Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Dishnet Receivers Dvr

Loan agreements with members

Verträge mit Angehörigen werden seitens der Finanzverwaltung immer besonders argwöhnisch betrachtet.

Sie führen deshalb häufig zu Streitigkeiten und es gibt eine Vielzahl von Gerichtsentscheidungen. Prinzipiell kann gesagt werden, dass die zivilrechtliche Gültigkeit, die Vertragsdurchführung und ein Fremdvergleich die zu beachtenden Kriterien sind.

Bezüglich der steuerrechtlichen Anerkennung von Darlehensverträgen zwischen Angehörigen hat das Bundesfinanzministerium im Dezember ein Schreiben mit den Grundsätzen für die Beurteilung derartiger Darlehensverträge herausgegeben. Anhand dieses Schreibens sollten Sie Ihre Darlehensverträge mit Angehörigen überprüfen.

link to the letter from the Finance:, templateId = raw, property = publicationFile.pdf

Source: entrepreneurs evening. de

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

How To Tie A Loose Shirt At The Back

German Equity Forum - Commitment to equity companies seeking

Next Event: German Equity Forum Fall 2011 in Frankfurt

organize Since 1996, the German stock exchange and the KfW banking group twice a year, the German Equity Forum, Europe's established and successful event for equity financing. Core of the Fall Forum are again Exhibition and presentations of capital seeking companies and financial intermediaries. They present their activities and products and provide an outlook on expected business performance.

companies have the opportunity to speak with booths for an investment and establish useful contacts and presentations in their company to a broad group of investors. Already companies listed in Prime Standard will have the opportunity to present at the forum their latest financial figures. An attractive conference and seminar program on current industry trends, workshops, plenary lectures and discussions on the subject of equity for the middle class to accompany the presentations. A total of 5,000 participants are expected.


You'll also find more information

Monday, March 7, 2011

Visit Schedule In Rikers Island

"Rather fight, because holiday"

Photo: Erlemann

is 100 years old, the International Women's Day on this year's 8th March. Called by the socialist women's movement to life, was here at first only the women's suffrage issue. On the significance of this day, its history and current situation of women, Dr. Kerstin Wolff from the archives of the German women's movement in Kassel in an interview today with hr2 and expressed it boldly intelligent thought. But that still does not - as stipulated in the Basic Law - Women and men have equal rights, Wolff makes social structures responsible. Which were, according to the historian, particularly durable. Was not very unfortunately, that these structures are essentially been made by men. Wolff avoids aware, however, the opposite sex in this regard be presented as evil. They also pointed out that there were also among the losers in this system men and women winners of the same. Need us have a day of gender? I think not. For the discrimination of women to men has past and present. The starting point for change is right here. And equality - or rather "equal obligation" as Wolff calls it - of women and men can do good! This change is then also the structures ...

Dnating Office Space To A Nonprofit

A woman from writing!

Vorhin ging die Meldung über die Forumsliste des Journalistinnenbundes: Eine renommierte Kollegin der Badischen Zeitung Freiburg habe abgeschrieben. Sie soll Artikel aus verschiedenen Medien zusammenkopiert und als eigene veröffentlicht haben. Rudi Raschke hat den Plagiatsfall in seinem Blog "Sonnhalde" öffentlich gemacht. Raschke ist übrigens der Pressesprecher des Sportclubs Freiburg. Zahlreiche Medien berichteten in der Zwischenzeit über das Freiburger "Kistlergate". Zwischenzeitlich musste BZ-Chefredakteur Thomas Hauser die Flucht nach vorn antreten und am Samstag eine Stellungnahme im Blatt veröffentlichen.
Tja, and recently we had reported that Guttenberg had copied from articles by journalists (or caused to be write?) - and now it has caught one's own ranks.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Maplestory How To Make A Moonstone 2010

All the days of women's March

World Day of Prayer in Chile with the theme "Living Tradition" Copyright: Silke spelled

The March is before us - and he is filled with many exciting days woman!
  • 3.3. - First, cut the fools at the women carnival (as stated in Baden) from the men's ties
  • 4.3.. - Christian women from around the world invite as every first Friday in March for a Ecumenical World Day of Prayer of women. The liturgy is from Chile and this year is themed "How many loaves have you?" Locally there are a lot of worship.
  • 8.3. - 100 years of International Women's Day with numerous local events. The German Women has compiled a list.
  • 25.3. - Equal Pay Day , the day on which women have finally earned an average of as much as men to 31.12. last year! Here, too, with many local events, it must keep the journalists Federation and its activities in mind.
supplement of 2 March:
  • 27.3. - Transition from winter to summer time, and suitably to vote on the Sunday the voters in Baden-Württemberg from their new government. A day on which the women in voting times really must cut down on the plaster! Maybe there's a spring awakening??

Acrostic For Velocity

proposal to Guttenberg's successor

Press Photo Kristina Schroeder

Chancellor Merkel should make Federal Minister Schröder defense minister: Then would result in troop visits during pregnancy good, media coverage and photos - and the women's ministry would be down again für jemanden mit Kompetenz. Oder was meint ihr?

