Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Oakley Razor For Sale

Challenge in Candy Blue Monday

Hey lovelies:)
Candy calls to their final Challenge this year and I was doing with, of course. I hope we hold out this time, all better than the last xD

  • No matter which diet you follow , the most important is the progress.
  • weigh regularly. That is, all five days, the weight be posted so you can track your progress. (1.12., 05.12., 10.12 .,...)
  • take measurements at 01.12. and 31.12. (chest, waist, buttocks)
  • Make me beautiful, intelligent, sporty ... each takes from something that he wants to speak regularly during the December do every day for themselves. Whether it is to do something for the formation (eg, to learn a particular language daily), create order (eg clean up daily), to make sport (eg daily 100 sit-ups), Beauty ... etc. Everyone can decide what he puts his priority.

Points (for mutual motivation or push) : Post

  • Daily in your blogs (even if it's just a picture) ~ 1 point .
  • All weight 5 days post ~ 3 Pts. removed
  • per lb (converter in the Net) ~ 2 points
  • Daily his personal mission ~ 2 points
  • do
  • Name: Little Woman
  • Blog address: http://ichwillnichtdassessoweitkommt.blogspot.com/
  • Diet: max. 1000kcal a day, healthy eating, mono days
  • Height: 1.58 m
  • Starting Weight: 59.4 kg
  • Goal Weight: 56kg
  • Daily task: Learning words for Russian; min. 1h Sports
  • Starting Measurements: chest 93cm, waist 72cm, bottom 91cm

    I wish you all so much success! We can do it! *
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~
    Monday was really crap. I was all the time more or less randomly only at the cry did not want to be more, have eaten too much ... but I'm doing already a lot better. I had written
    Monday morning, five psychologists and mails requested treatment - four of them I had until noon yesterday answers. I've now chosen a psychologist and also the same time called to identify NEN date.
    sounded quite sympathetic on the phone you ever ... I hope this is what * _ * Anyway, I've now
    next Monday, 17.00 the date for the preliminary and then we'll see.
    Somehow, I'm lookin. :)

    And about the Challenge, a real problem, I'm starting to like it: D I do now besides sports and the day is an apple-and-egg Monotag.

    @ Candy : You've ruined my text formatting xD I can not get out again: D
    Yes, Monday was really easy just sucks. In every way ... except for the mail from the therapist.
    I wish very much that the coming days for more up and that you can last the fast. This pisses me
    invariably also in: I spend money on food I will not even need, although I really can not afford. Stupid.

    But hey, we have ne Challenge, and we have intentions: we have so we do it:)
    Stay strong!

    @ Apple : Thanks, that's so sweet of you:) I also hope very much that it works with the therapist and that I can then quickly start therapy sessions. Vlt. even in January, that would be great * _ *

    snow and cold are gorgeous ... just the nasty cold wind would not be. I am currently on the Away from the bus stop home nearly frozen to death. , Biting

    @ sunshine : You're welcome:) @

    Sasaki : Hehe, everyone is different. I'm choosing, if outside klirrekalt and snow is. This is soooo beautiful! But even better is to know that you go in the warm house and dahat delicious tea. * Smile *

    Machts good at first, princesses: *

Monday, November 29, 2010

I Have Thousands Of Ingrown In My Hands

The day has somehow not even started yet [although I've been on just before 7], and yet I have a feeling that it really sucks is.

I will and must do something. Saubermachen. Hausaufgaben. Mich aufraffen.
Ich bin so antriebslos.

Ich müsste/sollte/will...was denn? Noch eine Weile [ein paar Stunden, ein paar Tage, bis ich dünn bin...] auf dem Stepper bleiben?
Definitiv. Der Zeitraum zwischen Freitag Mittag und gestern Abend war eine einzige FA, ich muss das irgendwie wieder loswerden - obwohl das bei den Kalorienmengen, die ich zu mir genommen habe, sehr utopisch ist.

Bleib doch fett, du dicke kleine Versagerin.

Ich habe heute noch nichts gegessen. Ich will irgendwie auch nicht, obwohl ich wirklich Hunger habe. Ich werde es nachher trotzdem machen, da ich dieses wants to draw routine thing. It can not always just about anything so crappy remain as it is now.
If I would just finally get a grip, I hättte maybe even a few positive results on the scale. Such motivation can really use to me. I've already scared again before Friday ...

I write the same when I'm done with the post office, mail to the psychologists, who I picked. There are not so many that offer psychodynamic therapy and dealing with eating disorders ... I hope that one of the few still with me and offering me NEN report date.

Draußen der Schnee ist echt schön, er macht die Welt so leise. Unter dem Mantel kann ich wenigstens den Bauch verstecken, die dicken Beine sieht trotzdem jeder.

@ Sasaki : Du hast ja Recht, mein Blog ist mir auch immens wichtig :D Ohne geht kaum. Ich bin grad in der gleichen Situation wie du: Gestern vergessen und heute einfach positiv weitermachen. Hoffentlich.

