Friday, December 17, 2010

Deer Hot Sticks Nutritional Facts

Buchtipp: 10 kleine Weihnachtsfrösche

Every year many of the same question, namely what they give to their children, nieces, nephews or children of friends and relatives for Christmas should. Books are still popular, but these should entertaining, original, funny and educational to be valuable. Moreover, should children watch in silence many small details that lead to that again like they always browse in a book. And this is what has the author Simone hardener with her book "10 Little Christmas Frogs", illustrated by Tanja Donner (known for her design work in books and board games) was made. The dramatic entrance with the words:

"10 small Weihnachtsfösche meet a friend. One of them picked a bunch, because they are too ...", ninth

developed, however, after further losses, a happy ending. Then they fly "up to the sky" and distribute gifts by the fireplace .. Of course, with "merry tinkling" The fact that cheeky "crackers" are among them, can be seen only at second glance
the author:.
hardener Simone, born in 1970 in Metzingen, lives with her family in Reutlingen . After six years of office job brought her to the school at night school and studied business administration after the birth of her first daughter she was digging up old photos and books -. and began to delight even Geschichten zu schreiben.Auf die Suche nach gleichgesinnten Künstlerinnen und Künstlern, gründete sie im Jahr 2006 den Härter Kinderbuchverlag und startete mit dem Erstlingswerk „Gestatten, Froschkönig!“. Als Mitglied bei den Bücherfrauen (women in publishing)
ist sie gemeinsam mit Anja Krauß 
Regionalsprecherin der Stuttgarter Bücherfrauen. Mit dem Journalistinnenbund werden regelmäßig Tipps und Veranstaltungsinformationen rund um das Thema Medien und Bücher ausgetauscht. Neuigkeiten gibt es auch über den Twitter-Account Especially at Christmas gift books published and musicals for children to listen to, sing along and watch.


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