Monday, December 6, 2010

Summer Drivers Ed Suffolk


I have an atypical eating disorders.
I have a sexual disorder.
I depressive crises.

concluded the therapist the first time today, after we have talked a long session. It's all very confusing and complicated need in my head and a lot of time for processing. I came because of my ES to her, but she said that the other two problems are perhaps more important and bigger.
In the course should therefore prioritize werden, was man zuerst behandelt, um nicht mit eine Mal mit einem ZU VIEL konfrontiert zu sein.
Ich hab auch einen Termin für ein weiteres Vorgespräch bekommen, ein paar Tage vor Weihnachten. Sie sagte, dass sie es durchaus empfiehlt, sich auch noch um Vorgespräche bei Kollegen zu bemühen. Das werd ich auch machen, morgen Früh gehen nochmals Mails mit Anfragen raus. Die Resonanz auf die gestellten Anfragen war ja bisher durchaus positiv.

Es wird dauern. Ich rechne mit Monaten, Jahren sogar. Es wird zum Teil sicher echt unschön werden. Aber ich bin mir sicher, dass es mir hilft.

Ich war nach der Sitzung bei Nico. Er is there for me, he listened to me, he kissed me and hugged. He was everything that I needed. I was excited, but I'm not crying again collapsed in front of him.
I have the best phone who felt overwhelmed by the flood of information first, but it looked pretty good as well, that I've done it before the first step. That they will always be there for me and should I just call or come by.
I'm with mom on the phone that the whole thing really takes to heart. I mean, I'm also surprised at how broken I still am now. I would not have thought of me. She said that they would like for me to make me a hug.

The three most important ones are there for me, that means a lot to me, that's important. The motivated. That helps.
And I have you, you wonderful that you stand by me virtually. *

to Challenge:
Eaten: ~ 1200kcal. A little too much, but that's okay. A little Nikol On the ash had to be simple addition to normal meals. :)
tasks: Russian I learned fine sport today was not even there. The stepper is broken and what other things I had no time.
Motivation: I was completely at the university [even if only two lectures were], I've done what I'm feeling good.

I reply to your comments in the next post, now I go and hide myself a hot shower then to bed.

Sleep well, dear ones!


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