Jeder dritte Journalist benötigt zwischen einer halben und einer ganzen Stunde täglich, um ungeeignete Pressemitteilungen auszufiltern, ein Fünftel braucht dafür sogar ein bis zwei Stunden täglich. Das ist eines der Ergebnisse der bundesweiten Online-Umfrage des Journalistenzentrums Wirtschaft und Verwaltung in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Institut für Journalistik der Technischen Universität Dortmund, an der sich immerhin ein Fünftel der angeschriebenen 9.350 Pressestellen und ein Achtel der angeschriebenen Redaktionen und freien Journalisten beteiligten.
Das Besondere an der Studie ist, dass Presseverantwortliche und Redaktionen/freie Journalisten parallel zu diversen Themen befragt wurden. Im Durchschnitt sind es knapp 50 Pressemitteilungen, die ein Redakteur oder ein freier Journalist täglich per E-Mail, Fax oder Briefpost erhält. Allerdings können mehr als 80 Prozent davon nicht redaktionell verwertet werden. Allein zwei von drei Nachrichten passen nicht oder nur zum Teil in das Ressort oder zum Interessenprofil des Empfängers. Wer erfolgreich Pressearbeit betreiben möchte, sollte also mehr Zeit in den Aufbau und die Pflege des Presseverteilers investieren. Oft mangelt es auch an Grundsätzlichem - so wünschen sich Journalisten am häufigsten (82 Prozent), that press releases sent by e-mail to the media, contact details for queries, so that we can reach you when requesting information so quickly and easily. Just as important to them is a meaningful subject line as a header. Many editors want pictures of the press in the e-mail so that they can illustrate the messages.
also benefit from this: If journalists can make an image to the article about your company, the publication is more prominent than no picture. Images therefore represent a large, mostly untapped opportunity dar press portals from companies that only messages without editing Friend, uses only a third of the way newsrooms. Almost all journalists would like to receive news releases by e-mail. After all, nearly 60 percent of newsrooms and independent journalists have indicated that they press officer at the research rarely or never deal. Call not equal to the professionally competent colleagues, if they have the contact details of the Press Secretary. Mutual assessment of press editors and managers, however, go far apart: How about 90 percent believe the press spokesman said that the editors use their press releases because they have confidence in the reliability of the information provided therein. However, see the only 53 percent of the editors Sun While 83 percent believe the press officer that the editors use their press releases because they give them a time saving for your own research, saying this only half of the editors. 74 percent of the press in charge think they know the exact way of working in the newsroom. However, only 58 percent believe the editors who know about the approaches taken in the press responsible.
Tip: Ask the next conversation with a journalist whether he your press releases to be helpful and quickly feels and what you can still improve, if necessary.
also benefit from this: If journalists can make an image to the article about your company, the publication is more prominent than no picture. Images therefore represent a large, mostly untapped opportunity dar press portals from companies that only messages without editing Friend, uses only a third of the way newsrooms. Almost all journalists would like to receive news releases by e-mail. After all, nearly 60 percent of newsrooms and independent journalists have indicated that they press officer at the research rarely or never deal. Call not equal to the professionally competent colleagues, if they have the contact details of the Press Secretary. Mutual assessment of press editors and managers, however, go far apart: How about 90 percent believe the press spokesman said that the editors use their press releases because they have confidence in the reliability of the information provided therein. However, see the only 53 percent of the editors Sun While 83 percent believe the press officer that the editors use their press releases because they give them a time saving for your own research, saying this only half of the editors. 74 percent of the press in charge think they know the exact way of working in the newsroom. However, only 58 percent believe the editors who know about the approaches taken in the press responsible.
Tip: Ask the next conversation with a journalist whether he your press releases to be helpful and quickly feels and what you can still improve, if necessary.
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