@ Candy : Okay, das ist endlich mal was fürs Neue Jahr, was man sich vornimmt und was garantiert umgesetzt wird :) Ich drück dir die Daumen, dass du einen Job bekommst.

I wish you better mood and greater discipline than I have.

you later, lovelies.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Can You Smoke A Blunt Wrapper

The duo melkbook consists of Chris Buck and Alex Gore:

"We are a stylish, genres and genres to form a duo
with a broad self-understanding and a really
culture located remit
We are very keen to music. . to create an ever-changing
spatial and temporal contexts
how we would like always and ever new challenges, rooms
- by the way: even spaces - can and architectures and contexts,
looking at where our music itself and find
. -standard venues (such as a stage)
we understand rather than the exception of our work.

We wish you much pleasure in hearing, seeing and thanking reading you for your visit and thank you for your interest! "
Chris Buck and Alex Gore

In analogy to the different spatial and contextual scenarios, the duo various instrumental and electronic settings developed, which in turn produce a variety of forms of work:

The invention of musical structures and forms on the basis of musical and extra-musical inspired improvisation in our basic cast electric bass / piano, or - in the expansion of this - string instrument / keyboard. Most of the tracks on this blog are largely committed to this approach.

"on frederics gallery part I-IV" Piano / Electric Bass (completed 2006)
"pulse pulse pulse-plus" Organ / Electric Bass (completed 2014)
"worlds" Piano / Guitar (completed 2004)

composition of musical structures and forms
for various occupations.

"indian shout" 2 cellos / Electric Guitar (completed 2012)
"rcc planet gates" (completed 2006) voice / drum set / percussion
"more SIBE Jean Sibelius' for soprano / keyboards / electric bass / sampled Sounds (implemented 2013)

composition and production of musical structures and forms
using synthetic and / or sampled sounds, including in cooperation with
instrumentalist and co-composer.

"north face" 10kanalige 64-track Bansoori Sample Soundscape (implemented 2008 *)
"herd water" language / synthetic sounds (completed 2011)
"Notes from the pool" Zurich Electronic sound / performance in the Indoor City, realized ( 2009)


* as part of the soundscape Recitation
"LISTEN TAGORE HEAR" Zurich 2008 / Berlin 2010
more information of the trilogy in drift Bengal can be found at www.melkbook-in-ice-bengalens.blogspot.com

Friday, November 26, 2010

Can Genital Herpes Be Only A Single Bump?

Thank you.

First and foremost:
Thank you for that.

I went to the doctor and I talked with him about what is missing me how I am, how I feel, what to tell my history .

For you to categorize:
My parents separated when I was 15 [5 years ago so] and are officially divorced for 3 years. I am with daddy during separation and has always been the strength that could accept all that the less of that could work perfectly and you never noted that it prepares the separation / divorce issues, let alone that this gives me a lift. towards the outside.
Until just over a year the relationship with my mom rather poor and sporadic contact - I do not have in principle three years mother-daughter relationship. For Papa, I was the whole time - and am sometimes even now - the emotional dump. He always talked with me about his problems because he is not really who else had. But I am his CHILD , not his girlfriend, I also own Live! Well, and these two factors - according to short diagnosis of general practice - the causes for my ES. Ne it is finally almost always caused by a much deeper problem.

Now it means: look for psychologists, date received, hold meetings on the basis of depth psychology. Where does all this exactly as it now affects me, how can you help me work up what it is.

Oh man, I hope it so much * * hibbel does it just good to know that you have the really tangible way to professional help.

Thanks for 15 readers ... and all the great love and constructive comments on my last post. It helps so much to be understood and to get support * _ *

Another thing to week ...
Wednesday went very well in terms of food and sports,

today went well until late afternoon until then, unfortunately, but crept back ne FA ... is the new cereal just so damn delicious and the stuffed gingerbread heart it were. Komischwerweise I have this time not so immense feelings of guilt, but rather think:
"Shit happens, tomorrow is another day and there's no FA." And I'll get it. (:

I am spontaneously with Mama, in the family - and in the Erzgebirge mountains - Advent is so much better than alone in the flat country even if my house is already something have decorated.)

I [should really be a novelist xD]

@ Candy: You know, just something that you're from sweet? It is so sweet, as you always write me * _ * I try now really, in every day routine reinzubekommen what now [after all, already ^ ^] for 2 1 / 2 has worked out quite well. This is also a concept to which I can get used to. Fast bingen and brings with it no good. Enjoying works quite well, also take the time, now I have to overcome, only now and then boil the appetite, for the most hardened then ... but this will be. And if it is slow ... I'm sure in the end I see positive results:)

Sasaki : I'm glad that you are unauthorized person is reading now:) Yes, I wish to take especially not as moody and depressing to be [and thinner: D] As such, I believe I have found ne good balance, and now I have to keep this up just yet. to English: I was a year in New Zealand, I also studier English and Russian. Mein Russisch ist eher...schlecht, weswegen ich ab nächstem August ein Semester im Kaukasus verbringe. ^_^

Sonnenschein : Erstmal muss ich nen Termin bekommen, aber ich werde auf jeden Fall davon berichten, ob und was es bringt. Wenn du aber gesundheitliche Probleme hast, glaub ich nicht, dass da gleich der Psychologe der richtige Ansprechpartner wäre...aber so wie ich es in deinem Blog lese, täte dir ein Psychologe sicher trotzdem mal gut. Nicht aufgeben, ja?