Monday, February 28, 2011

Michael Jackson Funeral Lamp

Girls' Day 2011 in Berlin

Today I received the following messages that I give love to you ...

Preparations for Girls Day 2011 in companies, schools and institutions already in full swing. We welcome your participation. The Girls'Day this year has been exceptionally laid before the Easter holidays. The relatively early date - 14/04/2011 - means that your entry should be on the campaign map with your Girls'Day offer up earlier than usual. We recommend doing this in March, if you have not published your offer. Students can sign up to 04.13.2011 (online). For questions about the Girls'Day we are - as always - happy to assist you and wish you a successful 11th Girls'Day 2011th

Best regards
Almut Borggrefe und Kornelia Ruppmann

Landeskoordination für den Girls'Day Berlin
LIFE e.V. ( , )


Girls'Day 2011 in Berlin - Die Vorbereitungen

Anmeldung der Girls'Day-Veranstaltungen - am besten noch im März
Die Anmeldungen der Betriebe und Einrichtungen ist gut angelaufen. Wir empfehlen Neueinträge bis zum 01.04.2011, also zwei Wochen vor dem
Girls'Day . Girls'Day events are characterized by a high practical relevance. The girls will learn on the spot, what career paths are possible for them, how they feel and how they can reach the students. At the end of the registration form, you can assign your own password. It entitles you to make changes to your listing and registration in subsequent years simply to repeat a button.

company with an immigrant background are welcome
The Girls' Day in Berlin is characterized by a large commitment of companies and organizations from different immigrant groups. The Turkish-German Business Association Berlin-Brandenburg, for example, already takes part in the fifth. We look forward to every other company that is just for the students with an immigrant background as a model.

photo sharing and certificate of participation - rights and obligations
for the release of Girls' Day photos, you need a Statement of Consent of the parents. It is advisable to send this form before the Girls' Day at the participants and to obtain the signature of the parents. You will find a sample of a photo release statement under .
The girls were at the end of the event received a participation certificate. We recommend that teachers take this certificate as part of the follow-up note. Participation certificates are also part of the vocational choice passport. A form is also available at .

preparation in schools
The Girls' Day is a school event, a practice day, the front of the classroom should be followed up and. Materials see . The students should know the job descriptions that are presented to them, and can name after the Girls'Day their experiences and understand how they can achieve their career paths, including obstacles and reservations should be addressed.

The group registration
The students usually sign up on site and online. Group bookings takes power coordination center by telephone: 030-308 798-12 and -16, LIFE eV Almut Borggrefe and Kornelia Ruppmann.

support for girls with disabilities
girls with disabilities have a growing interest in the offerings at the Girls' Day. About a quarter of the events is wheelchair accessible. The Girls' Day is a school event. Girls with disabilities may therefore be given by their school, the support they need to attend a Girls' Day event (eg, car service, monitoring).

girls from Grade 5 in the vocational orientation
younger girls from Year 5 of the Girls' Day start with it. Before puberty, they are the issues of career guidance particularly open and make sustainable experience for their future career. Companies, based on recent Students are admitted, were impressed by the motivation and curiosity of the school girls. We are happy if you include younger girls in their Girls' Day activities. The demand is greater than supply.

Girls'Day Working Groups: Your contact persons in the districts
In almost all districts to support voluntary Girls'Day working groups in all aspects of the Girls' Day 2011th You acquire companies and speak to students in a special way. The relevant contact details can be found at:

Erste Aktionslandkarte für Jungen
Jungen konnten schon immer am Girls'Day Berufe kennenlernen, die sie sonst wenig in Erwägung ziehen: pflegerische, Sozial- und Erziehungsberufe. Schulen können z.B. in Kooperation mit Jugendhilfeträgern einen Thementag zur Rollenreflexion und Lebensplanung für Jungen anbieten. In diesem Jahr gibt es dazu erstmals eine Aktionslandkarte: , auf der diese Veranstaltungen eingetragen werden sollten. Jungen können sich dann online anmelden.

Berliner Handlungsempfehlungen für Angebote für Jungen
Welche Angebote brauchen Boys around the Girls' Day? To answer this question LIFE eV a panel of experts has created. It has developed recommendations for action by the download are available ( ). The most important finding: Boys need for a gender-appropriate career orientation something other than girls, as offers for life planning and reflection on their own role.

