Monday, July 17, 2006
Alprazolam-how Does It Works # 115317143491279404
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So, unfortunately this is already my second last comment on my instructional design. I've made up my mind if I start to write with my instructional design, all the comments on my teaching design, so the other by me and by über meinen UE zusammenzukopieren und auszudrucken. Und eventuelle die wichtigsten Sachen zu unterstreichen/hervorzuheben. Mir ist es nämlich sehr wichtig, dass mir auch nichts entgeht, was ich mir über das Semester hin überlegt habe.
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(1)Ich kann mir gut vorstellen im Englisch-, Geographie- und Geschichte-Unterricht Google Earth einzusetzen. Eigentlich kann man es in allen Fächer einsetzten, wo man über Städte spricht, z.B. also auch Deutsch, wenn man sich wegen Goethe oder Schiller Weimar anschauen möchte, oder in Biologie, Chemie, Physik, wenn man sehen möchte wo ein berühmter Forscher und Entdecker herkam.
(2)Ich habe gerade ein Seminar über Computer- und Interneteinsatz im Englisch-Unterricht und zur Vorbereitung (z.B. AB) von Englisch-Unterricht gehalten. Dort habe ich einen von mir entworfenen WebQuest „Travelling to the American West“ vorgestellt. Diesen durften die Studenten anschließend selbst ausprobieren. In diesem WebQuest begeben sich die User auf eine Reise durch den Amerikanischen Westen. Die Reise geht durch die 4 Staaten Utah, Nevada, Arizona und Kalifornien. Man kommt durch große Städte wie Las Vegas, San Francisco, Los Angeles und durch bekannte Nationalparks wie der Joshua Tree National Park, Grand Canyon Village, Mesa Verde National Park, Arches National Park. Die User beantworten nun Fragen zu den jeweiligen Orten und Plätzen. Alle Antworten werden in einer PowerPoint Präsentation aufgearbeitet und abschließend präsentiert. Jetzt könnte ich mir vorstellen, dass ich dem User die Zusatzaufgabe stellen in ihrer Präsentation an der jeweiligen Stelle, zu den Orten und Plätzen einen Draufsicht-Screenshot aus Google Earth einzustellen. Frau Bescherer würde dies „lodic“ nennen, man trainiert so über den WebQuest hinaus allgemeinen Computeranwendungen, also den generellen Umgang mit dem Computer. Es müssen ja einige Programme eingesetzt werden: Word, PowerPoint, Internet Explorer, Google Earth, Screenshots
Sunday, July 16, 2006
How To Open Anybodies Locker
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So, das es bei mir solangsam USA on approaching and I must make my teaching design in any case before. Do I have to go slow thinking about when I start to write. Since this week and next I have to do much I would not do with it. I have now carried out on August 1st to do with it, then I have enough time to write about him, since I fly to Portland on September 4th.
Monday, July 10, 2006
Travestisbr Anımal
I found the event of Mr. Spannagel "Computer use in schools" really great! The note system is absolutely fair with the smilies. Although one has to do very much: read texts, write articles (blogs), to expand the wiki, comment each week's Lesson Plan and another fellow students and at the end of a detailed instructional design writing, but you can be sure to get a good grade if you are diligent and always stay on the ball. But not only the notes system I like, but the event was great in itself. It was always interesting topics, I've never been bored. Mr. Spannagel has given us with his nice, relaxed and happy kind of interesting hours. We've covered almost all topics, was the theoretical units are only rarely and even these were very hands on. We could all try it for yourself and have always had great fun. Especially working with the On-wiki, which I at this point may not enter into, was very enriching for me. Mr. Spannagel has always brought great ideas and we introduced new programs. Another point that I liked was that Mr. Spannagel has always co-sponsored experts. First, we were able to welcome Ms. Mrs. bring in online chat and our online forum Moodle. She is an expert on WebQuests and has a long talk with us about WebQuests, help and suggestions given to us and answered all our questions. Today we welcomed Mr. Schaal from biology in the seminar. He has introduced us deeper into the world of concept maps and showed us how to get these working in a university (for the Academic TP) and in the school evaluation instrument uses to assess the students. Again, this was again very interesting and we took some things from the event. Trying is the online concept maps on with fellow students and I really liked very much. It impressed me, what can you do with today's technology and what I still do not know everything.
to write something that I did not like is, I totally hard, because I'm really pleased. to write the only thing I can think of would be that I've done it as much as I sometimes difficult for example, four smilies. Otherwise, initially only 1 to 2 smilies per task were given to me the present 4 smilies for each task were very much before and I just thought that since I will also write a lot more needs (like now). But I would probably not have to write so much to get the 4 smilies. It would therefore have been better from the start more smilies to forgive or at the end to retain the number two smilies for an article. This could be done any better, but it is not absolutely necessary and I have done so also for other fields to do anything .
