Thursday, December 2, 2010

Custom Made Running Tights

Free second day

Good morning, lovelies:)

here first, as promised, the cookies that I baked during the weekend. They are all soooo sinfully delicious. * _ *
And since today is due not Monotag, I consent to me later, maybe even one or two:)
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The day went pretty well yesterday, the apple-and-egg Mono I will definitely repeat.
I ate 5 apples and 5 eggs [always together], it worked fine. . Hunger I had not, just as I was unwisely to meinr girlfriend in the cafeteria and all around me had turkey breast fillets, pasta or Hefeplinsen, I got something Apettit ^ ^
I admit, I did slip up:
* 1 Latte Macchiato from vending
* 1 tea with milk
And since we in the cinema yesterday with Harry Potter in the O-Tone * _ * and drink afterwards or what were, Thats has
* 9 gummy bears and
* 1 pot of Chai with milk.

Still only milk, no sugar. I have before going to sleep again burned 450kcal, so I count the day and will definitely repeat the mono.

Balance eggs 500kcal - apples 400 kcal - Milk ~ 150kcal - gummi bears 75kcal
Total: 1125kcal

calories burned: 1600
Lost: 0.5 kg

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I'm free today, the university has NEN Holiday for six hundred and first Anniversary of the opening. So I'm stood up to you know the way sports and again the day will be pretty hard to use .
I totally got great energy and enthusiasm that came with me forever no longer available. I will clean up afterwards so little, the bathroom clean, start with the Christmas presents and maybe later go swimming, we'll see.

@ Candy: I \u200b\u200bhave it no more got done ", that my text is fully left, up about it after the list was from you: D
I join in and this time create wirs!

@ Charly : How to Guide me. I got this yesterday in relation to a good feeling because I achieved something. I want to have that feeling more often, ideally every day. That is why I see it just like you and will do everything:)

@ Sasaki : I follow the same plan as you - 1000kcal day and I think that is realistic.
I NEN totally mad tea Advent, so luckily nothing with chocolate xD

I wish you a wonderful day, lovelies! *


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