Wednesday, December 29, 2010

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legal claim to foundation grant remains in 2011!

1.1.2011 occur during start-up grant no changes to legislation in force. The legal right to aid remains first obtained. There is no reason for hasty start-ups in the old year. Also, a retroactive change of 1.1. How few reports, it will not happen.

The uncertainty in recent months has been enormous. Just a few weeks, the employment agencies were certain: the legal right to be 1.1. replaced by a discretionary power. Quite a few consultants with an employment agency urged to founder, still in the old year to start their own because they are considered strongly that the foundation grant for the discretionary payment is.

background: In summer, the Federal Government agreed on a package of austerity. 1.5 billion euros in 2011 to save itself from the Federal Employment Agency, 2012 even 2.5 billion euros. It also remains.

However, the government is clearly the hope of a further economic recovery, it decreases by declining unemployment rates of saving. But even if that is not the case, the federal government's savings targets by a Trick reach: From 2011 replaced the Federal Labour Agency in the deficit case, no longer eligible for the federal government, but instead grants into loans form. These are not part of the federal debt.

The waiver of the legal title remains on the agenda: If the economic recovery is not sufficient, we will reflect on 2011 legislative changes to allow the Federal Agency additional savings.

addition, the Union parties had addressed in the past against the legal claim, and should the FDP are on this line. Moreover, it will in the coming year a review of all be fixed by law for unemployment benefits, among other things, they will be evaluated on the degree of effectiveness. In the past, the foundation grant has shown in such studies as a particularly effective instrument of labor market policy. A change in the law is generally expected until 1.1.2012, even though they basically would be possible before.

Do not put under pressure, prepare your foundation and thoroughly examine your business plan you can be experienced by a competent authority. With a well thought out business plan can be independent of whether a legal claim, the best chances for a promotion have.


Tuesday, December 28, 2010

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companies rush ahead of politicians - Haerle Brewery Clemens, winner of the 4th Sustainability Award EthikBank

Companies are sometimes much more than our politicians. "Many are waiting for clear guidelines, which require the sustainable management," says jury member Horst Hamm in his speech to the ceremony of the 4th Sustainability Award EthikBank. First prize, this time the brewery Clemens Härle from the Allgäu region, which - as the presenter - was already there, where the whole of Germany in a few decades to be: away from oil, coal and gas. And away from nuclear power. (...)

first climate-neutral Brauerei Deutschlands

(...) Die ökologischen Leistungen der Härle Brauerei könnten vorbildlicher nicht sein. Horst Hamm hebt in seiner Laudatio die Holzhackschnitzelanlage heraus: „Diese versorgt nicht
nur das eigene Unternehmen mit Wärme aus dem nachhaltigen Rohstoff Holz, sondern auch Unternehmen in der Nachbarschaft. Der Strom, der im Unternehmen gebraucht wird, wird
ausschließlich mit Hilfe von Wasser- und Windkraft, Biomasse und mit der Kraft der Sonne erzeugt.“ Gottfried Härle ist stolz auf diese Leistung, stolz darauf, dass seine Brauerei als Erste in Deutschland Bier zu Hundert Prozent klimaneutral braut. Auch der Fleet is fueled with a renewable resource
- with biodiesel. "They do so not only the environment and the climate a good thing when you put your
energy supply to wood as a domestic
renewable resource. They strengthen the local tree farmers and the region, "says Horst Hamm.

(...) The region - and it makes itself Haerle (left) strongly. If there is to read on a sign at the edge of a barley field: "Here the barley is growing for your Härle beer," which is not only first-class regional marketing, ist auch sehr sympathisch. Die Landzunge, eine Initiative zur Vermarktung heimischer Qualitätsprodukte in der Gastronomie, hat Gottfried Härle mitgegründet.

Mittlerweile haben sich dieser 80 Gastronomiebetriebe aus der Region Allgäu-Oberschwaben angeschlossen. Damit hat sich die Landzunge zu einem der erfolgreichsten gastronomischen Regionalvermarktungsprojekte Deutschlands entwickelt. Gottfried Härle ist einer von vier ehrenamtlichen Geschäftsführern; seine Brauerei versorgt die Landzunge mit kostenlosen
Verwaltungs- und Buchführungsleistungen. Bier gehört nicht in den Naturkostladen
Die Landzunge vermarktet unter anderem das Landzüngle – ein aus Bio-Gerste and bio-hop
produced beer which is brewed in Härle for seven years. With discomfort thought Gottfried Haerle then the fate of most organic beers that gather dust on the shelves of health food stores. Therefore, he wanted to offer its first organic beer there, "where it is in
measurable quantities consumed, in the inns and guest houses." Landzüngle is the only barrel in order to enjoy it, you have to be in one of the 80 restaurants in the Allgäu, Upper Swabia and Lake Constance open.

tells us with a wink Gottfried Härle that his customers were mainly people who enjoy a regional, authentic and appreciate good-tasting beer. "If it then still organic, the better" That sounds believable, as is that the
Landzüngle the first beer, which was awarded the Baden-Wuerttemberg organic seal displayed on the web only at the end of the product description mentioned.

Who knows a company we Härle?

In the new year, the tender will be the 5th Sustainability Award EthikBank start. As Gottfried Härle Landzüngle only be sold there, where we drink, we will continue our Winners in the future by looking where they are the minds of people - our customers. The Sustainability Award EthikBank goes deep and looks deserved winners, the social and environmental benefits to implement the core business. As Gottfried Haerle: He brews beer auseinheimischen ingredients and uses for renewable energy.
Do you know such good company like Clemens Haerle Brewery in Leutkirch? Then you beat us to your favorites today for the invitation to the 5th Sustainability Award before!

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Quelle: EthikBank - E-Brief „Zeitfragen“: Dezember 2010

Monday, December 20, 2010

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what journalists do - may succeed PR

Jeder dritte Journalist benötigt zwischen einer halben und einer ganzen Stunde täglich, um ungeeignete Pressemitteilungen auszufiltern, ein Fünftel braucht dafür sogar ein bis zwei Stunden täglich. Das ist eines der Ergebnisse der bundesweiten Online-Umfrage des Journalistenzentrums Wirtschaft und Verwaltung in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Institut für Journalistik der Technischen Universität Dortmund, an der sich immerhin ein Fünftel der angeschriebenen 9.350 Pressestellen und ein Achtel der angeschriebenen Redaktionen und freien Journalisten beteiligten.