Apple : Ach, du bist süß :) Wie ich schon sagte: Es fühlt sich gut an, zu wissen, dass ich diese Hilfe bekommen kann. Ich there really have high hopes and just hope that I will not be disappointed.

@ strawberry blond : I hope I'm not ready / broken / sick, that I really need for inpatient treatment must, would my studies by each other kick something ^ ^ I hope that one. few sessions with a psychotherapist now the whole thing is not necessarily completely ironed out, but help me at least, so I do not ever be in this up-down-Sad-Happy-eat-hate-mountain and ride down. Promise me, you stay away from trains / stations / tracks / tram permanent, rather for your cat:)

@ señora obsesionada : Let's make the next August, in the fall I am in Russia. But to be happy: D You are Halbengländerin? I'm a little envious * _ * I'm bored German. For generations. Oh man, what I like English? The Scottish is very beautiful, or just the typical London from the area. I see myself going after London, just to get to such an accent. clear the U.S. is cheaper, but many do because for reasons other than the actual financial out ... whatever.

lovelies, I'm talking / writing totally happy with you ... so if you do not even want to wait until I post again and you answer, just write me NEN comment or mail me if you want my email address or ICQ number. I'm always about love all my contacts and you are nice:)

Sun Now I'm tired and happy to bed. I will walk before breakfast or a round of Winter Wonderland and get rolls for breakfast. Rating after the breakfast important or nutrition, I am only for cookie dough: D

Sleep well, enjoy your day, do not make ready, and above all believe in you.
Einschlaftee kisses and for all:)

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Can You Get Shingles On Your Breasts

Something New ^ ^

Hey lovelies!

The week is now being expected to have another three days ago ... so that WE at Mama was simply fantastic. Yes, I have eaten too much, yes, I was Saturday night with hot water bottle, and far too full stomach in bed, yes, I have gained. [See Countdown -.-']

But still it was just beautiful. I am a long time after the divorce did not get along with my mother, so I am happy now that our relationship to one another again is so good with every minute of it. I have a little homesick. I'm looking forward to the next simply by WE / her.


Ich war einkaufen. Ich habe auch nicht vor, die Lebensmittel weiter in den Keller zu verbannen. Das ist jetzt echt erstmal ein Versuch, der auch glatt nach hinten losging. Denkt ihr, dass von der 500g-Tüte mit den Lebkuchen, die ich in einem Anfall voradventlicher Sentimentalität an der Kasse noch aufs Band gelegt habe, noch viel übrig ist? Fail . Der gestrige Abend endete also wieder in einer FA.
Der Rest ist aber gesund und auch noch keiner FA zum Opfer gefallen. Das soll auch so bleiben.
I'll have breakfast. I want to see if it brings me what if I do not wait until the hunger.
I have the scale, on the other the day before I was [60.0kg. Disaster.] banned, it just makes me crazy.
I now weigh only Friday.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

It snowed * _ * Not much, but the first cars are white.
My head is now so taken with my ES that makes me passive, I take joy in life, I am indifferent to my hobbies can be, my mood a perfect sine curve approximates [always fine up and down], I can always break out randomly into tears. And I want to enjoy my life.

I do not want it to continue.

Tomorrow I am going with my best friend to the doctor. I want to be a psychologist, I want to know WHAT is all this, I want a therapy.
I want to take anyway, yes, but I do not want it to be the center of my life continues.
I will not eat out constantly about my feeling of fullness, even breast-fed my appetite and I hate myself afterwards.
I want Please just be normal again.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I finally can talk openly with my friend about my problem .... He knew not how shitty it is to me how deeply the pure enough to me that it is far more than a little grumbling, and some dissatisfaction. Otherwise
was always "Oh, little mouse, I think you're great, just as you are." [He thinks I'm lean. clear, with a BMI of over 23 you're Slender and adorable!] or "Then you have to just time to eat a little less. "
If it could self. He understands now that this is for me a real, real big problem that I'm not the only way so much as that behind it as well as some not insignificant mental health issues.

I want to take as before, because I do not see why I, a fact that makes me unhappy is to keep intact if I can change something.