******************************************** ***********************************

goes after the Girls' Day a friend - offers and other news

Easter Workshop, eCasting and open workshop at LIFE eV
Girls'Day Girls can seamlessly from their experiences at 04/14/2011 LIFE eV . Continue At "Taste for Girls", a potential assessment can meet girls for their trade and technology strengths in the Easter holidays in five days. The information day for electrical trades before and after the Girls' Day, they can apply for a eCasting and for a training position. The open workshop with LIFE eV starts with the film project "Girls portray women in the trades." In addition, Experimenting to build and develop them in the LIFE workshop.
Taste for Girls for students of the 9th and 10 Classes: 18 to 21.04 and 26.04.2011, 10 to 15 clock, contact: Jasmin Nitschke, 030-308798-10,
Infotage electrical occupations: 24.03.2010 and 26.05.2010, 14.30 17.30 clock, contact: Regina Gill, 030-308 798-24,
Open workshop for girls from grade 7 to 13, May 2011, Contact: Silvia Tastekin, 030 - 308798-21,
All offers take place bei LIFE e.V., Dircksenstr. 47, 10178 Berlin-Mitte (S-Hackescher Markt).

Try it! Junge Frauen erobern die Technik
Zwanzig naturwissenschaftlich-technisch interessierte Mädchen aus den Klassenstufen 9 bis 11 können im Juni vier Tage lang an der Technischen Universität Berlin in den neuen Laboren experimentieren, operieren, programmieren. In Gesprächen mit Fachfrauen und Studentinnen bereiten sie sich auf ein technisch-naturwissenschaftliches Studium vor.
Termin: 01. bis 04.06.2011, online-Bewerbung unter:
Bewerbungsschluss: 15.04.2011

Internet portal "convey fascination for technology online
fascination for technology taught" - the new Internet portal of the metal and electrical industry informed about job and training opportunities in the M + E industry and provides teaching materials. Effective immediately, the teacher is inside portal available online, follow the pupils portal and the apprenticeship market.

Helga Möricke price advertised
The Helga-Möricke Award recognizes the exemplary implementation of social learning in school life and is aimed at educators inside and colleges, that work in the long term, create reliable and sustainable. Application deadline is 06/05/2011. The application forms can be found at www.frauen-and

Puerto Rico Old School Bmx

And another hero - Oliver Lepsius

So eindeutig und unerschrocken hat sich bisher keiner zu Guttenberg geäußert. Sie sind ja richtig mutig, Herr Professor Dr. Oliver Lepsius (Nachfolger von Karl-Theodor zu Guttenbergs Doktorvater Peter Häberle an der Uni Bayreuth). Während es von dem 76jährigen Häberle heißt, er sei am Boden zerstört und spreche nur noch mit seinen engsten Freunden, bescheinigt Lepsius im Interview mit dem Bayerischen Fernsehen dem Verteidigungsminister "ein Ausmaß an Dreistigkeit, we have not yet experienced. "
" We are eating a con artist, "he says, and I watch it quite normal." For me there is no question that Guttenberg is a fraud. "The work is a collage of plagiarism, which is from the beginning planned as a collage ... a conscious intent of Plagiierens ... . As a scientist, the man would have done "If a student with such a work to him came, he would laugh, says Lepsius And in any case." I would be considered of interest to a psychologist what he says to such a case of reality misunderstanding. "

What is known yet about the famous Professor Lepsius? On the assessment side he cuts quite far from average, receives from its students a total 3.66 of a possible five points, the highest rating is 4 points on the subject of fairness. But
2008, as he has ever hung out the window when he critical to the issue of the Humanist Union "online search" illuminated.

Whats The Difference Between A Full Head

Angela Merkel calls for withdrawal of Libyan leader Muammar el Gaddafi

Photo: S. Schneider-Flaig
Libya has long been assumed as a model in terms of equality in the Arab world. No forced veil, headscarf no obligation and 80 percent of students in higher education are female. But times are changing. The people will not remember his revolutionary leader. Gaddafi in Tripoli and the surrounding area defended his kingdom with all means and can shoot demonstrators. While Al Qaeda and Osama bin Laden sees as the author of all evil, calls for his resignation and Angela Merkel Green MEP Rebecca Harms calls for a European system for the refugees, as more than 200,000 people could try from Libya to Europe to flee.

Besides being flown out world countries its citizens from Libya, the army transport planes stationed in Crete, ausländische Konten eingefroren werden und Waffenembargos verhängt werden, scheint sich für das zu erwartende Flüchtlingsproblem kaum jemand zuständig zu fühlen. Franziska Brantner sorgt sich im Interview mit dem Deutschlandfunk um die Flüchtlinge:
"Ich glaube, wenn sich jetzt bewahrheitet, was manche befürchten - wir alle wünschen natürlich, dass es nicht kommt - , dann kann die Aufgabe eben nicht alleine den südlichen EU-Ländern überlassen werden. Dann braucht auch Deutschland eine neue Antwort und kann nicht einfach nur sagen, Italien, mach mal."
Man müsse überlegen, welches Land wie viele Flüchtlinge aufnehmen könne. Then came a corresponding distribution to all 27 member countries into account.
The Chancellor welcomes the recent UN Security Council sanctions , according to leading travel restrictions for members of the Libyan government and foreign assets of the Gaddafi family is frozen. Merkel called for:
"It is high time to go for him."
Gaddafi, who can shoot at demonstrators, makes the telephone conversation with Libyan television Al Qaeda and its leader Osama bin Laden responsible for the uprising. This would media reports to follow the Insurgent support though. The threat of Islamic radicalization in Libya, experts estimate, according to media reports as low. Libyans do not like the political Islam. And its head of state after more than 21 years, not more. Chapter 1 of his green book that was at least until the beginning of 2011 required reading in schools nationwide, is concerned with the power of the people.
"The main political problem that faced by human communities is the instrument of government."
We will see what is going on with the political basis of his Third Universal Theory in the Age of the Jamahiriya (the era of the masses) to themselves. This requires
However, an on-site reporting. Entry visas for journalists were without (government) Invitation always a problem. Currently, media representatives may enter via Benghazi, but the situation in the country is dangerous. Remains (particularly in view of the current collective bargaining newspapers and magazines) to hope that German (newspaper) publishers of the value of journalism is more aware.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