Das Besondere an der Studie ist, dass Presseverantwortliche und Redaktionen/freie Journalisten parallel zu diversen Themen befragt wurden. Im Durchschnitt sind es knapp 50 Pressemitteilungen, die ein Redakteur oder ein freier Journalist täglich per E-Mail, Fax oder Briefpost erhält. Allerdings können mehr als 80 Prozent davon nicht redaktionell verwertet werden. Allein zwei von drei Nachrichten passen nicht oder nur zum Teil in das Ressort oder zum Interessenprofil des Empfängers. Wer erfolgreich Pressearbeit betreiben möchte, sollte also mehr Zeit in den Aufbau und die Pflege des Presseverteilers investieren. Oft mangelt es auch an Grundsätzlichem - so wünschen sich Journalisten am häufigsten (82 Prozent), that press releases sent by e-mail to the media, contact details for queries, so that we can reach you when requesting information so quickly and easily. Just as important to them is a meaningful subject line as a header. Many editors want pictures of the press in the e-mail so that they can illustrate the messages.

also benefit from this: If journalists can make an image to the article about your company, the publication is more prominent than no picture. Images therefore represent a large, mostly untapped opportunity dar press portals from companies that only messages without editing Friend, uses only a third of the way newsrooms. Almost all journalists would like to receive news releases by e-mail. After all, nearly 60 percent of newsrooms and independent journalists have indicated that they press officer at the research rarely or never deal. Call not equal to the professionally competent colleagues, if they have the contact details of the Press Secretary. Mutual assessment of press editors and managers, however, go far apart: How about 90 percent believe the press spokesman said that the editors use their press releases because they have confidence in the reliability of the information provided therein. However, see the only 53 percent of the editors Sun While 83 percent believe the press officer that the editors use their press releases because they give them a time saving for your own research, saying this only half of the editors. 74 percent of the press in charge think they know the exact way of working in the newsroom. However, only 58 percent believe the editors who know about the approaches taken in the press responsible.

Tip: Ask the next conversation with a journalist whether he your press releases to be helpful and quickly feels and what you can still improve, if necessary.


Friday, December 17, 2010

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Buchtipp: 10 kleine Weihnachtsfrösche

Every year many of the same question, namely what they give to their children, nieces, nephews or children of friends and relatives for Christmas should. Books are still popular, but these should entertaining, original, funny and educational to be valuable. Moreover, should children watch in silence many small details that lead to that again like they always browse in a book. And this is what has the author Simone hardener with her book "10 Little Christmas Frogs", illustrated by Tanja Donner (known for her design work in books and board games) was made. The dramatic entrance with the words:

"10 small Weihnachtsfösche meet a friend. One of them picked a bunch, because they are too ...", ninth

developed, however, after further losses, a happy ending. Then they fly "up to the sky" and distribute gifts by the fireplace .. Of course, with "merry tinkling" The fact that cheeky "crackers" are among them, can be seen only at second glance
the author:.
hardener Simone, born in 1970 in Metzingen, lives with her family in Reutlingen . After six years of office job brought her to the school at night school and studied business administration after the birth of her first daughter she was digging up old photos and books -. and began to delight even Geschichten zu schreiben.Auf die Suche nach gleichgesinnten Künstlerinnen und Künstlern, gründete sie im Jahr 2006 den Härter Kinderbuchverlag und startete mit dem Erstlingswerk „Gestatten, Froschkönig!“. Als Mitglied bei den Bücherfrauen (women in publishing)
ist sie gemeinsam mit Anja Krauß 
Regionalsprecherin der Stuttgarter Bücherfrauen. Mit dem Journalistinnenbund werden regelmäßig Tipps und Veranstaltungsinformationen rund um das Thema Medien und Bücher ausgetauscht. Neuigkeiten gibt es auch über den Twitter-Account Especially at Christmas gift books published and musicals for children to listen to, sing along and watch.

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Viral Marketing using the example of IKEA + Facebook

Viral marketing is a form of marketing that uses social networks and media to make a most unusual or cryptic message on a brand, a product or a campaign carefully. Although the epidemic spread is similar to a word of mouth, viral marketing is not to compare with this, because usually in the mouth for the initiation of proliferation seen by neutral participants. The term "viral" means that information about a product or service within a very short time, like a biological virus from person to person are carried on. - As far as the definition according to Wikipedia .

Ein schönes Beispiel lieferte im Herbst 2009 IKEA:

Gewinnspiel mit viralem Effek t

Man richtete dazu ein Facebook-Profil für den Marktleiter Gordon Gustavsson ein. Viele Infos zu dem Mann gab es nicht, dafür aber ein Fotoalbum. Hier veröffentlichte der Konzern innerhalb von zwei Wochen zwölf Bilder – typische Ikea-Katalogfotos mit eingerichteten Zimmern.

Dazu kam ein Gewinnspiel, das eine Standardfunktion von Facebook nutzte: Jedes Mitglied the social network can mark a person or an object
on a picture and link with their own name. Sun marks one example, in a group photo that has uploaded a friend.

Ikea used this function differently: The member who first linked a piece of furniture on one of the photos with his name, won the object.

The side effect: all Facebook friends of Gordon Gustavsson / IKEA see a reference to the selected piece of furniture in her own profile - including a product image and a reference to the competition.

So erreichte der Konzern Tausende potenzielle Kunden mit einem minimalem Aufwand – und geringen Kosten. Die Idee verbreitete sich im Schneeballsystem rasend schnell in dem Netzwerk, immer mehr User wollten beim Gewinnspiel mitmachen und klickten auf das Ikea-Profil.

Der Marketing-Coup verbreitet sich nun über Blogs und YouTube im Netz – der virale Trick funktioniert. In einem Video zeigen die Ikea-Werber, wie sie vorgegangen sind. „Die Leute haben Ikea persönlich promoted, statt auf Banner zu klicken, und es allen Freunden weitergesagt“, heißt es darin. Das Video dürfte am Ende mehr Breitenwirkung haben als die Facebook-Aktion selbst...


Wednesday, December 15, 2010

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new Prime Minister GEZ fee

Almost all have to pay: 2013, a new radio to replace the existing levy GEZ-transfer. The new penalty charge is not per device, but per household due.

