigmar-Olaf Tergan [1] (http://www.e- / Education / design / visualization / abstract / Concept_Maps.pdf)
- The Theory Underlying Concept Maps and How to Construct Them by the Institute for Human and Machine Cognition [2] ( / research papers / TheoryCmaps / TheoryUnderlyingConceptMaps.htm)
As I read the article concept maps & E-Learning by Sigmar-Olaf Tergan [1] have read, I noticed immediately a lecture, 2004 in a previous study at the University of Applied Sciences had visited in Karlsruhe (Programme in Business computer science). Where we have operations, relationships, names us. is within a movie database in an ER diagram.
I think the scenario presented in the text with the student very obvious but let me say that one in every program can invent an appropriate scenario and is therefore liable to all the program great, useful and user-oriented.
What I found really great and I was able to try out in the last lecture of Mr. Spannagel the online concept mapping tool IHMC CmapTools ( Together we could now create a concept map on different computers on any topic. We have chosen the topic "Internet". Once you have a topic in Custom, you can now create links from there to the outside and this calling. As you work on two at a CMap, it is interesting to see what the other is doing. It can be that you just created has an element such as email and whoosh, it has been moved to another location as if by magic. Also, spelling error is corrected by even such seemingly from Internet Multiplyaer game quickly an Internet multiplayer game. Over time, all play well, and it is always clear, one may then discover a trend developing where the concept map. The
you can add to cmaps Internet address, video, sound, graphics and documents, I find great. So you can build great systems, hierarchies and complex relationships simply and clearly present.
The small glossary at the end of the text I find that very genial, so what I would also like to in the article "Learning and teaching with computers" by Mandl, Gruber, & Renkl (1997). desired.
interesting in the text "The Theory Underlying Concept Maps and How to Construct Them" of the Institute for Human and Machine Cognition [2] I found de ideas about Question, Parking Lots and Expert Skeleton Maps especially the Parking Lot Maps have somehow very reminiscent of that program HotPotatoes.
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