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Do women have any opinions?

I'm still very excited about Judith Holofernes' open letter for image advertising campaign. It is such a through-composed piece of written rhetoric, that it deserves a literary prize. And of course: There is a strong opinion piece - and which are still too few women.

on the U.S. platform Mallary Jean Tenore Poynter itself has made this a few thoughts. Despite the promising title "Why women do not contribute to opinion pages as often as men & what we can do about it" we learn is not so much about the why, but read mainly complaints about that so Few women dare. I would be happy to read here in watch salon a few comments to.

A reason that was cited by women for their My Gung-abstinence can, but smile, at least recently, and in this country: "I have keinen Doktortitel."

Friday, February 25, 2011

Alpha Kappa Alpha Reference Letter

TAILORED transfer of power: media watch is men's business in Bavaria

Sie war mutig, fachlich kompetent und sogar in der CSU. Hat aber leider "nix gnutzt". Die Medien-Professorin Gabriele Goderbauer-Marchner erhielt bei der Wahl im Medienrat nur 11 Stimmen, Staatskanzleichef Siegfried Schneider 33. Damit hat der neue Chef der Bayerischen Landeszentrale für neue Medien wieder das alte Geschlecht. Und Cornelia Holsten bei der der sehr kleinen Anstalt in Bremen bleibt die einzige weibliche Landesmedienchefin in Deutschland.

Was bei dieser Wahl - neben der Parteipolitik - noch eine Rolle spielte, hat die  taz  gut erklärt. Im Personalkarussell that rotates through Schneider's now leaving in the CSU will probably get a woman to the train - but only in place in the district of Upper Bavaria presidency, not as a minister in the chancellery.

My Diapered Punishment

The heroine

Photo Credit: Billy & Hells ( )

The agency Jung von Matt wanted the band "Wir sind Helden" for a celebrity fundraising campaign with the IMAGE Newspaper win. Singer Judith Holofernes said publicly: "I think it chopped off" - and put the request together with your hard hitting response to the Heroes homepage . Since your "No" to the server is overloaded! "Das hatten sich die erfolgsverwöhnten Werber bei der Agentur Jung von Matt sicher anders vorgestellt", schreibt die Süddeutsche Zeitung in Ihrer heutigen Online-Ausgabe. Und weiter: "Holofernes liefert neben einem zynischen Lob ("Selten hat eine Werbekampagne so geschickt mit der Dummheit auf allen Seiten gespielt") auch gleich eine durchaus deutliche Begründung: 'Die Bild -Zeitung ist ein gefährliches politisches Instrument.' "
Eine klare Ansage der Heldin Judith!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Best Brands In Sanitaryware In India

interview with Nawal al-Saadawi

Die ägyptische Menschenrechtlerin Nawal al-Saadawi äußert sich heute in einem Interview mit der WELT kritisch zum vom "Hohen Rat" eingesetzten Verfassungskomitee in Egypt.

"On the one sitting in this committee only old men, all lawyers (...) Second, all people who were involved in the revolution, women and youth, are equally represented in such a committee (. ...) The Constitutional Council will give us tailor a constitution, which mainly Muslim will be targeted. They are maintained, for example, Article 2 of the Constitution, which stipulates that Islam is the state religion. " Nawal al-Saadawi

calls for a Constitution that "100 percent secular" is. For what it is being mean to women when located in the new constitutional article, referring to the sharia or be based on them? The enthusiasm of the West on the fall of Mubarak must not lead to look at current events in Egypt too critical.

The interview with al-Saadawi you can find at

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Flying With An Enlarged Spleen

Guttenberg, women's plagiarist (Part 2)

The von Guttenberg incorrectly cited women, we can now also German colleague Sonja expect Volkmann-Schluck, from its Working Paper "The debate over a European constitution" of 2001, the "author" made use of power, without always source evidence. An entire chapter hat er sogar nach den Vorgaben der damals 25-jährigen Studentin gegliedert.