The funding of public broadcasters ARD and ZDF will be regulated. From the year 2013, almost all households and establishments to pay the new broadcast delivery. From this point on is the GEZ (Gebühreneinzugszentrale) will no longer ask whether a TV or radio in the bedroom or living room is. The new scheme, the Prime Minister of the countries on Wednesday decided in Berlin. The agreement of the state parliaments is still pending.

high turn out how the new levy is still unclear. However, it should not be higher than the current radio release. Currently required by the GEZ of 17.98 euros a television and a radio for 5.76 euros a month. And Internet-enabled computers and mobile phones are charged by the GEZ.
Whether associated with the new method, a fee increase will go, depends on whether the income of the public broadcaster (currently about 7.6 billion euros a year) are maintained at this level. The countries announced that the impact of the treaty review two years after entry into force to do.

Possible revenue could then be used to help companies.

basis of the new model was the opinion of the former Constitutional Court judge Paul Kirchhof for ARD and ZDF. But the ability to receive public radio make the levy a duty, had written churchyard.

background of the reform is the development of media in the digital world. Radio and television are not only received with traditional equipment, but also on the PC or on mobile phones or laptops.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

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No one would have guessed ....

... but whatever. I'll tell you anyway.
If all goes well, this is my new daily content from August ^ _ ^

are the answers later ... you are just so sweet * _ *
you soon!

Monday, December 13, 2010

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decisions and changes

Do you know that if you decide you need and want to influence this decision and your life is first in the long run? That you have for this reason, fear of the decision, because each option could turn out to be wrong and you could regret it later? How I feel right now.

Let's start in the 5th Class. I came on the music school and studied classical guitar lessons. Etudes, capris, Rondi, scales, duets. Everything. A really good, classic, solid training. I was good. I was at times very well.

I hated it.

I did not had to do it though.
After the 10th Class I had to cancel it, I thought: "Now you've done this so long and achieved so much, you do not want to let just be so ... now you do it on even in high school and your handy graduation with it. "

I hated even more. In the end I was really very good. I have my guitar exam with 13 points [what a 1 - equivalent to] complete.

Since Abi half years ago I have not touched the guitar twice: first, to place them under the bed and a second time to put them in the corner, as unter dem Bett kein Platz mehr war.

Im Moment habe ich Angst, mich wieder in der gleichen Situation zu befinden. Gegenwärtig studiere ich im 3. Semester Translation [Übersetzungswissenschaften] für Englisch und Russisch, da ich eigentlich mal Dolmetscherin werden will/wollte.
Es ist frustrierend. Wir dolmetschen kaum, sondern übersetzen fast nur. Klar, das ist der Bachelor, das sind die Grundlagen. In Englisch hat mir das Dolmetschen auch im letzten Semester echt viel Spaß gemacht. Es war eine angenehme Herausforderung.
Russisch ist mein absolutes Sorgenkind. Ich mag die Sprache, aber ich komme einfach nicht voran. Ich bin lange nicht on the rating level at which I should be. I understand the lyrics, we should translate, and hardly deliver correspondingly poor performance. I see it now come that I will not make the translation exam in January. It is impossible to improve such within 6 weeks.
And at some point we will continue to fight anymore. It is now the same situation as with guitar and this time I do not continue on principle, if I am only unhappy.
The original plan said: In the 5th Semester after Russia, the bachelor make for both languages, an interpreter for Both languages make go freelance.

The plan now states: forgo the semester abroad [the decision for or against it must be like this week, today I told my managers that I will NOT go], Russian after 3 Semester to say farewell, I apply for an apprenticeship, English in the 4th Semester to continue and then decide if I actually start training, or at least ends the Bachelor and then just will only interpreter for English.

Only? Yes. Let us face it: Everyone speaks English. That is now in the workplace no additional qualification more admirable, but standard and simple a requirement. Russian with my job opportunities would thus in itself certainly better, but I really thought long and hard about it:

That was my dream. But it is becoming increasingly clear that I will make the fulfillment of that dream not happy.
You have to be nervous loads must be hung always something in the air because we know nciht if you get orders, and thus can pay next month's rent, you have a lot and very tough competition - it's not arrogance, when I say that sound quite trained interpreters in the elite Bereich der sprachrelevanten Berufe gehören.

Ich bin mir darüber klar geworden, dass ich das nicht kann. Dass ich Routine brauche. Keine stoische 8-Stunden-im-Büro-Routine, aber doch einen geregelten Tagesablauf. Dass ich am Ende sehen will, was ich gemacht und geleistet habe. Dass ich nicht unbedingt Karriere machen und reich sein will, sondern dass es mir reicht, wenn ich ein gutes, mittelständisches Leben habe [so wie jetzt] und glücklich bin.
Dass ich wirklich etwas schaffen will.

Ein weiterer Aspekt, warum ich auf das Auslandssemester verzichte, ist folgender: Ich rechne mehr oder minder damit, Therapie zu erhalten. Lass die Vorgespräche bis Februar dauern, die Bewilligung der Therapie Ende März/April erfolgen und dann wären es bis zum Aufbruch nach Russland Ende August 4, vielleicht 5 Monate gewesen. Das wäre zu wenig. Also lasse ich das lieber.

Ich will glücklich sein.

Klar tut es ein Stück weit weh, zumindest einen Teil eines seit vielen Jahren gehegten Traumes aufzugeben, aber besser jetzt als noch später. Nach weiteren Enttäuschungen.
Andererseits habe ich auch wirklich Angst davor, mich später mal immens dafür in den Hintern zu beißen, dass ich das Studium abgebrochen habe [wenn ich mich tatsächlich komplett dazu entschließe]. Schwer. Really hard.

I hope I wake up happy tomorrow. ^ _ ^

And in case you're now asking what training I've considered: Guess. It has absolutely nothing to do with languages and is one of the oldest crafts in the world.

@ blaue_aster: Thanks for that:) True, the muscle I have not even thought of. Sometimes you lose just the quite obvious from his eyes. Let's get together once a week in the cafeteria, right?

@ Candy : Cream? But only the light spray cream xD I dir auf deinem Blog schon geantwortet wegen Weihnachtsmarkt...ich bin am 20. in Dresden. Hast du ICQ? Da könnten wir das schneller mal ausmachen :)

@ meli : Dankeschön *_* Ich verdamme wirklich manchmal meinen schwachen Willen. Und ironischerweise ist es wirklich so, dass das Essen [auch das geregelte] umso besser läuft, je weniger ich daran danke. Im Moment klappt's ziemlich gut, trotz Plätzchen backen und leckeren Wochenendhinterlassenschaften von Mama.
Ich bin 1,58m groß - da fällt wirklich jedes Kilo mehr ziemlich auf.