I will later post some pictures once I am weekends I have made you's does not look, I warn you ever

@ sunshine... Hello, I'm looking forward I have been following your blog already:)

Candy : You're right, I just let myself down by pulling too much. That's so sweet of you, how you motivate me. I think about it: The day today is better than being yesterday and Thursday even better than today ^ _ ^

señora obsesionada: It was bad, but I myself am guilty * Shrug * Well, from now on Kann only better ^ ^
be me now I'm just "everyday" bought and, OMG, I had forgotten how good ordinary bread tastes * _ * I have to just beat the sweetening its act together, which led to still much. And
In any case, fruit is great as chocolate: D

Let us dance together next fall in the wind and hold ourselves to trees, so we are not blown away, yes? : D That would be so beautiful ... the Leichtsein * _ *

Lavender is great and that's really sweet of your daddy. I would not know me, looks like lavender, he hath not so with "green stuff". Sorry.

You tell me not to spam, I like to read from you:) Did you happen to Yahoo?

to New Zealand: What accent do you mean? A German or a New Zealand? New Zealand English sounds aufjeden case differently than British English, but that drops to more native speakers and people who were themselves overseas. In general, my pronunciation is pretty good [even though the Kiwis my German origin have noticed, but that is always in foreign languages] and my english is ... normal. So, now accentuating or not waaaaahnsinnig breitgelatscht so disgusting American. In my one Unikurs is an American, every time begins to speak English, bleed me -.- ears, it sounds terrible! : D
If you have any questions, just ask =^.^=

Sun I will first have breakfast and prepare me for what the university.

Goodbye, lovelies *Küsschen*

Friday, November 19, 2010

Remington 870 Lubrication Points

weekend ...

Ich bin bei Mama. 2 Tage weg von der Waage, 2 Tage in der Nähe von viel zu viel essen, 2 Tage mit zu wenig Stärke, ABER: 2 Tage wunderbare Zeit, 2 Tage Geborgenheit, 2 Tage Wegsein von Alltag und Realität.

Ich bin gerne bei Mama, sehr gern. Hier geht es mir einfach gut. Irgendwie.

Heute früh war ich bei 58kg, ein kleiner Sieg und eine große Beruhigung. Dieses WE wird böse und warum?
Weil mein kleiner Bruder Geburtstag feiert.
Weil es Pizza und Muffins und Kuchen und Salat geben wird.
Weil ich das Eating will .
Because I withhold me too often.
Not good. And here I had little opportunity to play sports. I hope that Monday morning is not too cruel.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I was swimming before. Beautiful in the hot tub with lavender bath salts I [love lavender *_*], I wanted to enjoy it.

I could not.

one hand, the water was doch etwas zu heiß und verursachte mir ein wenig Schwindelgefühle, andererseits konnte ich den Anblick meines gequollenen, gedunsenen, elefantösen Körpers unter der Wasseroberfläche nicht ertragen. Entsetzt und angewidert stieg ich aus dem Wasser, trocknete mich ab und beging den Fehler, nochmals in den Spiegel zu schauen.
Ich bin so fett.
So breit.
Ich wäre gerne schmaler, platter, gerader.
Ich will und brauche all diese Hügel und Huckel und Kurven nicht.
Es sieht nicht schön an mir aus.
Es muss sich ändern.

Wie oft habe ich mir und euch das already promised? -.-

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I have to eat. I see it: I am deprived of food and ban does nothing. It's not even about cookies and chocolate and chips, it's about normal, mundane, actually quite healthy stuff.
I need food, and if there are only a few single days. On the first of December I go shopping and get my normal stuff: whole wheat bread, eggs, light cheese, vegetables, some natural yogurt, maybe a frozen pizza. I have to eat metered. I can not do everything and then feed ban. How was the 54kg by Christmas Eve?

I have the challenge not forget or abandoned. The day today was in the truest sense of the word nutritious, but it could have been much worse. Mum pays a little on my food, that's good. This will.

Another incentive: I got 2 new books. I will not start reading before u56kg. And I WILL read it! : D

@ Candy : I know I'm a little crazy: D

I see the so with the deficit that I let out the basic needs simple and just concentrate on eating and exercise.
Wenn ich z. B. 600kcal esse und 800kcal verbrenne, lieg ich bei -200kcal. Ist wahrscheinlich nicht die richtige Rechenweise, aber ich find sie praktisch^^

@ Kat : Es war warm und ich war wach - da mach ich schon mal nachts komische Sachen. Und auch, wenn es schon paar Tage zurückliegt [ich war blogfaul -.-]: Es freut mich, dass du noch einen guten Abend hattest :)

@ señora obsesionada : Nahrungslos wäre so schön gewesen, aber ich hab dann doch meinem Körper nachgegeben. Zweimal wegen Schwindel gegen den Türrahmen knallen war dann doch doof.^^
Ich wohn alleine und hab theoretisch volle Kontrolle darüber, was ich wie wann esse - theoretisch. Dass das nicht ganz so funktioniert, sieht man ja anhand dieses Blogs.

