Wednesday, December 8, 2010

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Beware of unscrupulous counseling services

Dubious with questionable advisors seek counseling services, in particular small and medium-sized enterprises "To draw on the table." The callers expect this unique opportunity to support programs or the like.

Many entrepreneurs are in the word "program" hear everything ...

hide But behind those offered by the so-called consultants' funds analysis "is often merely lists of funding programs. Banks or other institutions require as a prerequisite for entry, however a sound business plan (business plan) or for capital projects with in-depth descriptions of specific plans (financial, liquidity, and sales plan) and repayment arrangements, which most of these consultants is not offered. In addition, certain programs can not be combined.

The RKW Hessen has a number of typical practical cases of mis-documented counseling services:

first The "expert"

It's a phone call with an offer that a consulting expert who is just "coincidentally" in the area, may come the same day. Frequently, these appointments are to knock off when it is quieter. (...) Believes in the usually very pleasant conversation, the specialist then the entrepreneur rhetorical and content. Finally, a contract is presented for signature. (...) If the contract submitted to be signed, usually daily fees of more than 1,500 €, or a flat rate of € 2,000 due. (...)

second The "Institute"

This turns on the phone before an institution with serious-sounding name. Either the same mesh is driven as in variant 1, that is a specialist in the area and can pass the same or a contract is sent by fax. This contract will be explained on the phone. The party urges of course that the fax signed is returned.

Typical services that are offered here are data base searches on funding, interesting markets, mega trends, competitors, etc. are usual in this case fixed prices from 3000 € up, or to certain criteria-based rates (eg number of possible funding, number of competitors, market volume) are the sum of 2,000 €. The result, usually an Internet search, surveys in printed form (with no longer part of current programs, in-bound copies). For companies in principle several programs in question. At 30 with funding einem Satz 200 Euro pro Programm sind somit schnell 6.000 Euro erreicht.

Beliebt sind auch sogenannte Marktrecherchen, bei denen neue Geschäftskontakte versprochen werden. Hierbei wird vertraglich eine Abrechnung nach Anzahl der gefundenen Kontakte (z. B. 100 Euro je Kontakt) versprochen. Manchmal werden auch Festbeträge von ca. 5.000 EUR vereinbart, wofür eine Mindestanzahl von z. B. 50 zu liefernden Unternehmensadressen versprochen wird.

3. Der „Verein“

Hierbei treten Vereine mit seriös klingenden Namen an die Geschäftsführer von kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen heran. Der Name oder die Darstellung the association suggests that these are aimed at helping at-risk companies.

is on the phone trying to determine the analytical needs and suffering of the companies sent to exploit. Then try to agree an appointment relatively quickly to perform a free site analysis. Travel and accommodation costs are borne mostly by the company. The club then send an appointment confirmation by fax. These services are carried out voluntarily, it is expected that the entrepreneur joins the club, and an amount as admission fee (2,000 - 8,000 euros), and a three-digit euro sum (200 - 800 €) regularly paid as a monthly contribution.

How can protect entrepreneurs against such practices?
  1. most important rule: not just sign the contract or Fax
  2. regarded with suspicion and quiet again one night about sleep
  3. Qualified ask references (companies with contact information) and also check this!
  4. Contact institutions that have to do more with consultants such as the Industry and Commerce (IHK) or the RKW.
  5. If something was signed and board member of HWK or a Chamber of Commerce are: contact the local legal department. These members give free advice
  6. Alternatively, you can also contact a lawyer. Possibly. resulting costs can be covered by legal expenses insurance.
Source: RKW Hessen,


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