Saturday, July 8, 2006

Treasury Yield Average Weekly

My blog-review of the text by Mandl, H., Gruber, H. & Renkl, A. (1997). "Learning and teaching with computers" in the psychology of adult education. This article

I like different good! This is clear from the following reasons:
- is the beginning of the Text written a lot of theoretical. At various places spoken of problem solving (abilities, skills, expertise, programs promote problem solving, etc.). What is problem solving? I would like to do an example. How to set tasks so that they promote problem-solving thinking. What are the problems for ever. Everyone, and I find that is not only in this text does turn out great with the promotion of problem solving skills, problem-solve this problem solved there. But my problem is here, what's that at all, because of which talk. I think the problem should be solved only once and that is only concrete examples that you can do yourself or you can well understand, and not otherwise!
- The text contains too many foreign words in to a liquid without reading or Duden lexicon is not possible: "It walk from incidental learning process without explicit instructional support." So three foreign words in a sentence. I and many others find that the intelligence of a text should not make its range of complex foreign words, but a text is good and intelligent, if the author can express simple, which is intellectually and do not use foreign words louder! This is how the no fun and no point reading. I must now take the trouble to make the words nachschlagen und das braucht Zeit, die ich einfach nicht habe. Das Thema ist eh schon komplex und dann muss man nicht auch noch zig Fremdwörter benutzen, die nicht mal unten, in der Fußzeile erklärt oder erläutert werden.
- Es fehlt irgendwie ein Kasten, wo die wichtigsten und öfters vorkommenden Begriffe erklärt werden. Beim mehrmaligen durchlesen habe ich nämlich festgestellt das bestimmte Begriffe an einer Stelle im Text erklärt werden, diese Stelle muss man sich dann jedes Mal raussuchen, wenn das Wort wieder auftritt. Das Wort hätte man einfach in einen Kasten tun sollen und wenn es auftritt mit einem Index darauf verweisen z.B. „Dabei laufen inzidentelle(1) Lernprozesse ohne explizite instruktionale Unterstützung(2) from "
1) indices telles learning: place during problem solving rather than
2) explicit instructional support: ...

- Momentmal appears here yes to the following: There are "incidental learning" and "evidence telles learning" what's the difference? Or are they about a spelling mistake:
"incidences ..." and "evidence ..."???
If so, I'd not be so amazing in a "scholarly text" being here probably because the only "scientific" all the foreign words are.

- the middle part of the text, but I like much better. He is "practical" natürlich darf man da dort immer noch nicht konkrete Beispiele bearbeiten (darauf werde ich später noch eingehen) aber es werden konkrete Programm vorgestellt z.B. der engl. Vokabeltrainer COACH und das tutorielle Programm „DER WECHESEL“.
- Was ich zum praktischen noch gerne sagen würde, was ich klasse fände, wäre, wenn am Ende des Artikel die Möglichkeit gäbe, sich auf einer Homepage einzuloggen, wo man die Programme beispielhaft ausprobieren könnte anhand der im Text vorgestellten Dinge. Das intelligente Vorgehen der IST „Intelligente Tutorielle System“ würde mich nämlich sehr interessieren. Als angehender Lehrer und zusätzlich als handlungsorientierter Lerntyp (ich kann mit einem theoretical text to start anything, I have to try everything myself and then I see things and understand them) I will like to try everything and find some.

Two final things I would like to add.
1) Some things are known to me occurred in my youth because I had then ever to do with something. Namely, those on S.449 simulations. In simulations take the learners a role (eg mayor). "Who does not recall here the simulation or simulation game SimCity Ma there is the mayor of a city be built up ... "The player has a predefined or your own ideas designed landscape before him, on which After creating the infrastructure (roads, railways, public transport, electricity, water supply, waste disposal, education and health facilities, police and fire stations, airports, ports, etc.) and the certificates of development land (distinguishing between residential, commercial, and to develop industrial and agricultural area) a city. It is, however, can distinguish whether a weak plot, medium, or will be built on tight. "Http:// # SimCity
Ants was the match where you have to build an ant colony. There you can play different roles (queen, warrior, queen food bringer ,...). Man muss sich dort gegen die anderen roten Ameisen durchsetzen und immer mehr Teilstücke eines Gartens erkämpfen. Um so weiter man an das Haus, das es zu übernehmen gibt kommt um so schwieriger wird es (Regen, Rasenmäher, gefährliche Ameisenfressende Tiere wie Spinnen lauern überall).
Diese Beispiele zeigen, dass sich die Plan- und Simulationsspiele nicht nur in der Wirtschaft, sondern auch bei Privatanwendern durchgesetzt haben und somit große Anerkennung erlangt haben.
Wenn ich an meine FH Studiums Zeit an der FH in Karlsruhe (Wirtschaftinformatik) zurückdenke, stelle ich fest, dass dort die höheren Semester auch mit solchen Simulationsspielen Wirtschaftliche Vorgänge bearbeitet haben. Die Stundenten haben come together in groups. had to found a company that received seed money and had to sell a shop, a follow its share price, etc. similar to the text shown JEAN FACTORY game plan.
2) In the last computer use at school events has presented a student of our course program for their students when it came to the simulation of chemical processes (noble gases, gas chromatograph). After we had tested the program itself was followed by a meeting. There, I said that I find the program well, as long as one against a model of the gas chromatograph has seen in real life, so one could imagine everything in the program even better. Exactly the same argument I have now found in the text in relation to another program: "It was found that the simulation for train drivers, who are already familiar with the automatic train and become familiar only with the induction backup INDUSI must provides good training results.


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