So ihr Hübschen, ich geh ins Bett. Ich wünsch euch ein tolles Wochenende. Kopf hoch, Prinzessinnen, sonst fällt das Krönchen runter!
Küsschen an euch alle :)

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Asking A Guy To A Dance With Candy Posters

contest at Nicole:)

Die liebe Nicole veranstaltet auf ihrem Blog ein Nikolaus-Gewinnspiel . Ich find die Idee ja absolut süß von ihr und dachte mir: Teilnehmen kann ich ja mal :)
Es gibt tolle Kosmetikartikel und anderes zu gewinnen - und gerade im Winter wollen Haut und Haar ja ne Extraportion Pflege, is not it?

's some news from me tomorrow ... or later, when my husband now still wants gamble longer. I wish you first NEN nice evening lovelies: -*

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Akiba-online Forum Down?

of support for corporate security

Wenn Sie als UnternehmerIn spätestens im Jahr 3 nach Gründung noch immer nicht von Ihrem Unternehmen entsprechend leben können, oder wenn sich nach Jahren, in denen alles nach Plan lief, plötzlich eine Krise bemerkbar macht, sollten Sie einen fachlich begleiteten Neustart wagen...

Mit dem KfW-Programm "Runder Tisch" wird all denen gut geholfen, die unternehmerische Schwierigkeiten erfolgreich überwinden wollen.

Neustart nach Plan

In dem Programm Runder Tisch benefit from expert advice from a qualified management consultants. This advice is supported by grants of up to 1,600 €.


  • The allowance of federal funds for the consultation is spared your budget.
  • you have access to skilled consultants from the ► KfW Consultant Exchange .
  • you specialist vulnerability analysis with practical suggestions for solutions
  • you get the opportunity, following further consultation funding under the KfW Programme Turn Around. "

your request, please provide at a regional partner of KfW, which is the Chamber of Commerce and HWK. Not to be promoted

companies that have already lodged an application for insolvency or are obliged, under its already bad economic situation, to file for insolvency.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Sleep Apnea Preexisting

weekend rush through

Hey girls, today's
all times in a somewhat abridged form, first ... I feel like I write too much and too long and secondly, I want to go to bed: D

So, the Saturday :
He began with sports and NEM wonderful calorie deficit, I have, of course nullified [-_-] and ended with a nice quiet evening with my husband and much [too much about Cappuccino 2l!]

The began Sunday morning 2:30 when I could not sleep. Cappu stupid. I wanted to my home and on the Stairmaster, I did but because of the incredibly warm night bicycling decided. I'm so close to 4 hours at night cycled back and forth across the city. It was pretty cool, I had totally great ideas for snapshot lyrics, but when I was back home, everything was gone.
at home a little more exercise, read mail, surf the net, get bread to Nico, breakfast [whatever is old rode on it again -.-].
evening I've cooked with 2 friends Tschebureki [Russian fried dumplings], the day was so very tasty, but calorie technically just IN THE ASS .

No wonder, then, that I this morning in very nasty 59.8 kg was crying * * * * sichselbsthau

I've Glauber salt fetched. Last night it had on the KHS filled with fat and not really stomach, the dose this morning, however, very much.
man throws that is upsetting the mineral balance. I felt like I had permanent waves in the head ... so a slight dizziness. I had even time to lie down for a nap for a few minutes, which I normally never do.
on the toilet I'm running like a stupid, but that I was from field reports on the net prepared spiritually and morally. Now I'm nice and clean inside * _ *
It works fine. I was not hungry today, not even an appetite, I have no headaches and was even swim for an hour each and still sew.
I've eaten before but also better than the false and the dose taken is too high. So be careful with the stuff that is not entirely without.

the day I join so pretty happy and pleasantly tired with NEM calorie deficit about 1000kcal now and look what the scale shows tomorrow Sun I'm looking forward to the next food-free day tomorrow:)

@ Apple : Thank you, dear. Well, Saturday was so-so, but as of now it's feeling better:)

@ señora obsesionada: Such holes are really humble, right? Make a break everything.

I'd love to read from you ... no matter what would be the exactly the content of your blog. I also have two blogs, the here and my other , which rests at the moment but something. As reports ich eher über mein Näh- und Kreativzeugs und dazu fehlt mir momentan einfach die Muse.

Jetzt ist der Post doch wieder so lang geworden...Wahnsinn. Aber anscheinend lest ihr es ja doch.

Schlaft gut ihr Lieben, bleibt schön stark und danke, dass meine Leserschaft jetzt schon 10 Mann/Frauen ;) stark ist!

Bis morgen oder so.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Brazilian Wax Anaheim

Another wasted day.

Gewicht gestern wie heute: 58,5kg
Gegessen: Viel zu viel
Trainiert: Viel, aber zu wenig für o.g.

