Monday, November 15, 2010

Sleep Apnea Preexisting

weekend rush through

Hey girls, today's
all times in a somewhat abridged form, first ... I feel like I write too much and too long and secondly, I want to go to bed: D

So, the Saturday :
He began with sports and NEM wonderful calorie deficit, I have, of course nullified [-_-] and ended with a nice quiet evening with my husband and much [too much about Cappuccino 2l!]

The began Sunday morning 2:30 when I could not sleep. Cappu stupid. I wanted to my home and on the Stairmaster, I did but because of the incredibly warm night bicycling decided. I'm so close to 4 hours at night cycled back and forth across the city. It was pretty cool, I had totally great ideas for snapshot lyrics, but when I was back home, everything was gone.
at home a little more exercise, read mail, surf the net, get bread to Nico, breakfast [whatever is old rode on it again -.-].
evening I've cooked with 2 friends Tschebureki [Russian fried dumplings], the day was so very tasty, but calorie technically just IN THE ASS .

No wonder, then, that I this morning in very nasty 59.8 kg was crying * * * * sichselbsthau

I've Glauber salt fetched. Last night it had on the KHS filled with fat and not really stomach, the dose this morning, however, very much.
man throws that is upsetting the mineral balance. I felt like I had permanent waves in the head ... so a slight dizziness. I had even time to lie down for a nap for a few minutes, which I normally never do.
on the toilet I'm running like a stupid, but that I was from field reports on the net prepared spiritually and morally. Now I'm nice and clean inside * _ *
It works fine. I was not hungry today, not even an appetite, I have no headaches and was even swim for an hour each and still sew.
I've eaten before but also better than the false and the dose taken is too high. So be careful with the stuff that is not entirely without.

the day I join so pretty happy and pleasantly tired with NEM calorie deficit about 1000kcal now and look what the scale shows tomorrow Sun I'm looking forward to the next food-free day tomorrow:)

@ Apple : Thank you, dear. Well, Saturday was so-so, but as of now it's feeling better:)

@ señora obsesionada: Such holes are really humble, right? Make a break everything.

I'd love to read from you ... no matter what would be the exactly the content of your blog. I also have two blogs, the here and my other , which rests at the moment but something. As reports ich eher über mein Näh- und Kreativzeugs und dazu fehlt mir momentan einfach die Muse.

Jetzt ist der Post doch wieder so lang geworden...Wahnsinn. Aber anscheinend lest ihr es ja doch.

Schlaft gut ihr Lieben, bleibt schön stark und danke, dass meine Leserschaft jetzt schon 10 Mann/Frauen ;) stark ist!

Bis morgen oder so.


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