@ Weltenbummlerin : Ich würd gerne alles schaffen...aber ich geb mich mittlerweile auch mit einem Teil zufrieden. Kleine Brötchen backen eben :) Ich hab deinen neuen Blog auch schon wieder mit auf meine Verfolgeliste gesetzt. :)

@ Jolina : Danke. Es ist echt so...positiver Zuspruch von Gleichgesinnten bzw. Leidengenossen kann so verdammt motivierend sein, da sie einen einfach verstehen.

@ Chris : Oh, verdammt, ich wollte dich nicht traumatisieren :D Ich hoffe es auch. Gut Ding will eben einfach Weile haben und gibt sich nicht einfach ohne Mühen her.

@ Apple : That is real courage. Right now I'm moving forward and not back again.

Sorry for the long post.
Sleep well, all of you * press *

Sunday, December 12, 2010

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My throat hurts.

Why do I try it really over? I can do it but not always, auszukotzen in volume more than two teaspoons. But then tuts always quite painful afterward.

Is it just stupid of me to vomit is absolutely stupid. But it would be nice, the rolls and biscuits and pancakes, and as easily rauszubekommen out of me.
would be even better to the gaze Stuff to eat the first place.

answers to all your lovely comments and a bit more is to come WE / tomorrow, now I may just go to bed.

Take care, lovelies! *

Friday, December 10, 2010

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muffins for all.

I have today [un] reasonably bought a new pair of trousers. Me is a size too small, it is ne 36 of Tally Weijl. That is a good thing, because it is yet one more reason for encouragement.

59.1 kg after the this morning [I have it know so. Back as] at the beginning that is sorely needed. I will not ever be the little fat.

Be careful, it is disgusting. Please do not even look a quick and scroll down.
I see it like this just like a muffin, which swells out over his cups. From the complete absence of a waist, but lots of floating ring, we do not even talk at all.

My goal is this: Do you think that this be achieved at some point?

to challenge in itself:
06:12: 1. [] 2 [x]
07.12: 1. [] 2 [x]
08.12: 1. [X] 2 [x]
09:12: 1. [x] 2 []
10.12.: 1 [x] 2 []

given each day and removed a post I did not.

Now even a trifle would be really nice. An apple and a cheese sandwich.
Slim would be even better.

So nothing to eat.

go for that again dancing. Have plenty of exercise. Smiling, sitting next to when the other get at burger king was. Nix eat.

morning is likely to visit Mama. * Smile *

then I'll start at once to make me smart, I need something for a little longer.

Goodbye, lovelies.

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Südafrika: Vergewaltigung ist Alltag

"Rape has become a daily routine," under this title was now a blatant, though well worth listening post in DRadio knowledge. Thus, in the liner notes to read on the Internet:
"For a South African girl is being raped, the danger is greater than the chance to learn to read."
are raped every 90 seconds in this country a woman, it said. On lesbians have the offender particularly apart. Under the slogan Corrective rape former should be re-educated to heterosexuality. Good thing there are organizations such as Rape Crisis Cape Town Trust - one of the oldest and most established organizations in South Africa in the fight against rape and abuse - working against that soul murder. But sad that such a commitment is necessary at all. This has to do much - even and especially when it relates to men's and women's roles in society!

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resolve conflicts with business partners, customers or employees? 4 Tips for successful talks

   Sie ärgern sich immer wieder über einen Geschäftspartner, Kunden oder Mitarbeiter? Dann liegt es an Ihnen, dies anzusprechen: Ihr Gegenüber ahnt womöglich gar nichts von dem, was Sie ärgert oder bedrückt, oder er verdrängt diese Ahnung. Sie sind also am Zug, um die Schwierigkeit aus der Welt zu schaffen: Sie müssen mit ihrem Gegenüber darüber reden. Das ist schwierig, aber es bringt Sie weiter.     
  1. Erleichterung verschaffen und Distanz gewinnen Es ist oft sinnvoll, Ärger to demonstrate and to express the feeling. It provides a relief when you can simply say: "That angers me mad now!" Also, your guests do so not guess your feelings, but know where they stand. However, you should never lead with acute anger a conflict conversation, because otherwise the situation can escalate. It goes first to get rid of a sentence. Create otherwise first distance. Go back to your office or run a lap around the block and calm down first. agree
  2. date for clarifying discussion only after you make an appointment with the conflict partners for a discussion of where you both are not under time pressure. Decide in advance how long it might take the conversation is expected, and ask the others to take that time. Make sure that the other does not surprise, but give it a keyword that you want to discuss with him. What to do if your opponent conflict immediately want to talk to you about it? Then you should enter only under two conditions. First, if you know for sure that is present on both sides sufficient time and peace for the interview. On the other hand, if you have already thoroughly prepared and ready to commit internally. In all other cases, you reject the Request from the other. Refer to the fact that you prefer to talk in peace and want to prepare for the meeting.
  3. improve the relationship generally relax and interact Also think about whether it makes more sense might not only on the basic relationship of conflict to their partner. Try out this new behaviors to see if something changes between them. Maybe you manage to put themselves in the role of the other, and find a clue that might disturb him. If you behave differently on this point, your opponent conflict will behave towards you otherwise, as you are partners in a System in which your actions are interrelated. You may do it in this way to build some tension, so that is out after a while a conflict conversation easier to continue existing critical details. Slide
  4. The conversation in no way But when you try to ignore a conflict for a long time, development often follows the principle of "pressure cooker": All you annoyed for some time fermenting in the pot to himself. The pressure on the cover is more and more until the lock can no longer keep him on the pot, the lid flies injected explosively out into the air and the contents of the pot. Applied to the conflict means that you lose one day but the countenance, yet because this is a small thing and then the other fiddling really sleep opinion. This may well be cleaning, but is also dangerous. In many cases, the others by surprise and knocked on the head. That your anger has been building up already for a long time, they have not noticed, because you have so far said nothing. Now, your partner conflict with any accusations showered at once and of course fight back against it - escalation is often the result, and a solution of the conflict seems to have receded into the distance. You win nothing, if you procrastinate the conversation about the conflict going on.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

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Dance the night away ... * Sigh *

... and I will do it. Still looking for the pink lipstick, with 12cm plateau on the icy sidewalk to the station slip, going to 80's party.

Eaten: Too much.
Sport: made, but too little for food.
words: Translating After I had absolutely demotivating Veranstalatung in full of Russian for their noses. And soon after the stomach full of things that I just have a stuffed into me.

The result tomorrow will be devastating on the scale, because the last 5 days each were for a small or large Fail.