Der Tag gestern war doch echt blöde. Was gegessen, weil ich das ja wegen der Spende musste. Dann fiel die Spende wieder aus, jetzt bin ich erstmal als Thrombozytenspenderin zurückgestellt worden. Danke, Geldquelle dahin.
Ich bin im Laufe das Nachmittags dann mal wieder in ein ziemlich tiefes schwarzes Loch gefallen - die erste Phase dessen habe ich mit Sport kompensiert, dann war der Kühlschrank dran. Wie kann man nur so hohl und undiszipliniert sein?
Zu mir genommen hab ich an die 2500kcal , abtrainiert knapp 2000kcal . Die Quittung dafür hatte ich heute morgen mit meinem Gewicht.
Ich seh so pummelig aus - ich seh aus wie die Leute, die ich verachte, da sie sich gehenlassen.
Tolles Gefühl.

Plan für heute: Den Tag mit einem Kaloriendefizit starten [Und täglich grüßt der Stepper] und dann bei Flüssignahrung bleiben. Das habe ich am Montag geschafft, das schaffe ich auch heute.
Bitte, bitte lass das einen besseren Tag werden als den gestrigen. Ich will nicht ewig fett bleiben und mein Spiegelbild verabscheuen.

@ Nicole : Ich bin an sich auch ein Sportmuffel, aber mittlerweile sind die Schuldgefühle, wenn ich Sport sein lasse, größer als die nach dem Essen. Und man kann so wunderbar nebenbei auf dem Mini Stepper be when blogging or otherwise surfing the Internet.
Try it, you make it! You and no one who gives up easily, so try it a try! * Press *

@ Candy : That I am afraid that it might be too much ... I'm spending so 2-3hrs a day on the Stairmaster. It was of far but still nothing: (I will wait for me, as tomorrow looks like on the scale, today when I nix eat
I'd love to stop by clicking the Striezelmarkt I that is also not..: D
Hm, your comment is old news, but I guess a protein shake would have been okay. Proteins attack the stomach's not to like [fruit] acids or fats.

Oh, wow, that sounds interesting. Can you for even Chinese?
Nah, I'm quite normal, "German", but I had since the 7th Russian Class in school and study it now. Since I is not so good I really, and I will be starting next August, an exchange student in Russia.

slimming ... as much as possible ._______.
First again ne 55 see ahead is the goal, a 54 would be ideal and 52 the absolute dream ... I the visors at 54 until Christmas . That should be doable, if I continue with the sport so stay tuned.

@ Apple : I must also make full, but somehow it works out after all. If I make only a finite time to see results and less food would -.- '
I really hope that the mostly muscle mass I is a me that my legs are a little tight ... but not just thin.

@ señora obsesionada: Thanks, I'm looking at the praise and support! You do not have a blog, right?

So, you pretty ones, I wish you a successful and Wochenende und danke, dass ihr daseid! *Küsschen*

Bis später!

Friday, November 12, 2010

How Long Takes To Get Stage 4 Lung Cancer

EthikBank gives 4th Sustainability Award

For the 4th Time will give the bank their ethics Prize "Sustainable SMEs". This award recognized companies that seek in a particular way to a sustainable economy and stimulate it to mimic ecologically sustainable, socially equitable and economically efficient ways of thinking and acting.

The award ceremony will take place on
Thursday 2 December 2010 from 11.30 clock in
Neudietendorf at Erfurt
99192 Neudietendorf, Zinzendorfplatz 3

The winners represent completely different industries.

program and registration: http://www.ethikbank.de/die-ethikbank/nachhaltigkeitspreis/preisverleihung.html

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Platelets On Galbladder

I can not bear it.

Gewicht: 57,5kg [nach dem Kuchen gestern vollkommen okay]

Es reicht ja nicht, dass ich heute Morgen schon 20min [115kcal] auf dem Stepper, etwa 40min [310kcal] mit dem Rad unterwegs und so 1,75 Stunden [1020kcal ] Schwimmen war, nein, selbst jetzt beim Schreiben dieses Posts stehe ich wieder auf dem Stepper.
Der Sport hat sich binnen dieser Woche echt zu eine Besessenheit gemausert. Ich hoffe nur, dass das eher positive Resultate - Muskelaufbau, Fat burning, better condition - as a negative - total obsession, muscle pain etc - brings.
However exploit I feel those moments of sporting euphoria must be the final step - who knows when they come back again.

I've eaten today about 1300kcal, for "only fruits & vegetables" I was a little too hungry, so even walked in a cheese sandwich. But tasty, the greens, I'll tell you! I have it missing * _ *
After the swim I was so hungry, I just had to eat something. A few grapes, a glass of mushrooms, the baked pumpkin, which should be tomorrow. But the smelt so good!
Even if the were so sure about the 300-400 kcal again, that's not me. The point is that I do not just to myself, "No!" I can tell. And that's why I stand even now again on the treadmill, his guilty conscience is not quite as big and I do not go to bed with a full stomach.

