Friday, December 10, 2010

15x15cm Aluminum Foil Barge

resolve conflicts with business partners, customers or employees? 4 Tips for successful talks

   Sie ärgern sich immer wieder über einen Geschäftspartner, Kunden oder Mitarbeiter? Dann liegt es an Ihnen, dies anzusprechen: Ihr Gegenüber ahnt womöglich gar nichts von dem, was Sie ärgert oder bedrückt, oder er verdrängt diese Ahnung. Sie sind also am Zug, um die Schwierigkeit aus der Welt zu schaffen: Sie müssen mit ihrem Gegenüber darüber reden. Das ist schwierig, aber es bringt Sie weiter.     
  1. Erleichterung verschaffen und Distanz gewinnen Es ist oft sinnvoll, Ärger to demonstrate and to express the feeling. It provides a relief when you can simply say: "That angers me mad now!" Also, your guests do so not guess your feelings, but know where they stand. However, you should never lead with acute anger a conflict conversation, because otherwise the situation can escalate. It goes first to get rid of a sentence. Create otherwise first distance. Go back to your office or run a lap around the block and calm down first. agree
  2. date for clarifying discussion only after you make an appointment with the conflict partners for a discussion of where you both are not under time pressure. Decide in advance how long it might take the conversation is expected, and ask the others to take that time. Make sure that the other does not surprise, but give it a keyword that you want to discuss with him. What to do if your opponent conflict immediately want to talk to you about it? Then you should enter only under two conditions. First, if you know for sure that is present on both sides sufficient time and peace for the interview. On the other hand, if you have already thoroughly prepared and ready to commit internally. In all other cases, you reject the Request from the other. Refer to the fact that you prefer to talk in peace and want to prepare for the meeting.
  3. improve the relationship generally relax and interact Also think about whether it makes more sense might not only on the basic relationship of conflict to their partner. Try out this new behaviors to see if something changes between them. Maybe you manage to put themselves in the role of the other, and find a clue that might disturb him. If you behave differently on this point, your opponent conflict will behave towards you otherwise, as you are partners in a System in which your actions are interrelated. You may do it in this way to build some tension, so that is out after a while a conflict conversation easier to continue existing critical details. Slide
  4. The conversation in no way But when you try to ignore a conflict for a long time, development often follows the principle of "pressure cooker": All you annoyed for some time fermenting in the pot to himself. The pressure on the cover is more and more until the lock can no longer keep him on the pot, the lid flies injected explosively out into the air and the contents of the pot. Applied to the conflict means that you lose one day but the countenance, yet because this is a small thing and then the other fiddling really sleep opinion. This may well be cleaning, but is also dangerous. In many cases, the others by surprise and knocked on the head. That your anger has been building up already for a long time, they have not noticed, because you have so far said nothing. Now, your partner conflict with any accusations showered at once and of course fight back against it - escalation is often the result, and a solution of the conflict seems to have receded into the distance. You win nothing, if you procrastinate the conversation about the conflict going on.


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