Monday, July 10, 2006

Travestisbr Anımal

Beurteilung der Veranstaltung "Computereinsatz in der Schule" von Herrn Spannagel

I found the event of Mr. Spannagel "Computer use in schools" really great! The note system is absolutely fair with the smilies. Although one has to do very much: read texts, write articles (blogs), to expand the wiki, comment each week's Lesson Plan and another fellow students and at the end of a detailed instructional design writing, but you can be sure to get a good grade if you are diligent and always stay on the ball. But not only the notes system I like, but the event was great in itself. It was always interesting topics, I've never been bored. Mr. Spannagel has given us with his nice, relaxed and happy kind of interesting hours. We've covered almost all topics, was the theoretical units are only rarely and even these were very hands on. We could all try it for yourself and have always had great fun. Especially working with the On-wiki, which I at this point may not enter into, was very enriching for me. Mr. Spannagel has always brought great ideas and we introduced new programs. Another point that I liked was that Mr. Spannagel has always co-sponsored experts. First, we were able to welcome Ms. Mrs. bring in online chat and our online forum Moodle. She is an expert on WebQuests and has a long talk with us about WebQuests, help and suggestions given to us and answered all our questions. Today we welcomed Mr. Schaal from biology in the seminar. He has introduced us deeper into the world of concept maps and showed us how to get these working in a university (for the Academic TP) and in the school evaluation instrument uses to assess the students. Again, this was again very interesting and we took some things from the event. Trying is the online concept maps on with fellow students and I really liked very much. It impressed me, what can you do with today's technology and what I still do not know everything.
to write something that I did not like is, I totally hard, because I'm really pleased. to write the only thing I can think of would be that I've done it as much as I sometimes difficult for example, four smilies. Otherwise, initially only 1 to 2 smilies per task were given to me the present 4 smilies for each task were very much before and I just thought that since I will also write a lot more needs (like now). But I would probably not have to write so much to get the 4 smilies. It would therefore have been better from the start more smilies to forgive or at the end to retain the number two smilies for an article. This could be done any better, but it is not absolutely necessary and I have done so also for other fields to do anything .
I want to finish my article in no way with what it would improve, but with something positive: the mere appointment of Mr Spannagel that it has withdrawn its last task, that we can write what we liked more or less, I find it very good. This reflects his attitude again, which he had taken in the complete seminar that we were always open about what we liked and what has not please us. And I hope that my students are sometimes so open and honest with me, how could we be to Mr. Spannagel.
All the best!


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