I hope it works tomorrow with the donation. I want my plans do not have umschubsen again -.- '
The Challenge is in any case, I'll post more about it before. I'm looking forward to fellow activists:)

@ Candy: No, for my friend's okay. He knows that I'm in itself is difficult to make sport [laziness -.-], so he let me make it simple and play the way on the PC or learn.

I'd find it also totally great if we could meet her ^ _ ^. Had I known earlier, I spent the whole of September to the internship in Dresden. But well, that can manage safely. I'd be delighted if any:)

Oh, that's still a week to go, but I'll keep my fingers crossed in any case. In which subject area you want to go there?
And yes, I'm studying translation [Translation Studies] for English and Russian in the 3rd Semester. Ich will mal Dolmetscherin werden.

Wie oben schon geschrieben...ich liebe die Vitamine! Morgen kommen ein paar Tomaten und die Drachenfrucht dran :D

@ Apple : Witzig. Das ist ein prima Ausgangspunkt, um sich gegenseitig zu motivieren! Also, wir schaffen das!
Äpfel sind eine prima Sache, ich liebe die Dinger. Ich glaube, besseren - und gesünderen - FastFood gibt's gar nicht. Okay, fast nicht.

Danke für die Erklärung zur Challenge, also lag ich doch gar nicht so falsch.

Es ist übrigens total lieb von gerade EUCH BEIDEN, dass ihr immer kommentiert. Ihr 're pretty nice, because I rejoice always, what to read from you:)

Sun .. I'm going to sew a little further [are again 28min ^ ^], or read something and then I'm tired , happy and full of plans for the morning in bed. Metaphorically. In my bed I can fall for bad, that is 1.80 m high: D

Stay strong and good sleep, lovelies! *

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7 Steps to Success Twitter

The short message service Twitter is growing rapidly. Lightning fast and easy interesting news will be forwarded. Search engines now having to Tweets. Even for the ranking Twitter is relevant.

German companies take different approaches im Umgang mit Twitter. Die 26 erfolgreichsten Firmenprofile wurden in der Studie „Twitter-Strategien deutscher Unternehmen“ analysiert. Die Kurzversion der Studie gibt es als kostenloses PDF unter www.absolit.de .

Wer als Unternehmen den Kontakt zum Markt behalten will, sollte eine eigene Strategie für den Umgang mit Twitter entwickeln. Denn die Nutzer sind längst aktiv in dieser Einfachvariante des Social Web. Damit beginnen die nur 140 Zeichen langen Nachrichten auch für Unternehmen relevant zu werden. Für Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Vertrieb und Kundenservice kann das neue Medium eingesetzt werden. Hier finden Sie die wichtigsten Schritte zur eigenen Twitter-Strategie.

Twitter: Your own name back

who came late to the Web, the domain name was assigned. The domain registration is a hurdle. If Twitter can reserve a name with a few mouse clicks: Four complete form fields - done. So register now the company name.


Now you see how other companies use Twitter for themselves. In talkabout.de are the most active. Lie down - if you want using a pseudonym - to a Twitter account, follow with the relevant parties for you. You can later change your name still, or create a new profile. For each new profile, you need your own email address. No one forces you

way to Twitter itself. Who was twittering on any subject, you see when you look at search.twitter.com a keyword. Make yourself a picture of what you might even twitter. What things Try your followers? Will you send pure information, or search for a direct dialogue? In any case, you should see what is on your own business twittered.

define target

What do you want to achieve with it, that you are active on Twitter? Do you want to just be there, or increase your range? Do you want new customers win or get into a conversation with existing? Do you use Twitter as a distribution channel or do you understand your audience better?

Dell managed to build a fan club for its Outlet. The Telecom handles customer service via Twitter. Otto tries to understand its customers better. At least, you should conduct market research in any case. In the U.S., twitter many customers if they have a question or comment about a company.

Twitter: define target groups

Who will read your messages? Are they customers or prospects? Are there any use in your target group of all people who Twitter? Or is it not a few multipliers make it interesting for you to be active in Twitter. Journalists use Twitter very strong today as a research tool.

Interesting Twitter messages are often displayed in search engines. The pure Followerzahl is not important. What matters is how many multipliers are lower. Successful you are, if your messages read by the right people and forwarded (retweetable) are.

find content

If you have nothing to tell, are not readers. Relevance is like an e-mail newsletter on Twitter top priority. There are the following possibilities:

  • products and special offers à la Dell or Lidl
  • News from the Branche oder aus Ihrem Unternehmen
  • Verweise auf interessante Webseiten und Blogeinträge
  • Fachliche Gedanken, die Sie persönlich beschäftigen
  • Einblicke in Ihre privaten Aktivitäten

Sicher schafft es Vertrauen, wenn man Mitarbeiter auch einmal als Menschen kennenlernt. Aber kann ein deutsches Unternehmen mit solch unkontrollierbarer Unternehmenskommunikation umgehen? In jedem Fall empfiehlt sich ein Redaktionskonzept, das klar definiert, wer wie über was twittern darf. Sobald Sie ein klares Ziel und ein Inhaltskonzept haben, kann es losgehen. Mehrmals in der Woche oder sogar mehrmals täglich versorgen Sie Ihre Follower mit Informationen.