And now supposed to be a few pretty pictures of Weheartit, which unfortunately can not be integrated -.-

@ Apple : With me is indeed the dilemma that I like daddy .. really . but I have that feeling, he did not do well. I must finally be honest to him and that hurts me -.-

Yesterday I had a lot of time and the sport would also bring real ... what if I was not greedy Sun So it is only compensation. = /

@ Candy: I also hope that by Christmas the contact is omitted for now. I have no reason for me to report to him.

I was about 5 hours on the treadmill and then had legs like pudding xD The sport has to be simple ... and also what I miss when I'm not doing this. Now I have to reduce only the food. Haha.

@ Chris: I had not expected that I significantly change my eating habits through the Challenge. It just gives me time and again an incentive to keep going anyway and that's what me. continue even after the little failure.

tomorrow. *

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Ilona Orthwein

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

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Positive: I was at university, I have something sewn, I got a package from Mom, I get a response from a psychologist, I've had more than 2000kcal (!) burned through sport.

Negative: I did this morning pretty much rumgenascht and dad rang grad. Not good.

My attitude to my father is getting worse. I have an oppressive feeling when he contacted me. Even if our contact is sporadic. I have to tell him what's wrong with me. I want to hurt him, nor lie to continue.
On to the next round of complications.

The Challenge:
Eaten: Certainly the 1800kcal -.- The day is not really counted.
Sport: ~ 2000kcal. Could still be a little more.
words: I learn a little later.

@ Chris: Well, I do not know what I'm doing with my blog. Set the warning in front entering the site would be something. But I think already that my blog is rated. There are girls who are younger than me and some even COUNCIL blog - about eating disorders - result.
I can see is that my blog could perhaps look more triggernd.

Oh yes ... ... my biscuits eternal vices.

@ Kat: I hope not, that it amounts to such "Down Mach motivation." I for one did not do before. Proana is pretty awesome, this is me too far. Only few of the Esstipps are very practical ^ ^
wannabe? So please: D We have problems, we're not It clique, in which one "moves along" as a wannabe. And hey, if I would not be interested in your blog, I'd not read it, right?

tomorrow! :)

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Beware of unscrupulous counseling services

Dubious with questionable advisors seek counseling services, in particular small and medium-sized enterprises "To draw on the table." The callers expect this unique opportunity to support programs or the like.

Many entrepreneurs are in the word "program" hear everything ...

hide But behind those offered by the so-called consultants' funds analysis "is often merely lists of funding programs. Banks or other institutions require as a prerequisite for entry, however a sound business plan (business plan) or for capital projects with in-depth descriptions of specific plans (financial, liquidity, and sales plan) and repayment arrangements, which most of these consultants is not offered. In addition, certain programs can not be combined.

The RKW Hessen has a number of typical practical cases of mis-documented counseling services:

first The "expert"

It's a phone call with an offer that a consulting expert who is just "coincidentally" in the area, may come the same day. Frequently, these appointments are to knock off when it is quieter. (...) Believes in the usually very pleasant conversation, the specialist then the entrepreneur rhetorical and content. Finally, a contract is presented for signature. (...) If the contract submitted to be signed, usually daily fees of more than 1,500 €, or a flat rate of € 2,000 due. (...)

second The "Institute"

This turns on the phone before an institution with serious-sounding name. Either the same mesh is driven as in variant 1, that is a specialist in the area and can pass the same or a contract is sent by fax. This contract will be explained on the phone. The party urges of course that the fax signed is returned.

Typical services that are offered here are data base searches on funding, interesting markets, mega trends, competitors, etc. are usual in this case fixed prices from 3000 € up, or to certain criteria-based rates (eg number of possible funding, number of competitors, market volume) are the sum of 2,000 €. The result, usually an Internet search, surveys in printed form (with no longer part of current programs, in-bound copies). For companies in principle several programs in question. At 30 with funding einem Satz 200 Euro pro Programm sind somit schnell 6.000 Euro erreicht.

Beliebt sind auch sogenannte Marktrecherchen, bei denen neue Geschäftskontakte versprochen werden. Hierbei wird vertraglich eine Abrechnung nach Anzahl der gefundenen Kontakte (z. B. 100 Euro je Kontakt) versprochen. Manchmal werden auch Festbeträge von ca. 5.000 EUR vereinbart, wofür eine Mindestanzahl von z. B. 50 zu liefernden Unternehmensadressen versprochen wird.

3. Der „Verein“

Hierbei treten Vereine mit seriös klingenden Namen an die Geschäftsführer von kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen heran. Der Name oder die Darstellung the association suggests that these are aimed at helping at-risk companies.

is on the phone trying to determine the analytical needs and suffering of the companies sent to exploit. Then try to agree an appointment relatively quickly to perform a free site analysis. Travel and accommodation costs are borne mostly by the company. The club then send an appointment confirmation by fax. These services are carried out voluntarily, it is expected that the entrepreneur joins the club, and an amount as admission fee (2,000 - 8,000 euros), and a three-digit euro sum (200 - 800 €) regularly paid as a monthly contribution.

How can protect entrepreneurs against such practices?
  1. most important rule: not just sign the contract or Fax
  2. regarded with suspicion and quiet again one night about sleep
  3. Qualified ask references (companies with contact information) and also check this!
  4. Contact institutions that have to do more with consultants such as the Industry and Commerce (IHK) or the RKW.
  5. If something was signed and board member of HWK or a Chamber of Commerce are: contact the local legal department. These members give free advice
  6. Alternatively, you can also contact a lawyer. Possibly. resulting costs can be covered by legal expenses insurance.
Source: RKW Hessen,

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

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Nice day.

only fix, I sit in the Unibibo and must be yes, at least a little
pretend that I actually work: D
I have today written mails to two psychologists, the preliminary talks had offered me ... so far nothing came back, but I'm waiting times still off the next day.

Challenge Update:
Sport: falls down to a few crunches flat again
Food: ~ 1100kcal completely i. O.
tasks: vocabulary I learned today already fine and what really motivated:
It does what * _ *
plan until next WeightIn: Morgen Mensaessen+Schwimmen,
Donnerstag Apfel-Joghurt-Quark-Mono und hoffentlich wieder steppen *_*

@Kat: Das denke ich auch. Im Moment bin ich generell ziemlich positiv gestimmt :)

@Nicole: Danke, du hast auch schon ne Mail mit der Adresse von mir *freu*

@Me: Ich drück dir auf jeden Fall die Daumen. Wenn du genug Motivation hast, wird das sicher was :)
Und dankeschön :D

@strawberryblond: Ich geh an sich recht gerne raus, aber kaum, um Sport zu machen :>
Da ist der Stepper echt Gold werd. Ich got my bought used, but there's
Sun from € 40 ... first sounds like a lot, but it is a really worthwhile purchase:)

@ Apple: My friend is definitely a total love and wonderful. Sure it can be sometimes
an ass, but I'm also from time to time on Rumzicken. In spite of everything ... we love way * _ *
Oh yes, I also mean damn much, that love for me ... because dasind feels like a bit of everything so bad.

