First and foremost:
Thank you for that.
For you to categorize: My parents separated when I was 15 [5 years ago so] and are officially divorced for 3 years. I am with daddy during separation and has always been the strength that could accept all that the less of that could work perfectly and you never noted that it prepares the separation / divorce issues, let alone that this gives me a lift. towards the outside. Until just over a year the relationship with my mom rather poor and sporadic contact - I do not have in principle three years mother-daughter relationship. For Papa, I was the whole time - and am sometimes even now - the emotional dump. He always talked with me about his problems because he is not really who else had. But I am his CHILD , not his girlfriend, I also own Live! Well, and these two factors - according to short diagnosis of general practice - the causes for my ES. Ne it is finally almost always caused by a much deeper problem.
Now it means: look for psychologists, date received, hold meetings on the basis of depth psychology. Where does all this exactly as it now affects me, how can you help me work up what it is.
Oh man, I hope it so much * * hibbel does it just good to know that you have the really tangible way to professional help.
Thanks for 15 readers ... and all the great love and constructive comments on my last post. It helps so much to be understood and to get support * _ *
Another thing to week ...
Wednesday went very well in terms of food and sports, Thursday
today went well until late afternoon until then, unfortunately, but crept back ne FA ... is the new cereal just so damn delicious and the stuffed gingerbread heart it were. Komischwerweise I have this time not so immense feelings of guilt, but rather think: "Shit happens, tomorrow is another day and there's no FA." And I'll get it. (:
I am spontaneously with Mama, in the family - and in the Erzgebirge mountains - Advent is so much better than alone in the flat country even if my house is already something have decorated.)
I [should really be a novelist xD]
@ Candy: You know, just something that you're from sweet? It is so sweet, as you always write me * _ * I try now really, in every day routine reinzubekommen what now [after all, already ^ ^] for 2 1 / 2 has worked out quite well. This is also a concept to which I can get used to. Fast bingen and brings with it no good. Enjoying works quite well, also take the time, now I have to overcome, only now and then boil the appetite, for the most hardened then ... but this will be. And if it is slow ... I'm sure in the end I see positive results:)
@ Sasaki : I'm glad that you are unauthorized person is reading now:) Yes, I wish to take especially not as moody and depressing to be [and thinner: D] As such, I believe I have found ne good balance, and now I have to keep this up just yet. to English: I was a year in New Zealand, I also studier English and Russian. Mein Russisch ist eher...schlecht, weswegen ich ab nächstem August ein Semester im Kaukasus verbringe. ^_^
@ Sonnenschein : Erstmal muss ich nen Termin bekommen, aber ich werde auf jeden Fall davon berichten, ob und was es bringt. Wenn du aber gesundheitliche Probleme hast, glaub ich nicht, dass da gleich der Psychologe der richtige Ansprechpartner wäre...aber so wie ich es in deinem Blog lese, täte dir ein Psychologe sicher trotzdem mal gut. Nicht aufgeben, ja?
@ Apple : Ach, du bist süß :) Wie ich schon sagte: Es fühlt sich gut an, zu wissen, dass ich diese Hilfe bekommen kann. Ich there really have high hopes and just hope that I will not be disappointed.
@ strawberry blond : I hope I'm not ready / broken / sick, that I really need for inpatient treatment must, would my studies by each other kick something ^ ^ I hope that one. few sessions with a psychotherapist now the whole thing is not necessarily completely ironed out, but help me at least, so I do not ever be in this up-down-Sad-Happy-eat-hate-mountain and ride down. Promise me, you stay away from trains / stations / tracks / tram permanent, rather for your cat:)
@ señora obsesionada : Let's make the next August, in the fall I am in Russia. But to be happy: D You are Halbengländerin? I'm a little envious * _ * I'm bored German. For generations. Oh man, what I like English? The Scottish is very beautiful, or just the typical London from the area. I see myself going after London, just to get to such an accent. clear the U.S. is cheaper, but many do because for reasons other than the actual financial out ... whatever.
lovelies, I'm talking / writing totally happy with you ... so if you do not even want to wait until I post again and you answer, just write me NEN comment or mail me if you want my email address or ICQ number. I'm always about love all my contacts and you are nice:)
Sun Now I'm tired and happy to bed. I will walk before breakfast or a round of Winter Wonderland and get rolls for breakfast. Rating after the breakfast important or nutrition, I am only for cookie dough: D
Sleep well, enjoy your day, do not make ready, and above all believe in you.
Einschlaftee kisses and for all:)
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