I want to finish my article in no way with what it would improve, but with something positive: the mere appointment of Mr Spannagel that it has withdrawn its last task, that we can write what we liked more or less, I find it very good. This reflects his attitude again, which he had taken in the complete seminar that we were always open about what we liked and what has not please us. And I hope that my students are sometimes so open and honest with me, how could we be to Mr. Spannagel.
All the best!
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gmeacht this time I have some thoughts about how I am the best Publisher introductory program (no matter whether now in my hour or an hour before, but this muss ich ja auch beachten, wenn ich meine Stunde vorbereite, welches Wissen ich vorraussetzen kann). Also ich würde natürlich damit beginnen, das die SS Publisher starten dürfen. Anschließend erkläre ich ihnen, was es mit dem Rand auf sich hat, dazu drucken wir ein Blatt aus um zu sehen, wie weit der Drucker an den Rand drucken kann, dies kann man ja ausmessen. Anschließend dürfen die SS ausprobieren, welche Arten es gibt Bilder (Bild aus dem Explorer reinziehen oder über Clipart einfügen) und Text (Textrahmen aufziehen oder Geometrische Figut aufziehen und dann auf Text hinzufügen gehen) einzufügen . Und schließlich wie man ein Publisher Dokument abspeichert. Das dürfte für den Anfang genügen. grüßle basti
Sunday, July 9, 2006
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My blog-article on "Concept Maps"
I am referring notably to the following products:
- Concept Maps and E-Learning by Sigmar-Olaf Tergan [1] (http://www.e- / Education / design / visualization / abstract / Concept_Maps.pdf)
- The Theory Underlying Concept Maps and How to Construct Them by the Institute for Human and Machine Cognition [2] ( / research papers / TheoryCmaps / TheoryUnderlyingConceptMaps.htm)
As I read the article concept maps & E-Learning by Sigmar-Olaf Tergan [1] have read, I noticed immediately a lecture, 2004 in a previous study at the University of Applied Sciences had visited in Karlsruhe (Programme in Business computer science). Where we have operations, relationships, names us. is within a movie database in an ER diagram.

I think the scenario presented in the text with the student very obvious but let me say that one in every program can invent an appropriate scenario and is therefore liable to all the program great, useful and user-oriented.
What I found really great and I was able to try out in the last lecture of Mr. Spannagel the online concept mapping tool IHMC CmapTools ( Together we could now create a concept map on different computers on any topic. We have chosen the topic "Internet". Once you have a topic in Custom, you can now create links from there to the outside and this calling. As you work on two at a CMap, it is interesting to see what the other is doing. It can be that you just created has an element such as email and whoosh, it has been moved to another location as if by magic. Also, spelling error is corrected by even such seemingly from Internet Multiplyaer game quickly an Internet multiplayer game. Over time, all play well, and it is always clear, one may then discover a trend developing where the concept map. The
you can add to cmaps Internet address, video, sound, graphics and documents, I find great. So you can build great systems, hierarchies and complex relationships simply and clearly present.
The small glossary at the end of the text I find that very genial, so what I would also like to in the article "Learning and teaching with computers" by Mandl, Gruber, & Renkl (1997). desired.
interesting in the text "The Theory Underlying Concept Maps and How to Construct Them" of the Institute for Human and Machine Cognition [2] I found de ideas about Question, Parking Lots and Expert Skeleton Maps especially the Parking Lot Maps have somehow very reminiscent of that program HotPotatoes.
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my comment to another UE:
Mr. Spannagel, this time hopefully properly posted?
lg sw
Saturday, July 8, 2006
Wosiek MaŁgorzata KozŁÓw
Halli hallo, here I am back with my latest thoughts on my teaching design. I was thinking that I let the students make image editing with Publisher. There you have sufficient capabilities for image processing. Namely:
- Cut image
- change color (black and white, grayscale, Intensity / water colors)
- Contrast change
brightness change, etc.