@ Chris: In an open relationship, it probably comes down, but that is okay for me.
love is a head and heart thing, not a body thing.
I lieeeeebe cooking shows also, or so documentaries about how cheese / pasta / etc. be of Made
. I find this really interesting: D I take my happy time to prepare my food [vegetable wash, snip weigh, etc.], but just a frozen vegetable stir-fry is also okay. Your recipes in any case I find really convenient.

The Mini Stepper is really great, I miss the moment - next to the wrench to tighten the screws - really. Fortunately, I live on the ground floor got under me and the basement: D

Well ... healthy eating is one thing, but sometimes I just simply very strong cravings for more unhealthy stuff ... so I fail from time to time a bit. I taste healthy food, without question, but just not for me is all.

The therapist was ... okay. She seemed a little harsh and not quite so understanding, as I had hoped for me, but I'm still quite felt comfortable. I'm waiting times nor the other preliminary talks [on which it is so hopefully] from.

I feel even fundamentally not worse than before - I'm just happy first, that the
things have names and can now be worked on. I'm also from me
not even thought of that in me so much twisted. I also have no problem with
me something to admit - on the contrary, I rather fear, I still improve in some reinzu .
I'm really confident that it will again. I am only the actual amount has
very surprised.

@ Candy: Those that know are pretty sweet to me, anyway.
I know but not really, as I once supposed to teach my father, because he understands something simply not . He knows no guarantees about what eating disorders, perhaps he once heard that there is anorexia, but that's all it should have been .
He pushes still NEN almost hatred for my mother and when he learns somehow
how much they supported me right now, he comes back with his old conspiracy theories a la "You let yourself from your mother "etc. to influence. -.-
some point I have to say it to him. For better or worse. Und er wird sicher nicht derjenige sein
wollen, an dem es liegt, obwohl er anscheinend schon nen Großteil der Schuld trägt.

Mein kleiner Bruder war auch total süß meinte neulich auch, dass er auf jeden Fall für
mich da ist. Er mag ein pubertierender Rüpel sein, aber er hat eine zarte Seele, die es auch sehr traurig macht, wie es mir gegenwärtig geht.

Es tut mir so leid, wie es dir jetzt geht...ich wünschte, ich könnte mehr als nur virtuell
für dich dasein. Wärst du denn bereit, nochmal ne Therapie zu versuchen?

My best also means that I'm not really good to live alone, the
therapist was very surprised about it yesterday. I though I have so far under control, but still ... good is not really the state.

Shall we start all over just a broken girl motivational WG? Somewhere in a nice big old house? * _ *

I have until mid / late February re-semester break, but that does not mean I do not have time. We are guaranteed to find a weekend or Another day in between.
I love you too much in love with it * * knutsch

love all greetings to you all, I'll report back tomorrow:)

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Journalismusumfrage: KollegInnen klagen!

An online survey by the Munich Meinungsforschungsinstitus among 2,200 German journalists in the autumn of this year showed:
"Fast three-quarters of respondents - found that working conditions have deteriorated in recent years and almost two thirds see themselves exposed to a strong or very strong economic pressure "
So it is now on the website of - including 27.1 percent free. read ver.di consultancy network for solo self-employed, Mediafon . reasons for the increasing pressure, particularly time pressure and workload, in Germany, however, salary and fee reductions. The survey results in detail are are here read. A sad development where it makes sense to engage it -. not least because it is precisely the work situation of the outdoors is becoming increasingly precarious

Pinnacle Media Center 4.0

Mädchen gewinnen die PISA-Studie

Krasse Unterschiede bei der neuen PISA-Studie: Unter den schwächsten Schülern BEIM THEMA LESEN sind 24% Jungen (2000: 26,6%), bei den Mädchen ging die Zahl auf 12,7% (2000: 18,2%) herunter. Unter den Besten waren nur noch 4,4% Jungen (2000: 6,7%), bei den Mädchen blieb der Anteil mit 11%  gleich hoch (2000: 11,1%).

Monday, December 6, 2010

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I have an atypical eating disorders.
I have a sexual disorder.
I depressive crises.

concluded the therapist the first time today, after we have talked a long session. It's all very confusing and complicated need in my head and a lot of time for processing. I came because of my ES to her, but she said that the other two problems are perhaps more important and bigger.
In the course should therefore prioritize werden, was man zuerst behandelt, um nicht mit eine Mal mit einem ZU VIEL konfrontiert zu sein.
Ich hab auch einen Termin für ein weiteres Vorgespräch bekommen, ein paar Tage vor Weihnachten. Sie sagte, dass sie es durchaus empfiehlt, sich auch noch um Vorgespräche bei Kollegen zu bemühen. Das werd ich auch machen, morgen Früh gehen nochmals Mails mit Anfragen raus. Die Resonanz auf die gestellten Anfragen war ja bisher durchaus positiv.

Es wird dauern. Ich rechne mit Monaten, Jahren sogar. Es wird zum Teil sicher echt unschön werden. Aber ich bin mir sicher, dass es mir hilft.

Ich war nach der Sitzung bei Nico. Er is there for me, he listened to me, he kissed me and hugged. He was everything that I needed. I was excited, but I'm not crying again collapsed in front of him.
I have the best phone who felt overwhelmed by the flood of information first, but it looked pretty good as well, that I've done it before the first step. That they will always be there for me and should I just call or come by.
I'm with mom on the phone that the whole thing really takes to heart. I mean, I'm also surprised at how broken I still am now. I would not have thought of me. She said that they would like for me to make me a hug.

The three most important ones are there for me, that means a lot to me, that's important. The motivated. That helps.
And I have you, you wonderful that you stand by me virtually. *

to Challenge:
Eaten: ~ 1200kcal. A little too much, but that's okay. A little Nikol On the ash had to be simple addition to normal meals. :)
tasks: Russian I learned fine sport today was not even there. The stepper is broken and what other things I had no time.
Motivation: I was completely at the university [even if only two lectures were], I've done what I'm feeling good.