Sie können auch . Discuss Check back frequently for someone responds to you. You can answer yourself by pressing "reply" or start an entry with the name of the addressee and put an @ in front. You can also forward other interesting contributions to your own followers. To do this, press "retweet" or put another "RT" before the @.

set sender

Who is to tweet with you anyway? Five options are available:

  • you as a single enterprise Twitter Feed
  • you have multiple feeds, eg for press, candidate or as a service channel
  • you are anonymous only under the business name without giving people
  • point in your company's feed, which people there twitter
  • not you twitter with company logo, but with your name and photo, but say very clearly, for which company you work for.

Twitter: Cost estimate

How much effort, you Twitter worth? Do you actually write something ten times a day? Want and you can answer right on all of them? Twitter is certainly little sense as a tool when weeks of silence prevails. Explain your concept of "biography" that is displayed on the page.

The biggest cost arises durch das Eingehen auf Menschen, die den Dialog suchen. Immer mehr Unternehmen leisten es sich, in diesen Dialog einzusteigen. Der Erfolg ist weniger eine direkte Umsatzsteigerung als vielmehr der Imagegewinn des Unternehmens. Auf der Seite absolit.de/Twitter finden Sie eine Reihe von Werkzeugen, die den Umgang mit Twitter vereinfachen. Hier eine Auswahl:

link and book recommendations

SME Knowledge: Online Marketing & Search Engine Optimization

Stefan Berns: The Twitter factor

Source: http:// www.unternehmer.de/in-7-schritten-zum-twitter-profi-77292

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Baby Cards Messages Shower

plan change ... en.

Hey lovelies ...
Wow, so much to tell: D

Weight: 57.5 kg * yay * This was my little world today in brought a nice balance.
Sit-Ups: previously 60, but I do the 100 is still fully
calories burned on the treadmill: So far ~ 700 and still going strong!

So first, I am with my sweetheart, I've taken the steppers great and I can train on the thing while I'm surfing on the laptop and write. I love multitasking, especially when it burns calories! Nico has also oiled the stepper, and he is now, fortunately not getting any easier, does not squeak anymore.

My best friend got me today visited early spontaneous, and totally beautiful was. I've really missed, even if that sounded a few different posts. Uuuund I get her old bike, it wants to nothing around, as it takes away their only place. So I get a bike indoors for rainy days Herzchenaugen * do *

Grandma and Grandpa were there today for coffee and had MEGA MUCH cake. I've obviously eaten, but that was planned. This was the lunch that is now only 1 natural yoghurt [100kcal], 1 / 3 cucumber [20kcal?], 1 egg [100kcal] and a dollop of rice pudding [200kcal]. Sounds like a lot, but I just needed something to eat, I was this morning in the lecture and I felt a little bad I constantly dizzy and tired and slightly drunk ... I think my body wanted me to tell you.

Sun actually relates to the plan changes.
Yesterday, the platelet donation is due to poor values flat fallen, the next appointment is on Friday, says: Tomorrow, I will eat something, this up and down of liquid food days and "normal" days I will not do to my circuit before Ner donation.
So tomorrow eat, eat Friday.

we go to Plan B over: tomorrow should be an apple-and-egg Monotag, Maya has described in her blog really great:)
Aaaaaaber: Grandma & Grandpa have brought me a huge fruit and vegetable basket. All the good stuff I will not let it decay naturally, that diet I am now the next couple of days just like this.
The apple-and-egg Mono will be moved, the liquid food challenge, too. If, however, definitely!

got to the Challenge again I ask questions ... it was really only a "challenge" to be for me, but Candy has expressed interest in the join. Newcomer Help me please: D
Ne Challenge makes it more together / against each other? And you sit down before a target ["This week I lose 2kg"] or do you do easily, for example a week and see how much you can lose?

question after question, please answer me:)
I do not expect that the weight down again tomorrow morning, is the most today was just too much cake ... but hey, at least I'm now in the evening nothing s been more and I've also made fine sport!

@ Apple : Thanks, I hope that this weekend is better ... I have my green stuff alibi, the fold must be simple!
That's stupid if you have to be a sports machine, but can not you at all. But yes you can do it anyway, to make sport, right?

@ Candy: I'm glad that you are there. I only have a few questions, then: D
Well, what does "near" ... I live in Leipzig.
Stay strong, okay?

Sun .. I think I verkrümel me now after the remaining 40 sit-ups due to my husband to bed [even if I could go on forever stitch and calories burned ...]

So, does well, sleep well and believes in you! You can do it!
Greetings: *