Thursday, November 11, 2010

Platelets On Galbladder

I can not bear it.

Gewicht: 57,5kg [nach dem Kuchen gestern vollkommen okay]

Es reicht ja nicht, dass ich heute Morgen schon 20min [115kcal] auf dem Stepper, etwa 40min [310kcal] mit dem Rad unterwegs und so 1,75 Stunden [1020kcal ] Schwimmen war, nein, selbst jetzt beim Schreiben dieses Posts stehe ich wieder auf dem Stepper.
Der Sport hat sich binnen dieser Woche echt zu eine Besessenheit gemausert. Ich hoffe nur, dass das eher positive Resultate - Muskelaufbau, Fat burning, better condition - as a negative - total obsession, muscle pain etc - brings.
However exploit I feel those moments of sporting euphoria must be the final step - who knows when they come back again.

I've eaten today about 1300kcal, for "only fruits & vegetables" I was a little too hungry, so even walked in a cheese sandwich. But tasty, the greens, I'll tell you! I have it missing * _ *
After the swim I was so hungry, I just had to eat something. A few grapes, a glass of mushrooms, the baked pumpkin, which should be tomorrow. But the smelt so good!
Even if the were so sure about the 300-400 kcal again, that's not me. The point is that I do not just to myself, "No!" I can tell. And that's why I stand even now again on the treadmill, his guilty conscience is not quite as big and I do not go to bed with a full stomach.

I hope it works tomorrow with the donation. I want my plans do not have umschubsen again -.- '
The Challenge is in any case, I'll post more about it before. I'm looking forward to fellow activists:)

@ Candy: No, for my friend's okay. He knows that I'm in itself is difficult to make sport [laziness -.-], so he let me make it simple and play the way on the PC or learn.

I'd find it also totally great if we could meet her ^ _ ^. Had I known earlier, I spent the whole of September to the internship in Dresden. But well, that can manage safely. I'd be delighted if any:)

Oh, that's still a week to go, but I'll keep my fingers crossed in any case. In which subject area you want to go there?
And yes, I'm studying translation [Translation Studies] for English and Russian in the 3rd Semester. Ich will mal Dolmetscherin werden.

Wie oben schon geschrieben...ich liebe die Vitamine! Morgen kommen ein paar Tomaten und die Drachenfrucht dran :D

@ Apple : Witzig. Das ist ein prima Ausgangspunkt, um sich gegenseitig zu motivieren! Also, wir schaffen das!
Äpfel sind eine prima Sache, ich liebe die Dinger. Ich glaube, besseren - und gesünderen - FastFood gibt's gar nicht. Okay, fast nicht.

Danke für die Erklärung zur Challenge, also lag ich doch gar nicht so falsch.

Es ist übrigens total lieb von gerade EUCH BEIDEN, dass ihr immer kommentiert. Ihr 're pretty nice, because I rejoice always, what to read from you:)

Sun .. I'm going to sew a little further [are again 28min ^ ^], or read something and then I'm tired , happy and full of plans for the morning in bed. Metaphorically. In my bed I can fall for bad, that is 1.80 m high: D

Stay strong and good sleep, lovelies! *


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