Inzwischen sind so viele Stellen gefunden worden, an denen in dieser Arbeit gepfuscht worden ist, dass sich womöglich die These nicht halten lässt, es habe überproportional viele Frauen getroffen. Auffällig bleibt aber doch, wie viele entscheidende Passagen, Meinungen und Struktur-Elemente der "Autor" von Frauen übernommen hat. Und wie man am Beispiel Klara Obermüller sieht, ist wohl manche Tagesarbeit einer kompetenten Journalistin gut genug, um als Bestandteil einer mit "summa cum laude" bewerteten Doktorarbeit durchzugehen. Wir sollten unsere Lights in this respect shall not be any bushel.

The Neue Zürcher Zeitung, in the opinion Obermüller contribution to the reference to God was published in the European Constitution has used this knowledge for their prompt subscription advertising : With the subtitle "Summa cum laude University of Bayreuth." advertises them for their hand.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Wordpress Erection Beach

Guttenberg, women's plagiarist

that Defence Minister Karl-Theodor von Guttenberg has come under pressure because his thesis contains plagiarism, is instructive, not only for pupils and students to learn from the fact that a famous politician not simply be trending from others.

No, the case also has a gender dimension. For of the five nominated by the Süddeutsche Zeitung occupied plagiarism victims are three women: Barbara Zehnder, Klara Obermüller and Gret Haller. So a far higher percentage than that corresponding to, for example, the proportion of women scientists at German universities.

The professor said Barbara Zehner that - again according to Süddeutsche Zeitung - as follows:
"Clearly this is a plagiarism," she said in an interview with Bayerischer Rundfunk. For students, it was something already happened, in a minister but not yet. Next she said. "I do not feel at all flattered, I would prefer to work right through my publications and not on such a detour."
is remarkable because only that women should feel flattered even if men steal their ideas and texts.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

What Does A Purple Bracelet Stand For

When listening to women and not moderators nachhaken not

woman evening with Reinhold Beckmann "fig weak, easily ... women fail to yourself?" said on Monday. Ex-taz editor Baasha Mika was invited to defend her book "The cowardice of the women" against the allegations being made with cheerful indignation question - and probably also to Doris Schroeder-Koepf, but the first nur brav redete, wenn sie gefragt wurde und zweitens Einblicke in die häusliche Arbeitsteilung im Ex-Kanzler-Haushalt gab ohne sich mit den Thesen des Buches auseinander zu setzen. Statt dessen blies die Professorin Gertrud Höhler zum Angriff auf Mika. Warum?

Feigheit und Schonzeit

Auch Höhler hatte doch vor zwei Jahren "Das Ende der Schonzeit" in einem Buch ausgerufen. (Eine gelungene Kritik stand dazu in der Süddeutschen Zeitung .) Da sie damals nicht das Glück hatte, mitten in die Quotendebatte zu platzen, blieb ihr die derzeitige mediale Aufmerksamkeit allerdings verwehrt. Aufmerksam war sie selbst in der Diskussion auch nicht, sprang auf Halbsätze an und refuted their own argument that women are more communication so that they misunderstood Mika repeated.

Only after some time it became clear what the differences between the two female accusers of their own sex: Hoehler keeps women in the profession for a coward, Mika in private life. Mika wants to share, Hoehler it considers devil. What is the soundness woman Hoehler opinion is there, showing her bold statement, Chancellor Merkel had stopped by the Leyens advance, among other things, to the FDP to show you that it was the junior partner of the coalition. For the Liberals would have been well known for the quota. Ouch, that hurt. But not the moderator Beckmann, since the expression did not change.

And it continued with the superficial knowledge of the highly paid consultant: The 23% difference in pay between men and women in Germany was because that the time-outs were included in the statistics of women. Yeah, if we include time spent raising children and breaks with zero content, it must be there is a difference yes. It is just unfortunate: WRONG! The difference relates to the exact hour worked! It is true, however: women reach even after short time-outs because of the children, even years later, usually not the same pay as their male colleagues. Comparable long unemployment in men but is compensated fairly quickly. Unfortunately was also the journalist Mika Baasha not score with corrected information.

solidarity for the lack of solidarity

Whether the exchange of blows and public criticism of Mika's book wondered Host Beckmann then where would actually solidarity among women? He said - mind you - not Mrs. Mika's solidarity with the women, but the solidarity of the women with her. Maybe this is among men so that we show solidarity with is who is swinging away at one. Otherwise I can not explain the issue.

The chance of a sound argument was again wasted time. But that's what other sites: Bei Zeit Online hat Susanne Mayer alles geschrieben, was zum Buch "Die Feigheit der Frauen" gesagt werden muss.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Where Can You Find Catwalk Hair Products

collective intelligence within the company

What Is An Isa Chicken?

Italian women Men

Gestern demonstrierten zehntausende italienischer Frauen gegen Sexismus in Politik und Medien sowie gegen Berlusconis Sexeskapaden. Einige Bilder sind hier zu finden. Auch in deutschen Medien waren die Proteste Thema. Zum Beispiel berichteten die Frankfurter Rundschau , die Zeit , die Sueddeutsche Zeitung , der Tagesspiegel , die Tagesschau sowie der Spiegel und die taz jeweils online.

