It is or was an especially common pitfall when applying for the start-up grant: who went about in the four weeks prior to the creation of a secondary activity, and more besides than the -I-related unemployment benefit allowed to earn € 165, which has been reduced not only the unemployment compensation for the difference, but the foundation grant - and indeed throughout the period of the basic grant, a full nine months. This was true even when the founder of the ancillary activities at the beginning of independence ended. A one-time 100 € to high earnings led for example to a loss of 900 €. This unjust and incomprehensible scheme is finally a ruling by the Federal Social Court (Case No.: B 11 AL 12/10 R) history.
The applicant had until 31 May 2007 unemployment allowance of € 1315 per month based. In the course of May (so we have reconstructed it), he held a second job, which he achieved an income or a profit of 320 €, ie 155 euros more than the allowance in the amount of 165 €. With the recording of his first self- June, he finished the sideline. His unemployment for May was 1,315 reduced to € 1,160 and reduced as a result, paid out during the promotion of the basic foundation allowance per month 1,615 to 1,460 €. His claim: not only he made in May 2007, unpaid overtime, he was for it with a deduction of a total of 1,395 Euros punished with up grants.
There was a rollercoaster of emotions: his opposition to the scheme was rejected by the Employment Agency. The court then called Social him right. The employment agency successfully appealed against the State Social Court (LSG), a vocation. The plaintiff read this are not based on himself and appealed to the Federal Social Court (BSG), a. With success: The judges of the 11th Senate to keep the wording of the law is ambiguous. A design unter Zugrundelegung des gekürzten Arbeitslosengelds würde dem Gesetzeszweck zuwiderlaufen.
Vorsicht: Entscheidend für die Höhe des Gründungszuschusses dürfte künftig sein, ob eine nebenberufliche Tätigkeit oberhalb von 165 Euro während der Selbständigkeit fortgesetzt wird oder nicht. Wird sie fortgesetzt, so kann es für den entsprechenden Zeitraum auch weiterhin zu einer Kürzung des Gründungszuschusses kommen. Da man als Gründer (aufgrund der Anrechnung auf das Arbeitslosengeld I) keinerlei Vorteil von einem Verdienst über 165 Euro während der vier Wochen vor der Gründung zieht, bleibt unser Rat bestehen, in diesem Zeitraum maximal für 165 Euro zu arbeiten. So erspart man sich Missverständnisse und Rechtsunsicherheit.
Quelle: www. Grü
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