I reply to your comments in the next post, now I go and hide myself a hot shower then to bed.

Sleep well, dear ones!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

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I got him back. Almost.

Aaaaaaah * * kraaaaaaisch, my world is a roller coaster! Always up and down, almost never at a level where you feel comfortable ...
... you can despair or get used to the ride. I still vacillate between the two, but the important thing is: that we can by not thrown off course.

Hello, Honigkuchenpferdchen:)
you Take a cup of tea before her LOSL, the post is long.

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK for your kind and constructive comments! It's really so sweet of you! I mean, we know only virtually and only since a few weeks / months, and yet we are so there for each other ... I think it's great!
kisses to all! : Eaten

: *
Okay, fixed few words about the Challenge Did I have nothing today, but I am also risen only half-second I think I do after a tomato soup or something.
Sport: Mach I grad by the way, but the display of my stepper is over, either the step, the minute or the calorie counter is always displayed. But I'm always at least an hour a day on that thing, so I only have to look at the clock and then recalculate: D
Weight: 58.8 kg * _ *
I fantasize sometimes short: If I It really manage to lose between two WeightIn-days each 600g, I had actually achieved my goal at New Year. That would be wonderful!
gives me back the right motivation to pull myself together!

At the moment you go back to me pretty good, I feel compensated [for Nico, Sport, Challenge and University / homework], motivated, a little hungry .
I look Raff.
Tomorrow I have my appointment [which I absolutely enrgegenfiebere ... I just hope I have it now is not too high expectations and then get disappointed I -.-], get help, I will go back this week, AT ANY LECTURE and I can not be defeated by myself.

It was so good to go dancing Saturday evening. My feet hurt a little, because I foresee quite long on the treadmill, but was in good Electro do not care. And if you then still have room to dance * _ *
Nico was there.
I had half hoped, half expected. He was totally surprised to see me [as I had previously only said that maybe I'm] absolutely welcomes and loves me. With kisses and "Hello, pretty lady." Since I was already the first time just a puddle on the floor dance floor, because I simply melted away am.
He also told me that I look absolutely great. Again snow melt.

We have danced together [so well this just goes to EBM and Industrial], talking, laughing, people sought and found.
Er wollte wissen, was ich denke. Wie ich denke, dass es weitergeht. Weitergehen soll.
Einerseits will ich ihn unbedingt zurück, andererseits weiß ich, dass mein Problem nicht von jetzt auf gleich mit einem Fingerschnippen zu lösen ist, sondern dass das Zeit braucht. Dass ich deswegen schon drauf und dran bin, uns aufzugeben.
Dass er ja recht hat: An sich hat sich nichts geändert. Als ich Freitag Abend bei meiner Besten war, hat er mich angerufen, um einfach mal zu fragen, wies mir geht und was ich mache.
Samstag Vormittag klingelte mein Handy auch und sein Name stand auf dem Display: "Ich bin grad aufgewacht and since I have to think of you and call you a try. Would you like to come later with the market? "
It has not changed. However, in two or three days?

He plans to continue ne future with me because he loves me. Because we love . Because while we are at the moment somehow can not be together but will be because we come together again as soon as I was working on me.
He smiled at me and dry blown my tears as I started to cry. He took me in his arms and joked with me
We have explained our views to each other;. sometimes may be needed just such circumstances, before we can actually talk to each other, although we have always expressed our dissatisfaction or whatever the language.

I want so much to get a grip, so much. So that we together can normally be together.
And I'm pretty sure that I, that we hammer out the even / n.

I just do not necessarily feel they can pull bonsai trees, but the basic idea in regard to what is, is positive. That's something.

@ miss sophie : Thanks, on Friday there was also genuine in my world ... sich zusammengebrochen. Aber jetzt geht's mir zum Glück schon wieder besser und ich glaube auch, dass es weiter besser wird.
Ich hoffe, du hattest ein erfolgreiches Wochenende :)

@ Apple : Ich werd auf jeden Fall mit der Therapeutin darüber sprechen, das hängt garantiert mit den Nachwirkungen der Scheidung/meiner ES/meinen Depriphasen etc. irgendwie zusammen. Morgen. Morgen, 17.00 Uhr. *hinfieber*

@ Candy : Das ist so, so, so so lieb von dir. Ich würd das Angebot echt gerne wahrnehmen, aber ich muss einfach mal wieder an die Uni. Und da ich jeden Tag Vorlesungen habe...
Aufgeschoben ist aber nicht aufgehoben. Ablenken klappt auch ziemlich gut und ich würd mich auf jeden Fall mal gerne mit dir treffen. Zu nem Tee, zum Durch-die-Stadt-Bummeln, zum Reden, zum Kennenlernen.
Wenn nicht im Dezember, dann im Januar.

@ Charly : Mittlerweile seh ich es zum Glück auch wieder so, es geht ja schon aufwärts. Es wird sich auch was zum Positiven hin ändern; ich werd mich ändern.
Danke für die Seite, die ist echt total schön *_*
Und ja, ich habs auf der Waage seen. It brings to happiness actually was.

@ Kat : Did they even saw it yesterday ... not lost on the contrary. As long as we love ourselves, everything will never be lost. Sounds corny, but I'm think.

@ Centi : Thanks, that's really sweet of you:) I weigh so says my guesses what it is ... if it's true, I talk about it tomorrow with someone who is so familiar. One more time to sleep ^ ^

@ Me: So far I was always "the evil", so far as you were relations but also hopelessly over now, not like now.
Thank you for your love Koplimente. :) As much as I had to tremble not at all then. : D

@ Chris: Wow. Soooo much to read. Yes, I see myself as a rather self-contradictory person. While not as someone who goes on and Hu-Hott, but just in itself. I really sometimes feel like I'm two people. Time comes out the one, sometimes the other.
Thank you also for the many tips, some of which I already knew [I have been working ... let me recalculate .... at least 5 years with a healthy diet, only die Umetzung ist immer so eine Sache für sich], einen Teil noch nicht. Nützlich finde ich sie allemal. Ich werde von jetzt an auch deinen Rezepteblog mitlesen, den finde ich nämlich sehr praktisch.
Zur tiefenpsychologischen Therapie habe ich mich entschlossen, da ich wirklich wissen will, was die Ursachen sind und woran mein gegenwärtiger Zustand liegt. Auf dieses Basis kann ich dann hoffentlich an mir arbeiten. Verhaltenstherapie wollte ich nicht, da es ja nur die Probleme im Hier und Jetzt angepackt hätte - das wäre mir zu oberflächlich gewesen.

