Thursday, December 2, 2010

Fraternity Invitation Wording

Event Tip: Viral Marketing - with blogs, Twitter and other Internet media to success!

"Viral marketing is a form of marketing that social networking and media is use to with a most unusual or cryptic message a brand, a product or a campaign to draw attention. Although the epidemic spread is similar to a word of mouth, viral marketing is not like this, since the initiation of spreading word of mouth usually indicates neutral participants. The term "viral" means that information about a product or service within a very short time, like a biological virus from human to be carried on to people "-.. As far as the definition aloud Wikipedia

social media, blogging and Twitter have been some .'s boom and are already used successfully by companies and entrepreneurs, The big advantage: it costs almost nothing - except time and the right know-how to use

To "Tools," which the Web usually provides free of charge really professional. and the time Effort to limit is to take care.

Dr. Angelica Laurençon and Ilona Orthwein have been concerned for some time with the subject and have gained valuable experience. This they intend to make this evening the women entrepreneurs are available.

Participants should bring a web-enabled notebook (netbook, laptop) to the new self to try out.

And that's the point:

  • What is a blog and what he can do?
  • microblogging the example of Facebook and Twitter
  • its own Twitter account - as directed one woman to use it professionally und möglichst zeitsparend
  • Nachrichten-Feeds als Möglichkeit der schnellen Verbreitung von Botschaften
  • Die Fan-Seite bei Facebook für's eigene Unternehmen
  • Nützliche Webtools: SocialOomph, Hootsuite, Twitterfeed etc.
  • Last but not least: wie unterstützt unser Portal-Projekt mit seinen Webtools Ihr virales Marketing sinnvoll

Um eine möglichst intensive Mit-Arbeit zu gewährleisten, möchten wir die Veranstaltung auf 15 Teilnehmerinnen beschränken. (Netzwerk-Mitglieder werden bei großer Nachfrage bevorzugt.)

Wir danken ganz herzlich Dr. Claudia Kostka dafür, dass Sie uns Ihre Schulungs-und Trainingsräume in Berlin-Mitte, Auguststr. 65 zur Verfügung stellt.

Für einen herzhaften Imbiss und Getränke wird, wie bei jedem "Unternehmerinnenabend in Berlin" gesorgt sein.

Termin: 21.2.2011 18.30 Uhr
Ort der Veranstaltung : die Trainings- und Schulungräume der Energetic Change GmbH, Auguststr. 65, Berlin-Mitte


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