Another program I would still have to introduce extra and it would confuse the students perhaps only because they then also have to pay attention again to the storage of (new name which one the old document still has to further use). In addition, there are few available on the web legalistic, easy-to-use image editing software (with IrfanViem I'm not so happy and it's also more of an image viewer like ACDSee, rather than an image editing program).
permanent, so I only Publisher.
Greetings Basti
Church Anniversary Program Letters
Hi, I currently attend another seminar with Mr. Spannagel, Mr Rubitzko and Mr Shallow. There, we are permitted to create a second HTML project a website in which it is a known, explorer, inventor. We have chosen to Archimedes. Who cares who just visit our website:
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My blog-review of the text by Mandl, H., Gruber, H. & Renkl, A. (1997). "Learning and teaching with computers" in the psychology of adult education. This article
I like different good! This is clear from the following reasons:
- is the beginning of the Text written a lot of theoretical. At various places spoken of problem solving (abilities, skills, expertise, programs promote problem solving, etc.). What is problem solving? I would like to do an example. How to set tasks so that they promote problem-solving thinking. What are the problems for ever. Everyone, and I find that is not only in this text does turn out great with the promotion of problem solving skills, problem-solve this problem solved there. But my problem is here, what's that at all, because of which talk. I think the problem should be solved only once and that is only concrete examples that you can do yourself or you can well understand, and not otherwise!
- The text contains too many foreign words in to a liquid without reading or Duden lexicon is not possible: "It walk from incidental learning process without explicit instructional support." So three foreign words in a sentence. I and many others find that the intelligence of a text should not make its range of complex foreign words, but a text is good and intelligent, if the author can express simple, which is intellectually and do not use foreign words louder! This is how the no fun and no point reading. I must now take the trouble to make the words nachschlagen und das braucht Zeit, die ich einfach nicht habe. Das Thema ist eh schon komplex und dann muss man nicht auch noch zig Fremdwörter benutzen, die nicht mal unten, in der Fußzeile erklärt oder erläutert werden.
- Es fehlt irgendwie ein Kasten, wo die wichtigsten und öfters vorkommenden Begriffe erklärt werden. Beim mehrmaligen durchlesen habe ich nämlich festgestellt das bestimmte Begriffe an einer Stelle im Text erklärt werden, diese Stelle muss man sich dann jedes Mal raussuchen, wenn das Wort wieder auftritt. Das Wort hätte man einfach in einen Kasten tun sollen und wenn es auftritt mit einem Index darauf verweisen z.B. „Dabei laufen inzidentelle(1) Lernprozesse ohne explizite instruktionale Unterstützung(2) from "
1) indices telles learning: place during problem solving rather than
2) explicit instructional support: ...
- Momentmal appears here yes to the following: There are "incidental learning" and "evidence telles learning" what's the difference? Or are they about a spelling mistake:
"incidences ..." and "evidence ..."???
If so, I'd not be so amazing in a "scholarly text" being here probably because the only "scientific" all the foreign words are.
- the middle part of the text, but I like much better. He is "practical" natürlich darf man da dort immer noch nicht konkrete Beispiele bearbeiten (darauf werde ich später noch eingehen) aber es werden konkrete Programm vorgestellt z.B. der engl. Vokabeltrainer COACH und das tutorielle Programm „DER WECHESEL“.
- Was ich zum praktischen noch gerne sagen würde, was ich klasse fände, wäre, wenn am Ende des Artikel die Möglichkeit gäbe, sich auf einer Homepage einzuloggen, wo man die Programme beispielhaft ausprobieren könnte anhand der im Text vorgestellten Dinge. Das intelligente Vorgehen der IST „Intelligente Tutorielle System“ würde mich nämlich sehr interessieren. Als angehender Lehrer und zusätzlich als handlungsorientierter Lerntyp (ich kann mit einem theoretical text to start anything, I have to try everything myself and then I see things and understand them) I will like to try everything and find some.
Two final things I would like to add.
1) Some things are known to me occurred in my youth because I had then ever to do with something. Namely, those on S.449 simulations. In simulations take the learners a role (eg mayor). "Who does not recall here the simulation or simulation game SimCity Ma there is the mayor of a city be built up ... "The player has a predefined or your own ideas designed landscape before him, on which After creating the infrastructure (roads, railways, public transport, electricity, water supply, waste disposal, education and health facilities, police and fire stations, airports, ports, etc.) and the certificates of development land (distinguishing between residential, commercial, and to develop industrial and agricultural area) a city. It is, however, can distinguish whether a weak plot, medium, or will be built on tight. "Http:// # SimCity
Ants was the match where you have to build an ant colony. There you can play different roles (queen, warrior, queen food bringer ,...). Man muss sich dort gegen die anderen roten Ameisen durchsetzen und immer mehr Teilstücke eines Gartens erkämpfen. Um so weiter man an das Haus, das es zu übernehmen gibt kommt um so schwieriger wird es (Regen, Rasenmäher, gefährliche Ameisenfressende Tiere wie Spinnen lauern überall).