Die Selbstverachtung ist nicht generell da; sie ist auch eher tagesformabhängig. Klar hat jeder mal einen schlechten Tag, aber ich just want to get out of this maelstrom. I will not be drawn [by me] down.

Sun Gets someone else? : D
I'll now have a tomato soup set up, open my Adventskalendertürchen to repair my stepper [I steppe now no more - has just somewhere solved a screw and I punched a sudden a few inches deep], eat and do homework.

I wish you a nice Sunday!
: *

Saturday, December 4, 2010

What Does The Spot Price Of Silver Mean

Heading for the disco

The storm in my little world has abated somewhat. I feel really good. :)

Dummerweise hatte ich aber heute WIEDER [ Aaaaaaargh! ] eine FA...naja, zum Glück waren es "nur" 4 Kekse, 3 Schalen Müsli, 1 Toast mit Zucchiniaustrich und 1/2 Glas von dem Aufstrich...also an sich zu viel, aber noch im abtrainierbaren Rahmen.
Aber trotzdem...genau am Tag vor dem WeightIn für die Challenge ._.

Ich habe vorhin nebenbei eine Festival-DVD [vom Amphi dieses Jahr] geschaut und mir fiel auf, wie sehr ich diese Musik einfach brauche.
Ich bin also dann vom Stepper runter, Stiefel polieren, duschen, mich schick machen, Korsett schnüren und zur Rock vs. Electro-Party ins DarkFlower [die Gruftidisco schlechthin go in Leipzig] and just dance .

on your absolutely sweet, loving, constructive comments, I answer by tomorrow when I'm rested. ;)

I wish you a pleasant evening, you wonder.
tomorrow ♥

Friday, December 3, 2010

United Mileage Calculator Legs

Happy crappy day.

Nicole broke up with me.
It was like that last night he said he is thinking about separation - and I've asked, but it say simply. Does not bring you hold out.


And the reason? Because we do not have sex / had. Or the last six months (!) very little. I simply do not fancy at all. If I have slept with him, only for his sake. Because I love him.
The reason may sound trite and selfish, but I can understand him. It only hurts a lot.

excerpts from my journal that I wrote about it today:

" It has never been so nice to wake up next to Nico, this morning as we hugged and kissed us and limbs umeinandergeschlungen and stroked. and he just looked so loving and it was also, and it could be so beautiful ...
... Were it not for the bad bitter taste that we have separated us yesterday evening.

We .

I've ever used before sobbing, until I could sleep at all. This morning I woke up and immediately had a lump in my throat. I've pressed me to him was his warmth, his close, would not stand up, except that the time extended as far as possible.

last night I did my nails really dig in his beautiful body and embrace him like a woman possessed, to feel it, to keep it - which is selfish.

I've failed again. This seems to be the only thing I can do.
failure. Failure. Sadness. . "

I want him back I want him back
talk I have with the therapist about it;. Maybe they know where that comes standard is not, finally, that it has absolutely no desire. . ... I want
... I think that you can think of yourselves

to Challenge.
Eaten so far: 350kcal.
Tonight I have to really pull myself together. I'm at my best and there's always something to food ... even to something delicious. -.- '

burned so far: 1500kcal.
The vocabulary cards I take with me, and I am going back by train, there is the very practical way.

But: The day is not totally suck. I am meeting with my best friend [and I'll hopefully its just a nice evening, and not greedy], before I go a little stroll to the station and also I've got grad a package of Mama * _ *
It is a somewhat verspäteter Adventskalender, hat sie mir grad gesimst. Also werd ich das dann gleich noch öffnen.

@ Candy : Prima :D Wenn du schon mal Back on Track bist, dann bleib auch da. Ich glaub an dich Süße :)

@ Charly : Oooh, dein Kommentar war so süß *_* Es ist ein wunderbares Gefühl, wenn man einfach verstanden wird.
Mir grauts zwar vor heute Abend [potentielle FA], aber ich bin grad wieder so motiviert, ich schaffe das.
Du schaffst das.
Wir schaffen das zusammen.
Es ist immerhin schon der 3. Tag, 10% haben wir schon fast erreicht xD

Es ist auch ziemlich aufbauend, die Kalorien da zu sehen...das animiert mich immer dazu, noch die nächsten 100 vollzumachen und wenn ich dann abgelenkt bin und da drüberkomme, dann die nächsten 100 und so weiter.
Je nachdem wie schnell ich trete bin ich zwischen 370 und 440kcal die Stunde. Ich muss aber mal die Batterien von der Anzeige wechseln, die haben heute einfach den Dienst quittiert.
Denk an das schöne Gefühl, wenn man was erreicht hat. :)

@ Kat : Dankeschön, ich arbeite dran. Und du hast ein prima Ziel vor Augen :)

So. Post abschicken, Made to open, tighten door open, to the main station deflection.
tomorrow, lovelies.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Cruising Spots Boston

Neeeeein xx


The day was well until about 17.00 - the bathroom is clean, tidy shack [and rearranged too - now I can let off steam still better: D] and about an hour sports today I have also done it.
Russian I leave today for all times gallantly under the carpet.

Waaaaaarum granola is just as tasty, damn the appetite of a small crumbs after eating [the fully calculated and the frame was] eine Schale wird und der noch 2 weiter folgen?

Mist. Einerseits ärgere ich mich über mich selber, und das sogar sehr, andererseits: Dass ich heute versagt habe, heißt nicht, dass es morgen auch so sein wird. Diszipliiiin, bitte!
Ich steh jetzt schon wieder auf dem Stepper, Schadensbegrenzung sozusagen. x'D Kohlehydrate werden schließlich zuerst verbrannt - also, lieber Stoffwechsel, dann mach mal!
Es ist trotzdem doof, dass es erst der 2. Tag der Challenge ist und ich mich schon wieder nicht genug unter Kontrolle hab. -_-

@ Candy : Ich mach einfach jeden Tag Sport, which belongs to the lucky already so much to my routine that I am more or less uncomfortable feeling, if I do not come. And if only one walk in the winter wonderland is * _ *

@ Lola : As you can see grad / reads: I do not do it unfortunately. But I try drum.

@ sunshine : Thanks:) The Mono'll repeat I in any case, it was pretty easy to stick to it and also seems to bring a really good * _ *

Okay. I hope your day was / is better and tomorrow's going wiedermit much energy and even more will to the challenge. Yah.

kisses! *