Saturday, November 27, 2010

Can You Smoke A Blunt Wrapper

The duo melkbook consists of Chris Buck and Alex Gore:

"We are a stylish, genres and genres to form a duo
with a broad self-understanding and a really
culture located remit
We are very keen to music. . to create an ever-changing
spatial and temporal contexts
how we would like always and ever new challenges, rooms
- by the way: even spaces - can and architectures and contexts,
looking at where our music itself and find
. -standard venues (such as a stage)
we understand rather than the exception of our work.

We wish you much pleasure in hearing, seeing and thanking reading you for your visit and thank you for your interest! "
Chris Buck and Alex Gore

In analogy to the different spatial and contextual scenarios, the duo various instrumental and electronic settings developed, which in turn produce a variety of forms of work:

The invention of musical structures and forms on the basis of musical and extra-musical inspired improvisation in our basic cast electric bass / piano, or - in the expansion of this - string instrument / keyboard. Most of the tracks on this blog are largely committed to this approach.

"on frederics gallery part I-IV" Piano / Electric Bass (completed 2006)
"pulse pulse pulse-plus" Organ / Electric Bass (completed 2014)
"worlds" Piano / Guitar (completed 2004)

composition of musical structures and forms
for various occupations.

"indian shout" 2 cellos / Electric Guitar (completed 2012)
"rcc planet gates" (completed 2006) voice / drum set / percussion
"more SIBE Jean Sibelius' for soprano / keyboards / electric bass / sampled Sounds (implemented 2013)

composition and production of musical structures and forms
using synthetic and / or sampled sounds, including in cooperation with
instrumentalist and co-composer.

"north face" 10kanalige 64-track Bansoori Sample Soundscape (implemented 2008 *)
"herd water" language / synthetic sounds (completed 2011)
"Notes from the pool" Zurich Electronic sound / performance in the Indoor City, realized ( 2009)


* as part of the soundscape Recitation
"LISTEN TAGORE HEAR" Zurich 2008 / Berlin 2010
more information of the trilogy in drift Bengal can be found at


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