Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Yahoo Stock Ticker Dji

Nice day.

only fix, I sit in the Unibibo and must be yes, at least a little
pretend that I actually work: D
I have today written mails to two psychologists, the preliminary talks had offered me ... so far nothing came back, but I'm waiting times still off the next day.

Challenge Update:
Sport: falls down to a few crunches flat again
Food: ~ 1100kcal completely i. O.
tasks: vocabulary I learned today already fine and what really motivated:
It does what * _ *
plan until next WeightIn: Morgen Mensaessen+Schwimmen,
Donnerstag Apfel-Joghurt-Quark-Mono und hoffentlich wieder steppen *_*

@Kat: Das denke ich auch. Im Moment bin ich generell ziemlich positiv gestimmt :)

@Nicole: Danke, du hast auch schon ne Mail mit der Adresse von mir *freu*

@Me: Ich drück dir auf jeden Fall die Daumen. Wenn du genug Motivation hast, wird das sicher was :)
Und dankeschön :D

@strawberryblond: Ich geh an sich recht gerne raus, aber kaum, um Sport zu machen :>
Da ist der Stepper echt Gold werd. Ich got my bought used, but there's
Sun from € 40 ... first sounds like a lot, but it is a really worthwhile purchase:)

@ Apple: My friend is definitely a total love and wonderful. Sure it can be sometimes
an ass, but I'm also from time to time on Rumzicken. In spite of everything ... we love way * _ *
Oh yes, I also mean damn much, that love for me ... because dasind feels like a bit of everything so bad.

@ Chris: In an open relationship, it probably comes down, but that is okay for me.
love is a head and heart thing, not a body thing.
I lieeeeebe cooking shows also, or so documentaries about how cheese / pasta / etc. be of Made
. I find this really interesting: D I take my happy time to prepare my food [vegetable wash, snip weigh, etc.], but just a frozen vegetable stir-fry is also okay. Your recipes in any case I find really convenient.

The Mini Stepper is really great, I miss the moment - next to the wrench to tighten the screws - really. Fortunately, I live on the ground floor got under me and the basement: D

Well ... healthy eating is one thing, but sometimes I just simply very strong cravings for more unhealthy stuff ... so I fail from time to time a bit. I taste healthy food, without question, but just not for me is all.

The therapist was ... okay. She seemed a little harsh and not quite so understanding, as I had hoped for me, but I'm still quite felt comfortable. I'm waiting times nor the other preliminary talks [on which it is so hopefully] from.

I feel even fundamentally not worse than before - I'm just happy first, that the
things have names and can now be worked on. I'm also from me
not even thought of that in me so much twisted. I also have no problem with
me something to admit - on the contrary, I rather fear, I still improve in some reinzu .
I'm really confident that it will again. I am only the actual amount has
very surprised.

@ Candy: Those that know are pretty sweet to me, anyway.
I know but not really, as I once supposed to teach my father, because he understands something simply not . He knows no guarantees about what eating disorders, perhaps he once heard that there is anorexia, but that's all it should have been .
He pushes still NEN almost hatred for my mother and when he learns somehow
how much they supported me right now, he comes back with his old conspiracy theories a la "You let yourself from your mother "etc. to influence. -.-
some point I have to say it to him. For better or worse. Und er wird sicher nicht derjenige sein
wollen, an dem es liegt, obwohl er anscheinend schon nen Großteil der Schuld trägt.

Mein kleiner Bruder war auch total süß...er meinte neulich auch, dass er auf jeden Fall für
mich da ist. Er mag ein pubertierender Rüpel sein, aber er hat eine zarte Seele, die es auch sehr traurig macht, wie es mir gegenwärtig geht.

Es tut mir so leid, wie es dir jetzt geht...ich wünschte, ich könnte mehr als nur virtuell
für dich dasein. Wärst du denn bereit, nochmal ne Therapie zu versuchen?

My best also means that I'm not really good to live alone, the
therapist was very surprised about it yesterday. I though I have so far under control, but still ... good is not really the state.

Shall we start all over just a broken girl motivational WG? Somewhere in a nice big old house? * _ *

I have until mid / late February re-semester break, but that does not mean I do not have time. We are guaranteed to find a weekend or Another day in between.
I love you too much in love with it * * knutsch

love all greetings to you all, I'll report back tomorrow:)


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