Auffällig ist hier, dass aus den überwiegend weiblichen Demonstrierenden, die dabei von Männern unterstützt wurden, im Zuge der Berichterstattung teilweise Teilnehm er , Demonstrant en , Italien er wurden. Die deutschen Autorinnen und Autoren der entsprechenden Texte ließen also gemäß der in den hieisgen Medien vorherrschenden männerzentrierten Sprache den italienischen Frauen einen Geschlechtswechsel angedeien. Ein Paradebeispiel für Verunsichtbarung von Frauen. Und das, obwohl sie hier eigentlich im Zentrum der Aufmerksamkeit stehen sollten. Zugegeben, immerhin sind Frauen im Laufe der Texte auch als solche benannt. Nichtsdestotrotz wirkt der Sprachgebrauch in einigen der Artikel verwirrend.

Bei der Sprache fängt Sexismus an und bei Vergewaltigung he stops. If we follow the example of women living in Germany, the Italians and pull again in masses against sexism in the media, politics and the soci-to field? What do you mean, Ladies? Perhaps the International Women's Day. The upcoming 100th anniversary yes Times ..

Thursday, February 10, 2011

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vadis with ads for freedom of movement

"Women in Motion" is a campaign of Terre des Femmes, which has been running since mid November. Occasion: The women's soccer World Cup. Goal include: "make girls and women of courage, to demand their human right to freedom of movement, sport an opportunity to see social integration, and to network"
Sun Christa Stolle, the national director in a letter. Also wants to Organistaion in cooperation with institutions, associations and Equal Opportunity Officer to the lack of opportunities for girls and women in sport and in society to draw attention and present positive approaches and projects that will change. media can actively support the campaign by the accompanying print ads for free. Advertise here for equal opportunities in sport and society: the goalkeeper Nadine Angerer national celebrity, author and trainer Sabine Asgodom, Monika Staab, international ambassador for women's football and Ilse Ridder-Melchers, Vizevorstndsfrau equality in the department of the German Olympic Sports Federation. Info on the campaign website of Terre des Femmes . Showing at: / media . want: So colleagues! has

Monday, February 7, 2011

Are Veins On Breasts Normal

Monica Lierhaus

Who ever sat one-two hours in the makeup for a performance. Who knows fright and overcome it. Who knows how good it feels when everything suddenly becomes easy, because you feel safe - with practice, anticipation and appreciation. And who knows the importance of appearance, voice and movement for a presenter. The

or - even more - the judge, what can it mean that Monica Lierhaus after two years the first time back on a stage and before cameras. For much of her was taken and she has to conquer difficult again - without any certainty of success.

respect for a strong performance from a strong woman!

Monica Lierhaus appearance at the presentation of the Golden Camera .

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Wedding Gifts Ideas For People Living Together

quo (te)?

The discussions about a quota for supervisory and executive position taken, at least thematically, especially the German media. Time, even in the forum of journalists Federal times make a clear statement.


I am a convinced opponent of the quota. I think it is one fought by all means - the male rate, I mean, of course. For 97% of well-paying, prestigious and influential posts for the guys - it's just too much.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

How Much Do Quinceanera's Cost?

Medienwissenschaft - quo vadis?

In Tübingen last week a new Institute for Media Studies was opened. Actually a great message! But the launch party, has left me with mixed feelings about the practical value of this Institute.

Of the three professors and one professor were considered (foreign) endless discussion of which this article gives an impression: It was about film theory, to our role behavior on the Internet to the role of science in advertising. Everything interesting media-research topics, but none of them hatte irgend etwas mit Journalismus zu tun.  Nur Jürg Häusermann erinnerte daran, dass sich die Vorläufer der heutigen Tübinger Medienwissenschaftler in den 1970-er Jahren mit der Frage beschäftigt haben, wie man Nachrichten verständlicher formulieren kann. Doch das ist lange her.

Bedenklicher noch finde ich, dass nicht einmal das Wort Journalistenausbildung fiel. Dabei wollen doch die meisten Studierenden, die in Medien-Studiengänge strömen, etwas mit Medien machen. Und nicht nur über Medien forschen. Vermutlich gibt es auch ein paar - schlecht bezahlte - Lehrbeauftragte an dem neuen Institut, die die Aufgabe übernehmen, ihnen das journalistische Handwerk zu vermitteln. Aber which has also unfortunately no thanks.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Caffeine Garnier Roller

1Live weiß Bescheid: Frauen wollen Friseure

The paint is from? - Then please do not to Dusseldorf
photo. Go A. Knop

"If women do not like to paint their fingernails, to the disco or to the hairdresser, then they are in Essen and Dusseldorf wrong. "
The statistics professor Walter Kramer says of the TU Dortmund. The federal government but says journalists who is wrong here, this is Mr. Kramer - and with it a public service broadcaster, has given this strange statistical study on women-friendly cities in order.