Diese Beispiele zeigen, dass sich die Plan- und Simulationsspiele nicht nur in der Wirtschaft, sondern auch bei Privatanwendern durchgesetzt haben und somit große Anerkennung erlangt haben.
Wenn ich an meine FH Studiums Zeit an der FH in Karlsruhe (Wirtschaftinformatik) zurückdenke, stelle ich fest, dass dort die höheren Semester auch mit solchen Simulationsspielen Wirtschaftliche Vorgänge bearbeitet haben. Die Stundenten haben come together in groups. had to found a company that received seed money and had to sell a shop, a follow its share price, etc. similar to the text shown JEAN FACTORY game plan.
2) In the last computer use at school events has presented a student of our course program for their students when it came to the simulation of chemical processes (noble gases, gas chromatograph). After we had tested the program itself was followed by a meeting. There, I said that I find the program well, as long as one against a model of the gas chromatograph has seen in real life, so one could imagine everything in the program even better. Exactly the same argument I have now found in the text in relation to another program: "It was found that the simulation for train drivers, who are already familiar with the automatic train and become familiar only with the induction backup INDUSI must provides good training results.
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
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I will use in my teaching Microsoft Publisher. There, there remains only the question of whether or Publisher 97 Publisher 2000. Then I still worry about whether I still use your own image editing program (PSP, Paint, Photoshop) or all the image changes here you can
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Hello world, here
an online mind mapping tool for anyone interested. / IHMC CmapTools (Online Concept Map Tool) also work together on a map.
Have fun trying
Greetings Basti
PS. I found this link: Tip of the way, Ms. May from the PH!
Thursday, June 22, 2006
How To Write For Community Services
Hello Mr. Spannagel here is my comment of the week to the UE:
Grüßle Basti
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So this time I want to put a question to the readers of my blog and as always, of course, my hour. I have me thinking that I am going with my student in the zoo. A few groups will be photographing the animals and their environment (Digital Camera) and a group flyers, tickets, descriptions, maps, guidebook, all that lying around just so bring what you would collect and then transfer it via a scanner on the computer. Then I would turn this into a book or some kind of student newspaper ("Zooausflugszeitung"). Now to my question: What program would be most useful for most use in this context. I think Word is not as this well suited because it is difficult with the pictures and text, even with the page layout it is not equipped to provide comfortable. An excellent program to create outstanding school newspapers would Quark XPress 6.0, but that's not even a very comprehensive program and there is also much too expensive for the school. So I've considered to use Microsoft Publisher. This is part of the Microsoft Family belongs to the most complete computer packages and is very easy to handle. You do not need to each image that you paste it first on it, right click and format, and "back" or "on-the-text" set (as is done in Word required), but it only takes the picture / the Clipart in Publisher to pull and you can move it freely (!) Without any text bondage!
So what do you think?
Friday, June 16, 2006
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weblog article on "Computer as a thinking tool" ( Computers as Mind Tools for Engaging Learners in Critical Thinking "by Jonassen, Carr & Yueh (1998).)
As the picture here already shows I have placed the emphasis on mind maps I find mind maps a great idea to
-..? prepare topics to enable (in connection with a brainstorming session of the class), so in the knowledge What do you all know about Australia What do you all know about the Aborigines ?
- to the topic zu festigen
- um zu sehen wie weit der Lernfortschritt der Schüler ist
- um ein Theme am Ende einer Unterrichtseinheit und/oder vor einer Klausur zu wiederholen
- um ein Thema in Stichworten zusammenzufassen
- um die Vorbereitung dazu zu treffen, das man ein Thema das schon eine Weile zurückliegt schnell wieder in den Kopf bekommt (z.b. wenn man weiß, dass man am Ende der Schuljahres viele Klausuren hat und daher nicht viel Zeit hat, sich alles nochmals durchzulesen, kann man wenn mehr Zeit zur verfügung steht eine Mindmap machen und später vor der Klausur muss man dann nur noch die Minmap anschauen und kann so das Wissen wieder aktivieren.
