Companies are sometimes much more than our politicians. "Many are waiting for clear guidelines, which require the sustainable management," says jury member Horst Hamm in his speech to the ceremony of the 4th Sustainability Award EthikBank. First prize, this time the brewery Clemens Härle from the Allgäu region, which - as the presenter - was already there, where the whole of Germany in a few decades to be: away from oil, coal and gas. And away from nuclear power. (...)
first climate-neutral Brauerei Deutschlands
(...) Die ökologischen Leistungen der Härle Brauerei könnten vorbildlicher nicht sein. Horst Hamm hebt in seiner Laudatio die Holzhackschnitzelanlage heraus: „Diese versorgt nicht
nur das eigene Unternehmen mit Wärme aus dem nachhaltigen Rohstoff Holz, sondern auch Unternehmen in der Nachbarschaft. Der Strom, der im Unternehmen gebraucht wird, wird
ausschließlich mit Hilfe von Wasser- und Windkraft, Biomasse und mit der Kraft der Sonne erzeugt.“ Gottfried Härle ist stolz auf diese Leistung, stolz darauf, dass seine Brauerei als Erste in Deutschland Bier zu Hundert Prozent klimaneutral braut. Auch der Fleet is fueled with a renewable resource
- with biodiesel. "They do so not only the environment and the climate a good thing when you put your
energy supply to wood as a domestic
renewable resource. They strengthen the local tree farmers and the region, "says Horst Hamm.
(...) The region - and it makes itself Haerle (left) strongly. If there is to read on a sign at the edge of a barley field: "Here the barley is growing for your Härle beer," which is not only first-class regional marketing, ist auch sehr sympathisch. Die Landzunge, eine Initiative zur Vermarktung heimischer Qualitätsprodukte in der Gastronomie, hat Gottfried Härle mitgegründet.
Mittlerweile haben sich dieser 80 Gastronomiebetriebe aus der Region Allgäu-Oberschwaben angeschlossen. Damit hat sich die Landzunge zu einem der erfolgreichsten gastronomischen Regionalvermarktungsprojekte Deutschlands entwickelt. Gottfried Härle ist einer von vier ehrenamtlichen Geschäftsführern; seine Brauerei versorgt die Landzunge mit kostenlosen
Verwaltungs- und Buchführungsleistungen. Bier gehört nicht in den Naturkostladen
Die Landzunge vermarktet unter anderem das Landzüngle – ein aus Bio-Gerste and bio-hop
produced beer which is brewed in Härle for seven years. With discomfort thought Gottfried Haerle then the fate of most organic beers that gather dust on the shelves of health food stores. Therefore, he wanted to offer its first organic beer there, "where it is in
measurable quantities consumed, in the inns and guest houses." Landzüngle is the only barrel in order to enjoy it, you have to be in one of the 80 restaurants in the Allgäu, Upper Swabia and Lake Constance open.
tells us with a wink Gottfried Härle that his customers were mainly people who enjoy a regional, authentic and appreciate good-tasting beer. "If it then still organic, the better" That sounds believable, as is that the
Landzüngle the first beer, which was awarded the Baden-Wuerttemberg organic seal displayed on the web only at the end of the product description mentioned.
Who knows a company we Härle?
In the new year, the tender will be the 5th Sustainability Award EthikBank start. As Gottfried Härle Landzüngle only be sold there, where we drink, we will continue our Winners in the future by looking where they are the minds of people - our customers. The Sustainability Award EthikBank goes deep and looks deserved winners, the social and environmental benefits to implement the core business. As Gottfried Haerle: He brews beer auseinheimischen ingredients and uses for renewable energy.
Do you know such good company like Clemens Haerle Brewery in Leutkirch? Then you beat us to your favorites today for the invitation to the 5th Sustainability Award before!
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Quelle: EthikBank - E-Brief „Zeitfragen“: Dezember 2010
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