The moderator of the WDR local time Ruhr acts in the announcement of the contribution a bit strange:
"It's very interesting what was being investigated, what is obviously important to score with women. "Then follows
WDR best cross-promotion. The radio colleagues in 1Live Sector Report can evaluate the statistics, what do women supposedly: hairdressers, boutiques, nail salons, health food stores - and men.

woman could now take with humor, especially as Professor Kramer in the article a bit like Horst Schlämmer acts. And even funnier it gets, when the woman is white, so the man has made the author a name: the "Encyclopedia of the popular errors" and the work ". So you lie with statistics " He is the Scientific Council of the Society for the Scientific Investigation of para-science, the among other things, against "pseudo-scientific claims" blocked.

annoying only go on it that for so what our license fees. And so the journalists' federation an open letter to the WDR wrote:

Open Letter

Bonn, 24 January 2011

love Monika Piel,

"We simply use all the cliches that there are only so, "said Prof. Walter Krämer the article" Woman City - Food No. 3 "in the local time on Tuesday, 18 January. And well told, what criteria he has calculated as a statistician woman-friendly city of NRW: According to the number of shoe and jewelry shops, nail salons, flower shops, discos, and by the surplus of men that is. "Women who paint their nails or do not like buying shoes, which are then incorrectly in Essen and Dusseldorf," said Kramer.

extent that would just be annoying and stupid - if not as co-author of the study at the TU Dortmund der WDR genannt wird, konkret: WDR 1Live. Das hat uns nun doch überrascht: So etwas initiiert der WDR, die erste Landesrundfunkanstalt, die Frauenförderplan und Gleichstellung realisiert hat? Die Anstalt, die sich für eine geschlechtergerechte Sprache einsetzt und natürlich für Qualitätsjournalismus? Die Anstalt, für die auch viele unserer Mitglieder arbeiten, gibt Gebührengelder aus für solchen Unsinn?

Vielleicht war die Kooperation mit der TU Dortmund sogar kostenfrei (was wir sehr hoffen) – aber die Redaktion, Moderation und Berichterstattung quer durch die WDR-Programme („Crosspromotion“ in WDR2, diverse Lokalzeiten etc.) war es sicher nicht. Dazu kommt, dass a well-laden stereotypes comparable study on the "male-friendly city in North Rhine-Westphalia was created in November: Great! Since you have served both sexes cliche. (May we suggest how the criteria looked for the men: the number of football clubs and Mucki stalls per city)

Hardly worth mentioning that in the 2'21-report in the local time to it all, even a group of women was interviewed, the just practice, "a play about the menopause" - and therefore, "experts in women's issues" were. The can look forward then to the camera, that there are taxi drivers, which the ladies to the front door . Accompany

Please ensure that is spent in your house no more cents for such a silly, unreflective use of stereotypes. Such reports damage the image of public service broadcasting. We know

, the WDR does it better!

If you want to hang up once a clinical trial: What about criteria such as equal pay for equal work, "the scope and availability of child care," "number of women in leadership positions" for the woman-friendly city in North Rhine-Westphalia? And see if Prof. Walter Krämer not create such a study may then be determined in NRW many who like to take: eg Prof. Ilse Lenz, see more www.netzwerk. By the way: This is also true for the new edition of the men study.

looking forward to both the - with best wishes - represented

your journalists fret
by the board members:
Eva Kohl Rusch, president of the Journalist Federation of Women
Rosemarie bodice, vice chairman of the journalists Federal
Hilde Weeg
Cornelia Benninghoven
Wibke Gerking
Petra Alexandra Buhl

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Mini Pimples Above Upper Lip

Jetzt mal Werbung!

are pockets like this at 's Girls can blog . A tip from my nice Facebook group "Girls on Web Society. is perhaps a gadget bloggers for our next meeting?

And here you can vote for the blogger of the year! Suspected

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Growing Peas In Acid Rain

ALG II: Additional aid for self

Who "needy" as defined in Book II, can grants and apply for loans for the purchase of necessary property, middle l. The upper limit of the grants, is 5,000 €. Funding can also be granted access to the money.

Through the "Law for the realignment of the labor market instruments" means the provisions in Book II of the Einstiegsgeld in den § 16 ("Leistungen zur Eingliederung") integriert worden. Inhaltliche Änderungen zur bisherigen Rechtslage beim Einstiegsgeld ergeben sich aus dem neuen § 16b SGB II nicht.