So das sind nun mal allgemein (Mindmap auf Papier und am Computer) die Vorteile einer Minmap im Unterricht. Jetzt speziell zu der computerbasierten Mindmap:
Eine Mindmap, die der Schüler (im Computerraum) am PC selbst erstellen kann motiviert ihn natürlich viel mehr als nur eine Mindmap auf dem Blatt. Die ist nämlich schön geschrieben, man kann leicht Veränderungen vornehmen. Man kann leicht Zweige verändern, Wörter kopieren, ausschneiden und einfügen. Ein Mindmap Programm mit Rechtschreibüberprüfung wäer noch ein weiterer positiver Punkt. Es gibt ja auch genügend kostenlose Mindmap Programme z.B. FreeMind , MindManager und sogar online Mindmap Programme, die genutzt werden können. Also alles was man in der Schule macht, kann auch be reproduced at home. And how to motivate students is not easy when he gives up as homework to create a mind map on the computer.
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Hello Mr. Spannagel here is my comment of the week to the UE:
Grüßle Basti
Игра Nico Robin
Nicci is absolutely right, actually I need only formulate my time / work out. Therefore I would like only to small additions or any changes and then I have everything ready. I was thinking that I need to competence of dealing with the Digital Camera (Transferring pictures via card reader internal or external or USB cable directly from the camera), students also can be equal to use the scanner. I could leave as a group that could make the introduction to the book mentioned by Nicci. This group then gathers in the zoo flyers, tickets, descriptions, maps, anything lying around just so bring what you may, may be of the group (eg, ask specific guides) also at the checkout for extra material. These materials could then this group transferred to the computer with a scanner. These images would then of course also be stored again in such a way that there is a meaningful folder structure (folder with subfolders) are. Then the group could do with this material, a sort of introduction (eg including the cover and end sheet) of the booklet. I would have not only the medium digital camera, but also the medium scanner housed useful in my hour.
Wednesday, June 7, 2006
Pranks For Sleepovers
link to the all-new page in the wiki to:
To Wiki additions
1) opinions and Discussions:
2) text amendments: # Medien_im_Unterricht
3) Text extensions (numbers): 28Mathematik%% 29
4) new page + Design: C3% BCrliche_Zahlen
5) new page + Design:
http://www. / wiki / index.php / Nat% C3% BCrlich_Zahlen_mit_Null
6) feed + Design:
7) feed + Design:
8) feed + Design: 9) feed + Design: .php / Komplexe_Zahlen
10) reviews and discussions:
11) feed + Design:
http://www.zum .com / wiki / index.php / Irrationale_Zahlen
12), text enhancements (Zahlenschachtelung): 28Mathematik%% 29 # Rechenverfahren_und_Zahlendarstellungen
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Now once again Some thoughts about my instructional design but now I'm not sure if I have need for next Monday, or only for a week on it, but when I write it now, I have to take care of me no longer drum. So first, thank you for the class comment by Nicci, I've got this many new ideas for the students to moitivieren more. The idea to specify a subject and to give the pupils some formatting suggestions is to say definitely more motivating than just, there must occur 3 times and 2 times italic bold. This could be with the Zoo a great idea because you really make a trip to the zoo and divide the students into groups (maybe 4). Each group get a digital camera (which can represent the school, or dividing the groups so that each is a SS who always has a digicam). The groups have now assignable topics eg Group 1: wild animals, Group 2: Water depth Group 3: poisonous amphibians, etc. Now, the groups take pictures and write reports to their respective topics. Back in the schools, the SS must now save the images using a USB cable (or a card reader) on the PC and then upload them to the written-text into a Word document. This must then make sense to integrate with the formatting examples and the pictures so that the overall picture looks good. The plants could then be before the end of the double lesson presented by the student groups have. That would be a great hour, the total would cover many Komptenzen:
social competence:
(team spirit)
- Create a Word-Dokumentes/einer Pres
- Presenting the group's
- team skills course in the previous visit to the zoo
expertise :
- dealing with technology of Digital Camera
- About Play and store the images on the PC
- retrieval of images on the PC
- Using the pictures in the Word document
- Formatting the Word document (graphic characters in simply reduced form)
Peronal competence:
- Presentation of the product in front of the class
Vielen Dank, jetzt habe ich eine super Idee für meinen Unterrichtsentwurf bekommen.