Umso interessanter für gründungswillige Langzeitarbeitslose ist dagegen §16c SGB II: Der ermöglicht den Arbeitsagenturen die Bewilligung von Zuschüssen (maximal 5.000 Euro) sowie Darlehen (ohne feste Obergrenze). Dafür müssen aber einige Voraussetzungen erfüllt sein:

  • Die Anschaffungen sind notwendig und angemessen.
  • Die selbständige Tätigkeit ist tragfähig.
  • Die Tragfähigkeit kann durch das Gutachten einer fachkundigen Stelle plausibel gemacht werden.
  • Die Hilfebedürftigkeit des Antragstellers kann durch die Beihilfe "innerhalb eines angemessenen Zeitraums dauerhaft" überwunden werden.
Die Zuschüsse und Darlehen können zusätzlich zum Einstiegsgeld gewährt werden. Genauso wie die Einstiegsgeld-Regelung handelt es sich beim neuen §16c jedoch um eine Kann-Bestimmung: Einen Rechtsanspruch auf die Förderung gibt es nicht.

Wichtig: Die Zuschüsse und Darlehen sind nicht nur Gründern vorbehalten! Leistungen zur Eingliederung können ausdrücklich auch solche Hilfebedürftige bekommen, die bereits eine selbständige Tätigkeit ausüben!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

How Do I Remove Cross Country Bindings

Sarrazin: Mit den eigenen Waffen geschlagen

we had always have been demonstrated in some cases also. Even "Tough but fair" brought at the height of the debate a wonderful contribution, who showed that statistics can not be extrapolated for decades. In his book about calculates Sarrazin, are that the Germans have in 120 years to 75 percent of immigrant background, just like that when development continues as the data now. Plasberg colleagues applied the same method - only with numbers from 1890. The result:
then Germany would now have 250 million inhabitants.

Less funny and very serious scientific knowledge now, according to the quotation from the Süddeutsche Zeitung :
A study of the Humboldt University shows that many of distorting the statistics used to Thilo Sarrazin migrants reality. They were made so long and stretched until they fit. Some books
one must not just read, let alone the same. You can just wait for the other study. Unless you're male, older age group, not uneducated and incapable - but above all a huge fear of change and the loss of one's own position. For that, it had the market research company recently also been found for the Süddeutsche , Sarrazin is the typical reader.

Does Neo-synephrine Safe For Cats To Spray

NEG Website Award 2011 for SME

Das Netzwerk Elektronischer Geschäfts­verkehr (NEG) startet am 17. Januar 2011 zum fünften Mal den NEG Website Award.

Kleine und mittlere Unternehmen aus Industrie, Handel, Dienstleistung und Handwerk sind aufgerufen, sich mit ihren Internetauftritten zu bewerben. Die Preisverleihung findet im Juni 2011 im Weltkultur­erbe Völklinger Hütte statt. Die Gewinner erhalten ein Preisgeld von insgesamt 9.000 Euro.

Mehr under:

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Boxing Lessons Toronto Youth Ymca

APPLICATION START IT Innovation Award 2011


The Initiative Mittelstand awards the prestigious IT Innovation Award for eight consecutive years, the most innovative products and solutions from the technology, information and telecommunications industry, and specifically supports the marketing of these solutions.

80köpfige A professional jury of professors, scientists, industry-weighted and IT experts, and journalists all entered products according to the criteria of innovation, practical relevance and suitability for SMEs. The panel of judges decide on the specific Top 3 nominees and winners in each category.

waving as prizes to the winners of the comprehensive funding packages Huber Publishing for New Media and the Initiative Mittelstand "in the form of extensive PR and marketing services in the total value of 400,000 €! Thus the target as a winner in your category winning helps companies to market their solutions and products professionally and make a wide range of customers known. Especially companies with a small marketing budget by offering a stake in the IT Innovation Award a unique opportunity to position their product to market success. Participation is free for all businesses.

Apply now!


Saturday, January 1, 2011

Gland Swelling With Period

Happy New Year:)

Hello lovelies.
not worry, I'm still alive, I'm still here, love is causing my head a little confused, I still have residual alcohol from New Year's Eve, but in itself is my little world right.

I'm sorry I did not report, I was just so blog lazy.
"lazy" does it really well at the moment. I'll hardly sport, but at least I'm no longer FAs.
December was now eating moderately is not really ideal, my pants are once again a little closer. I will not weigh, the number just makes me crazy. Therefore it gets the "Weight over" no neuen Zahlen geben, wenn ich die Seite nicht sogar komplett lösche.
Da versuche ich lieber, einfach die Potionengröße ein wenig zu reduzieren, den Sport wieder anzufangen und dann darauf warten, dass die Hosen wieder etwas mehr schlackern.
Ich hab das schon mal geschafft, warum nicht jetzt?

Am liebsten würde ich einfach komplett mit Essen aufhören. So ganz. Da ich aber weiß, dass das dann nur wieder in FA - schlechtes Gewissen - exzessiver Sport - wieder zu weng essen - neue FA usw. resultiert, lass ich das bei meinem schwachen Willen lieber.

Ich will wieder öfter bloggen, also macht euch bitte keine Sorgen.
And yes, I let the study be and do as of August ne training as a baker. make love something and at the end to see that you have managed to learn something than to learn, learn, be frustrated and ask, 'What for? "when one has become clear that the profession to which also aims to study, do not run anyway can and will.

you soon:)
I dance now a round.